That's a Wrap - Institute for Educational Leadership

That's a Wrap:
Providing Wrap-around Services
for Student Success
Jacob Richardson
Brandon Hensley
College Success Coach
College Success Coach
M.A. Human Services
B.A. Human Services and Counseling
College Success Coach Grant
 Minority
 Pell
 First
Generation Status
 Less
than 15 credits
College Success Coach Grant
% of students completing SDV in first semester
% of students enrolling in ENF
% of students enrolling in MTE
% of students completing college-level English
% of students completing college-level Math
% of students completing at least 15 credits with a 2.5 GPA
% of students completing at least 30 credits with a 2.5 GPA
% of students earning a GEC or CEC
“It used to be that the big ate the small.
Now the fast eat the slow.”
Geoff Yang, Institutional Venture Partners
What Impacts Decisions
1st: College Website
2nd: Current Students
3rd: Formal Campus Tour
4th: Parents or family
Career Coaches
There is a special cadre of coaches who are working with many of the high
schools within Southwest Virginia Community College’s service region.
These professionals are working closely with high school guidance
counselors to help students find the right resources that will assist them in
achieving their career goals.
 Virtual
One Stop Shop
 Registering
 Financial
 Campus
 Photo
 Parking
 We
for classes
walk the student, not just direct
The Voyage to Retention: Anchoring Adrift Students to Success
SAILS (Student Assistance and Intervention for Learning Success ) is
the VCCS’s early alert system which allows instructors to quickly and
easily provide feedback on issues that a student needs to address as
well as to provide encouragement for positive academic performance.
SAILS increases communication between students and their instructors
MBTI (Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator) Personality Pathways: Identify
how your natural preferences affect interests and talents,
relationships, and ways of dealing with the world. Use the
information to assist you in making career and major decisions.
Student Services
The name “trio” was first used in the late 1960’s to describe
the first three federal outreach programs – Upward Bound,
Talent Search, and Student Support Services. The label TRIO
applies to those programs contained in Title IV of the regularly
amended Higher Education Act of 1965.
Veterans Upward Bound
The Veterans Upward Bound Program is funded through the United States
Department of Education as a part of the TRIO grant programs. The mission of
Veterans Upward Bound Program is to assist eligible veterans to become successful
in their educational and career goals.
Eligibility Requirements for Veterans Upward Bound
Any veteran who has served 181 days of active duty AND has received a discharge
other than dishonorable
Is a first generation college student
Meets low income guidelines established by the Department of Education.
Established academic need / been out of school for five or more years.
 Great Expectations launched in fall 2008 at five Virginia Community
Colleges, each of which received a grant to pilot components of the
program. Since then, the program has continued to expand to other
community colleges across the commonwealth. Our goal is for Great
Expectations to be available and easily accessible for all foster
youth in Virginia. Great Expectations helps Virginia’s foster youth
complete high school, gain access to a community college education
and transition successfully from the foster care system to living
Disability Services
Adaptive technology
Tests read out loud to the student
Special seating during classroom lectures
Extra time allowed for testing
A private room for test taking (proctored)
Tape recording of lectures
Note-taking assistance
Service animals
An interpreter
Books on tape
Other accommodation can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The Office of Pregnant and
Parenting Student Support
To improve services for pregnant and parenting students
To improve services for students that are experiencing domestic
violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking
Academic Support
Referral to:
 Health
 Social
 Domestic
Violence/Sexual Assault/Stalking Support
Career Services
 Offers:
 Help
create a cover letter and resume
 Help
with interview preparation
 Keeps
finger on the pulse of the job market
in service region
• Virginia’s Education Wizard helps students navigate the
process of selecting careers, finding majors, estimating
the cost of college, finding and applying for financial aid
and scholarships, and planning for transfer from a
community college to a four-year institution. The Wizard
can help you identify occupations that match the skill
sets you have and the skills you plan to attain.
The On Ramp Program assists dislocated workers with tuitions,
books, and certification/licensing fees in an effort to successfully
transition them back into the workforce through short term
training. Continuing education/workforce programs as well as
credit courses are encouraged.
You may qualify if you are a dislocated worker defined as:
displaced homemaker/caretaker
failed small business owner
eligible for, or exhausted unemployment insurance
Career Closet
According to style expert and author Daisy Lewellyn, it only takes 2.2
seconds for executives and managers to judge an applicant’s appearance
and their look. Therefore, dressing professionally is vital to landing the
job of one’s dreams and making a lasting impression. Now, students and
clients of Southwest Virginia Community College (SWCC) and Goodwill
Industries will have a chance to make a good first impression at no
additional cost.
Rapid Response
 Outreach
 Web
at fairs and events
 Follow-up
 Connect
appointment calls
with On-Ramp
4 County
Student Activities
According to the National Center for Education
Statistics, students who participate in extracurricular
activities have a 15 percent higher classroom
attendance rate than students who are not involved
Aerobic/dance studio
 Baseball Field
 Gymnasium
 Racquetball Courts
 Soccer Field
 Tennis Courts
 Weight Room
*Only community college in Virginia partnered with YMCA
The most dangerous time to fall is when
there is no one to pick you up