ASCII to Integer, a2i

CS 162
Introduction to Computer Science
Chapter 5
ASCII to Integer Conversion
Herbert G. Mayer, PSU
Status 11/9/2014
 #include <stdio.h> for getchar()
 Convert Decimal Digits to int
 Account for Sign
 Check integer Overflow on 16-Bit
 Maxint on 32-Bit
Specify a2i() Conversion
 Reading one input char at a time, assuming the
character is a decimal digit ‘0’..’9’
 Convert this ASCII string of decimal digits to its
corresponding integral value
 For example, the incoming string “123” is converted
to the integer hundred-and-twenty-three, i.e. 12310
 Be aware that this input is indeed a sequence of
ASCII character, not an integer value
 So we have to convert the digit ‘5’ for example to the
integer value 5, by subtracting from character ‘5’ the
value character ‘0’, and the difference is 5
 Int value of ‘5’ is: ‘5’ – ‘0’
Implement a2i() Conversion
int a2i( void )
{ // a2i
int number = 0;
while( ( ( c = getchar() ) >= '0' ) && ( c <= '9' ) ) {
number = number * 10 + ( c - '0' );
} //end while
return number;
} //end a2i
int main()
{ // main
cout << “Enter a decimal number: ” << endl;
cout << "The number was:” << a2i() << endl;
return 0;
} //end main
Discuss Code for a2i() Conversion
 The assumption in the code is that a sequence of
decimal digits can be read
 However, if not a single digit is entered, the correct
result of 0 is generated, due to initialization of
number; see “int number = 0;”
 A crucial test is: ( c = getchar() ) >= '0' ...
 Here a side-effect happens: A character is read from
standard in, and it is tested. Test becomes more
complex, but no further input happens
 The current number is shifted left by 1 decimal
position (multiply by 10) and the digit value is added
Account for Sign in a2i()
 Before reading one decimal digit at a time, check for
optional negative sign ‘-’ or a redundant positive
sign ‘+’
 Former ‘-’ will change the resulting value, by
inverting the sign
 State of ‘-’ has to be remembered; see variable neg
 The latter ‘+’ is silently skipped
 Once the sign is handled, proceed as before with the
decimal digits that make the number
Implement Sign in a2i()
int is_digit( char c )
{ // is_digit
return ( c >= '0' ) && ( c <= '9' );
} //end is_digit
int a2i0( void )
{ // a2i0
int number = 0;
int neg
= 0;
if ( c == '-' ) {
neg = 1;
c = getchar();
}else if ( c == '+' ) {
c = getchar();
} //end if
while ( is_digit( c ) ) {
number = number * 10 + ( c - '0' );
c = getchar();
} //end while
return neg ? -number : number;
} //end a2i0
Discuss Sign in a2i
 State variable neg is solely used to determine at the
end, whether sign inversion happens
 Here we us a conditional expression:
return neg ? -number : number;
 For the initial state of neg = 0, the decimal computed
so far is returned
 But if neg is set to a non-zero state, the sign is
inverted, all accomplished in a single conditional
 Note separation of the 2 options via the : and ?
Specify Overflow in a2i() on 16-Bit
 Delicate programming matter, analyzed by sample of
a fictitious 16-bit architecture
 On 16-bit computer the largest possible integer =
 On a two’s-complement architecture, the largest
negative value = -32768
 Both cases have to be handled, without the overflow
actually occurring, so we probe the growing integer
value, before the next multiply by 10, MAX10 = 3276
 Also track, whether scanning a negative int literal, in
which case the largest next decimal digit for 3276 is
8, versus the positive literal, for which largest next
decimal digit fir 3276 is 7
Specify Overflow in a2i() on 16-Bit
 Scanning a positive decimal int literal:
If number scanned so far is less than 3276, which is max
32767 / 10, then scanning 1 more digit is safe, do
number = number * 10 + ( c-'0’ );
But if number scanned so far is in critical range 3276, then
only some digits are safe, namely ‘0’..’7’
Else there will be positive overflow
 Scanning a negative decimal int literal:
If number scanned so far is less than 3276, which is max
32767 / 10, then scanning 1 more digit is safe, do
number = number * 10 + ( c-'0’ );
But if number scanned so far is in critical range 3276, then
only some digits are safe, namely ‘0’..’8’
Else there will be negative overflow
Check for Overflow in a2i()
#define MAX
#define MAX10 3276
// i.e. integer divide 32767 / 10 = 3276
. . .
int a2i1( void )
{ // a2i
int number = 0;
int neg
= 0;
if ( c == '-' ) {
neg = 1;
c = getchar();
}else if ( c == '+' ) {
c = getchar();
// keep neg = 0
} //end if
while ( is_digit( c ) ) {
if ( number > MAX10 ) {
printf( "Overflow 1. max = %d\n", MAX );
}else if ( number == MAX10 ) {
if ( c == '9' ) {
printf( "Overflow 2. max = %d\n", MAX );
}else if ( c == '8' ) {
if ( neg ) {
number = -32768;
printf( "Overflow 3. max = %d\n", MAX );
} //end if
number = number * 10 + ( c - '0' );
} //end if
number = number * 10 + ( c - '0' );
} //end if
c = getchar();
} //end while
return neg ? -number : number;
} //end a2i
Discuss Overflow in a2i
 The critical number = number * 10 + next digit is
performed only in safe state:
 For positive state, if the next digit after 3276 is ‘0’..’7’
one more iteration of the multiply is safe; yielding <=
 For negative state, if the next digit after 3276 is
‘0’..’8’ one more iteration of the multiply is safe;
yielding >= -32768
 Similarly on a 32-bit or today’s 64-bit computer; the
scanner for integer literals needs to be safe, and
detect integer overflow before it happens
 Common to have computers ignore integer overflow,
so it may be safe to simply experience it, but the
numeric value has to be safely scanned
Maxint on 32-Bit
#include <iostream.h>
{ // main
int expo;
// shift 1 32 times
unsigned long int pow = 1; // multiply repeatedly by 2
for ( expo = 1; expo <= 32; expo++ ) {
pow = pow * 2;
cout << " 2**" << expo << " = " << pow-1 << endl;
} // end for
cout << 0+4294967295 << endl;
cout << 0-4294967295 << endl;
} //end main
Maxint Output
2**1 = 1
2**2 = 3
2**3 = 7
. . .
2**14 = 16383
2**15 = 32767
2**16 = 65535
2**17 = 131071
2**18 = 262143
2**19 = 524287
2**20 = 1048575
2**21 = 2097151
2**22 = 4194303
2**23 = 8388607
2**24 = 16777215
2**25 = 33554431
2**26 = 67108863
2**27 = 134217727
2**28 = 268435455
2**29 = 536870911
2**30 = 1073741823
2**31 = 2147483647
2**32 = 4294967295