National Poetry Day poems

October 2015
A nationwide celebration of poetry: a day to
think of a poem and brighten life by sharing it.
This year’s theme is Light, so let poetry shine.
• Well done to everyone who got involved with
National Poetry day! Here are a selection of
the poems you produced.
Halle 5
Light is the feeling of joy
Light is the overseer of dark
Light is a child's favourite toy
An adventure, a trip to the park.
Light is electricity running through peoples' veins
The constant reminder to keep minds sane
The heart of an angel
The sunshine after the rain.
Light is life.
• Light is a haiku
• Light is the guide to the Moon
• Light is there at noon
Mr Rothwell. Delaney 3.
• 300,000
• kilometres per second.
• But photons or waves?
‘Light Is’ by Halle 10
Light is for fight
Light is bright
Light is shining brightly at night
Light is at the end of someone’s life
Light is sharper than the edge of a knife
Light is long
Light is strong
Light is the essence of hope
Light is happiness
Light is emotion
Light is like a drop in the ocean
Light is slow
Light is not low
Light is going with the flow
Light is like Halle 10
Light is Ben being late again!
I’m a cub,
Small and mighty,
I’m a cub,
Strong and light.
I’m a cub,
Watch me grow,
I’m a cub,
Watch me glow.
I’m a cub,
Now I roar,
I’m a cub,
Stronger than before.
I’m a lion,
Finally I am,
I’m a lion,
Brighter than all.
I’m a lion,
Time to hide,
I’m a lion,
Cant roar this time.
I’m old,
Weak and broke,
I’m old,
No more time to grow.
I’m old,
Scared of water,
I’m old,
Nowhere left to run.
I’m old,
I see the light,
I’m old,
It says “join me.”
But I say no.
Light is the future,
Light is the guide to the moon,
Light is bright.
Light is bright on a winter’s night,
Light causes fireworks to scream at night.
Light is bright on a winter’s night,
Light causes fireworks to scream at night.
Fireworks shine whilst you have a great
Candle light is as bright as the night.
The sea and sky crashes and collides together,
The sun is brighter than our future,
The sun is the light of the world,
The moon is the light of the night.
The stars are awake in the dark night,
The light disappears in the blink of an eye,
The light is as bright as perfect love,
The stars are as sparkly as diamonds.
The stars always look upon us,
The sun boils like my blood,
Light is bright on a winter’s night,
Light causes fireworks to scream at night.
Light is bright on a winter’s night,
Light causes fireworks to scream at night.
Fireworks celebrate with us and shout as
loud as they can,
The moon protects us from the dark.
The candle light was burning like a snail,
The fireworks blew out like a bomb.
A Christmas tree light came to life,
The sun shifts like a Lambo.
The fireworks are alive,
The light came to life.
When I spark the fire at dawn,
The world is alight.
The light in life
The shrew of darkness is on its way,
Only to make our lives black and grey,
But we always get that sprinkle of light,
That helps us throughout the way.
The sun shines light,
Shines it through our eyes,
Giving them that spark of beauty,
The glint of laughter,
Light gives us our happiness…
But what if the darkness was too heavy,
And the light didn’t help,
Our eyes would not sparkle,
And our smile would not show…
Light gives us laughter,
And Laughter makes us cry,
The darkness will never take over,
Only since the light,
It’s already saying goodbye…
Your my light at the end of the tunnel,
The love inside of me.
Opening my eyes to see you,
Makes my heart flood.
When it’s dark,
Your eyes glow.
Even if the world ends you will be with me,
Because you are my mum.
Fireworks go bang, bang, bang,
Colours spread through the sky.
Glorious memories from when you were,
Never let travel get you down,
Your ambitions shouldn’t be broke.
The flame I used to watch,
Finally blew out.
My heart got darker,
Until I didn’t feel alright.
The light flickered back on,
And the flame blew on.
My heart was relieved and,
I watched forever more.
The Burning Demon
Why is there light
It is so bright
Does it have a reason
Or is it pure freedom
I feel a demon burning inside
Captured alive
it cant survive
But wait
it Can Be revived
I will save it
I will be brave
In my heart I will engrave
the secret of the demon
He is Such a Mystery
No one knows his history
It will be my Victory
I had enough
It will be rough
But I will do it
I will save it
But how is this done
It will be a long run
but it will be fun
In the distance I see the cave
It is Dark
the Demon will rise the night today
it will spread its wings to Shine
As this is done
it is day
The Fire
Burning brighter than any other flame,
Shunning darkness as he’s on his way,
Walking across earths mightiest plains,
He questions his own existence,
Who has made him?
What is he for?
All he could do was flood his own mind,
Only until,
He truly realised,
He was here to protect,
He was here to serve,
He was here to save lives,
So many things popped in his mind,
Most importantly,
The meaning of life.
Spread his word he surely must,
He knows he can’t keep this from the people,
He doesn’t have family,
To spread the message,
For him not,
So what could he do?
To spread his message,
Such a dilemma,
It confused him.
So now he has passed it on,
As far as the eye can see are thousands of diamonds locks to be
opened with a key
Dropping down like tears
That conquered the moons fears
Fighting death and heat to love and crystallized sleet
Face to face with the clear sea
Then flying up to the sun feeling free
Animals growling down below
Soft and silky sands that glow
Empty hearts waiting to be filled
While the shadow of the past is gently stilled
Glistens and gleams in the sky so high
As the watchful universe raises its eye
Peace and light make her spread the pearly wings
As her beautiful voice echoes and sings
We all want light in our world
But trust me it is gently becoming unfurled
• Drifting through the midnight blue sky,
Fulfilling dreams for me and you,
Shooting around back and forth,
Spreading Love and happiness to all,
One look into its glistening eyes
Lighting up their little faces,
Fighting the darkness,
And join together when the morning Comes.
