World History Final Review

Age of Revolution
1. Who paid the taxes, in France, before the French Revolution? 3rd Estate
2. Why was Marie Antoinette disliked in France? She was from Austria, who were the
enemies of France
3. Why did the people storm the bastille? To get weapons and defend themselves
4. Name the individuals who led independence movements in Latin America. Simon Bolivar, Jose
de San Martin, Toussaint l’Ouverture
5. What did Robespierre lead in France? Reign of Terror
6. What group was formed after the Reign of Terror, which gave Napoleon power? Directory
7. This country had a bloodless revolution. Brazil
8. What were the three mistakes of Napoleon? Continental System, Peninsula War, Russian
9. Congress of Vienna – restored old regimes to power in Europe
10. Guillotine – beheading device
11. Napoleonic Code – laws limiting personal freedoms
12. Napoleon – Military dictator of France
13. Coup d’état – overthrowing the government
14. Louis XVI – weak ruler of France
15. Marie Antoinette – Louis wife, from Austria, disliked by the French
Industrial Revolution
16. Why did the industrial revolution start in England? Large population of workers, natural
resources, and political stability
17. What did James Watt invent? Improved Steam Engine
18. Which country did Germany model its economy after? England
19. What did the Factory Act, in England, accomplish? Made it illegal to hire kids under the age
of 9
20. William Wilberforce – leader of the movement to abolish slavery in England
21. List the five causes of the US Civil War. Sectionalism, States’ Rights, Election of 1860,
Slavery, Westward Expansion
22. Thomas Edison – invented the first successful light bulb
23. Enclosures – large enclosed farms
24. Manifest Destiny – idea that the US was destined to expand west
25. Crop Rotation – growing crops in a different field each year
26. Capitalism – economic system where the goal is to make a profit
27. Urbanization – when people move to cities and the city grows in size
28. Strikes – refusal to work
29. Imperialism – extending your nations rule to other parts of the world
Global Imperialism
30. List the inventions from the industrial revolution. Steam Boat, Railroads, Rifles
31. “White Man’s Burden” – duty of Europeans to spread their culture to other parts of the
32. Who was the “Jewel in the Crown”? India
World War One
33. What was the “spark” or immediate cause of WWI? The assassination of the Serbian
Archduke Ferdinand
34. Why did the Bolsheviks gain peasant support in Russia? They promised to give land back to
the peasants
35. Why did Italy change sides during WWI? They were angry that Germany invaded Belgium
36. What happened on Russia during WWI? The country had its own revolution, becoming
Communist, and leaving the war early
37. Reparations – payment for damages done by the war
Global Depression and World War Two
38. What started the Great Depression? Stock Market crash of 1929
39. Who were the Axis powers during WWII? Germany, Italy, Japan
40. Who led the Soviet Union towards Communism? Stalin
41. Blitzkrieg – lightening war strategy, used by Germany
42. Lend-Lease Act – US supplied its allies with tools to fight the war
43. Was Germany successful attacking the Soviet Union? No, the winter stopped them
44. What event caused the US to join WWII? The attack on Pearl Harbor
45. Propaganda – posters and signs that try to convince people of a belief
46. Concentration Camps – Jews were sent here to die during the Holocaust
47. What day did Germany surrender? May 7, 1945
48. What day did Japan surrender? Sep 2, 1945
49. What dates did the US drop the atomic bombs on the two cities? Be specific. Hiroshima: Aug
6, 1945; Nagasaki: Aug 9, 1945
50. Albert Einstein – gave new ideas of space, energy, and general science ideas
51. Kamikaze – Japanese suicide pilots
52. Sigmund Freud – treated patients with psychological issues
53. Genocide – killing of a group of people
54. Fascism – loyalty to the state is the top priority
55. Non-aggression Pact – German and Soviet agreement not to fight
56. Benito Mussolini – leader of Italy
57. Gulags – forced labor camps
58. Adolf Hitler – leader of Germany
Cold War
59. Which countries controlled parts of Berlin? France, US, UK, and Soviet Union
60. What were the three things the United Nations was dedicated to? Peace, Justice, and
61. What was the plan the US had to rebuild Europe after the war? Truman Doctrine
62. How did Mao Zedong win support in China? Promised economic prosperity
63. Brinkmanship – willingness to go to the edge of all-out war
64. Ho Chi Minh Trail – supply route from N. Vietnam to S. Vietnam
65. Why was Vietnam called the “living room war”? It was televised everyday, with real
footage of the war
66. Ho Chi Minh – Communist leader of N. Vietnam
67. Fall of Saigon Date – April 30, 1975
68. Domino Theory – spread of communism is like dominos
69. Vietnamization – withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam
70. Vietcong – communist opposition group in the south
71. Napalm – gasoline based bomb
72. Put these events in order of when they happened, first to last:
a. World War One 1
b. Cold War 4
c. World War Two 3
d. Great Depression 2