Fulbright US Student Program

May 17, 2011
Aajar Zaman, Bangladesh, 2004
Xiao Li Tan, China 2005
John Reuter, Ukraine, 2004
Andrew Lee, Singapore, 2006
Outline for today
Program Overview
Thinking of Applying
Grants and Benefits
Fulbright Application
Application Process
Some things to keep in mind
UCSD at a glance
Program Overview - The U.S. Student
Program is designed for:
Recent BA/BS graduates
Master's and doctoral candidates
Young professionals, including
writers, journalists, and those in
law, business, and other
professional fields
Artists and musicians
Rosanna Brilliantes – Philippines
Program Overview - A Fulbright allows
University coursework
Independent library or field research
Professional training in the arts and
other fields
Rebecca Tyroler-Cooper - China
Assistant English-teaching
Invaluable opportunities to meet, work,
and live with the people of the host
country, sharing daily experiences
Program Overview - A Fulbright allows
Opportunities to promote mutual
understanding through engagement in
the community
Appreciation of other’s viewpoints and
beliefs, the way they do things, and the
way they think, through direct
interaction with them
Lydia Boyd - Uganda
Program Overview - Who is eligible?
U.S. Citizens
Those with Bachelor’s degrees, equivalent training or
professional experience by grant start
Sufficient language ability as required by host country and
in keeping with the Fulbright mission
Able to pass simple physical exam (no conditions which
would interfere with your ability to complete your project)
Program Overview - Who is NOT
Non U.S. citizens (including permanent residents)
Ph.D. degree-holders
Previous U.S. Student Fulbright Study/Research grant
Dual citizens or residents in some host countries (check
website country descriptions)
Thinking of Applying - A Fulbrighter
Strong academic and/or
professional preparation
Demonstrated leadership ability
Phuong Do - Vietnam
Less than six months spent in
host country (excluding
undergraduate study abroad)
Focus on community involvement
Grants and Benefits - Types of awards
Basic Grant Types
Full Grants
English Teaching Assistantships
Travel-Only Grants (Italy, Germany, or Hungary only)
Special Fulbright Programs (within the full grant structure)
Business Grant (Australia, Mexico, the Netherlands, or Spain)
Journalism Grant (Germany, UK, Taiwan)
Critical Language Enhancement Awards
Fulbright-mtvU Awards
Opportunities in the Sciences and Public Health
Grants and Benefits - Types of awards
Other Fulbright Country-Specific Awards
While many countries offer specific awards, applicants must indicate in
the SPECIAL PROGRAMS section of the application if they wish to be
considered for one of the awards listed below.
•Africa, Sub-Saharan:
Fulbright/Fogarty Fellowships
•Australia: CSIRO
•Ireland: Irish Language
•Italy: Slow Foods
•Italy: Deaf Studies
•Italy: Polytechnic of Turin
•Mexico: Graduate Degree Awards
•Mexico: Public Policy Initiative
•Netherlands: Water Management Award
Fulbright Application
You can access the application here: https://us.fulbrightonline.org
Fulbright Application - Online
Or go directly to the embark site: https://apply.embark.com/student/fulbright/usa/24/
Fulbright Application
Complete the “face page” (Step B: Page 1) all in one sitting. You
may return to this page to update your answers at any time prior
to submitting the application, but it is important that you complete
the basic data at the start.
Once you create an account, choose UC San Diego as your
institution, and me (Linda Vong) as your FPA, I will have you on my
list of applicants.
Fulbright Application
Personal Narrative
Letters of Recommendation
Letter of Affiliation
Language Evaluation
Supplemental materials (for those applying in the arts)
Fulbright Application- Proposals
What Fulbright wants to see
Academic or Professional Qualifications
Validity and Feasibility of Project
Foreign Language Proficiency
Evidence of Adaptability and Motivation
Personal statements that read like an intellectual biography,
rather than a reiteration of a family history
Application Process - General
Three step review process
-Institution review
-National screening committee review
-Country review
Announcements on your application progress will be made at the
end of January, 2012
-moved to country review or not
Announcements regarding the funding status of your application
will be made on a rolling basis from the end of March – September.