Ema. ‘Firelight.’
She gave me great memories,
and oh, has so much flow,
her smile light up a room,
and warms my inside,
camping out, cozy nights,
beside firelight,
her touch is heat to my skin,
but can get out of hand,
when you leave her unattended,
there will be outrage,
camping out, cozy nights,
beside firelight,
sets fire to my memories,
warms my heart to the point of pain,
so yes, she needs attention,
but she's really all man has needed to survive.
E- Electron, the birth of a new hero.
L- Loving and kind to all of his fellow citizens.
E- Energy rises for him when the sun does.
C- Coursing through his veins, the electric sparks rises within him.
T- The power to travel through time and space means he can save people anywhere
and anyWHEN.
R- Ripping through evil is his job.
I – It’s not about the power because for him, it’s the people.
C – Conveying to everyone that good is the right path
L- Like a legend, he will never be forgotten.
I – I will always be protected by this guy.
G- Great power comes great responsibility, both of which he has.
H- His eruption of power can be seen as a blue glow coming out of his body
T- The universe is now protected by this HERO
He rolls in taking in the heat of his Divine colours,
His sun,
He looks like our god but feels like their black flames of hell,
The way he burns through the pretty sky is like the blood of a sad cartoon,
He burned so much he turned blue like a mystic wave floating on an ocean,
We pray for him although he makes us feel notorious but bold,
He rolls in taking in the heat of his silent unstable,
His sun,
He is our anonymity,
Our beautiful mould of white,
But then he turns darker and we cry for more laughter,
He grows smaller,
Before we know it he burns to the ground,
We have lost what we have found.
I saw him glowing, dancing, moving,
Shining like a moon at night.
Colourful, bright and warming being,
Shining like the sun in the sky.
He had no powers - didn’t need them,
As bright as light, As warm as heat
He floated, and I didn’t stop from seeing
Him playing, dancing in the moonlight.
Neon light
Neon lights everywhere
as she zooms through the air
as the lights dance everywhere,
she shines a light in my eyes
I'm telling you, this isn't a lie
I feel a shiver run through my thighs
and up I go to the skies
Swirling, twirling and whirling surrounded by these colourful lights
Blue, pink, red and yellow through the night
starlight looked down on neon light with jealousy in all her heart.
Molly and Rosa
A swift swipe of a match
and then you will hatch
an illuminating radiance
she is perfect ; effortless maintenance
a gleaming explosion beginning to elaborate
a glowing exposure fighting to collaborate.
Starlight shines down upon her so calm she cries into her palm. Her body hold scars to places nobody goes
she’s seen places nobody knows.
Tired of replaced feeling displaced in constant disgrace she’s tired of it all of feeling so small; unwanted;
She hears it all the wind moaning in pain hearing everyone around her so vain! Listening to nirvana thinking of
all the people who’ve caused harm to her…
Just look into her eyes and you will see the pain hidden in her pride that suddenly died & her past she wonders
why time goes by so fast Why?
Looking up into a night so bright so beautiful and dark her eyes are like a dying spark! Just like our eyes our
hearts have a way of adjusting to the dark… starlight her saviour, could anyone be braver?
Is the essence of hope on a dark and dull night, starlight is a fight against evil. A light sharper than the edge of a
knife, a light seen at the end of her life!!
Radiant, passionate, determined, illuminating the way for others helping them see even I the most darkest
lonely night it shines bright like she once smiled beautiful elegant yet un-admired!
Fearful, petrified and hated, He was underrated.
Comfort me, cover me , cuddle me, give me sight
but when his use was finished,
he was again isolated.
No love, no trust,
just a lot anger and violence,
was it his fault that they used him and mistreated him?
He was bright as the stars who are hundreds light years away,
and hot as the sun,
but inside he was as dark as the night and cold as the arctic.
Death, grief, despair
would be all he felt around him
is wrong to try to be loved?
and one day if not tomorrow they will come,
with their swords to vanquish him and turn him into ashes of the ages,
and then they will realise why he should be treasured and loved.
He is a demon that only brings pain and death,
He isn’t patient and he isn’t nice.
He doesn't know when to stop because his temper is short,
He is sly and he wears a disguise.
He moves on the ground tearing everything in his path,
He moves quickly getting everywhere in a short amount of time.
He is here and there, he is everywhere,
He starts in one place but ends everywhere.
Death might think it’s strong but when it knocks on death’s door he will be in on a surprise.
For this light, this fire is dangerous.
Everything and everyone should be afraid.
When you see him run the other way and never turn back,
Fear is his weapon, making people flee.
When someone is afraid they make mistakes and mistakes can lead to death.
Light is Bright
By Akash Patel
The sun, the sun,
The stars think that it’s their mum,
The sun is the God of the solar system,
But remember it doesn’t make sounds like a sound system,
Candles, candles,
They flicker in the night,
Their soft bodies are not very tight,
Although to stay alight, they try all their might,
Fireworks they make a bang,
They exploded like they sang.
Well done to everyone who got
involved in National Poetry day
on the 8th October: we had over
73 entries. The two winners are
Keegan and Ema, who both win
a copy of 'The Forward Book of
Poetry 2015.'