Application Process - General
Application process – paper copy no longer needed (except for
supplemental arts materials)
Make sure to “preview” each page since the embark application
may allow more characters than the pdf conversion will capture.
Multiple letters of affiliation must be scanned and saved as ONE
pdf and uploaded in ONE pdf.
2 language report forms allowed this year (for two different
languages, not two for the same language)
Application Process - General
Significant coursework = need transcripts, but if you took 1 or 2
non-essential courses at cc, don’t need those transcripts. UG
transcripts are absolutely necessary!
-Official transcripts needed
-Need to be in this order: UG,
master’s, PhD (name them
accordingly to lessen confusion)
Steven J. Vanek, Bolivia
Application Process - UCSD
Submit online by our internal deadline of September 12
-Please note that our internal deadline is WAY earlier
than the national deadline – plan ahead!
-nothing is hard copy anymore, unless you have
supplemental arts materials
-official transcripts and letters of affiliation will now
have to be scanned and uploaded as a word doc or PDF
Once you have submitted your application, I review the proposals
to pick faculty for your interview
Application Process – The Interview
The interview will be with 1-2 faculty who fit into one of these
-has/have been a past fulbrighter
-has/have knowledge about your country of interest
-has/have knowledge about your topic (but may not
necessarily be from your home department)
The interview is informal, but it is necessary that you come
prepared to talk about your research and plans in detail
-can you talk to non-specialists as well as field experts?
Application Process – The Interview
I will also be sitting in on interviews to take notes
You will be evaluated at the institution level on several factors
Academic qualifications
Language qualifications
Validity and feasibility of proposal
Knowledge of host country
Impression you would make abroad
Application Process - Fulbright tools
The Fulbright online application
Fulbright blog – replaces the old applicant newsletter
Podcasts and webinars
PDF versions of application forms
Application Process - Timeline
Start thinking about possible project(s), identify
people for letters of rec, become familiar with
country specifications, identify country
Write, revise, and refine proposal and personal
Apply (by UCSD internal deadline of September
12), interview with faculty, and wait
Caleb Kim – South Korea
Application Process – Contact Info
World Regions/Areas
General Inquiries
East Asia and the Pacific Region
South and Central Asia
Europe (except Germany) and Eurasia
Africa and the Near East
Central America & the Caribbean Regional
Program, South America, Mexico and
External Relations/Outreach
Relevant Program Managers
Walter Jackson (wjackson@iie.org)
Jonathan Akeley (jakeley@iie.org)
Cara Doble (cdoble@iie.org)
Rachel Holskin (rholskin@iie.org)
Jermaine Jones (jjones@iie.org)
Jody Dudderar (jdudderar@iie.org)
Tony Claudino (tclaudino@iie.org)
Application Process - What Now?
Spend the summer thinking about your projects, setting up
affiliations, and writing/refining your proposal and personal
Get input on your project from professors, mentors,
specialists, colleagues and peers.
Email Linda Vong (lkvong@ucsd.edu), the UCSD Fulbright
Program Advisor, if you would like to set up an appointment to
go over specific questions, concerns, proposals, etc.
Some things to keep in mind
Research country-specific requirements
If you try to contact someone abroad for a letter of rec or a
letter of affiliation, they may not respond right away (if at all!)
Transcripts may take time to order/print
The application is pretty lengthy; start early. You can always
save your work and log back in and finish
Get input on your project from professors, mentors,
colleagues and peers
UCSD At-A-Glance (past three years)
Awards have been in the fields of Public Health, Music
Composition, Biology, Modern History, Philosophy, Math,
Oceanography, Psychology, Musical Instrument Training,
Sociology, Filmmaking, Political Science
Countries include Uruguay, Estonia, Nicaragua, Israel, Japan,
Germany, Taiwan, Hungary, Australia, Spain, Switzerland,
China, Argentina, Japan
Generally 1:3 ratio of acceptance for UCSD (though this is by
no means a guarantee)
Good Luck!
My contact information:
Linda Vong
Graduate Fellowship Advisor
Email: lkvong@ucsd.edu
Phone: 858.822.2938
Blog: http://ucsdgraduatefunding.wordpress.com