CaseLaw Update

Jeanne M. Kincaid
Drummond Woodsum
Documentation Issues
Drummond Woodsum
Colleges and universities may wish to review
existing documentation guidelines and procedures in
light of the ADA Amendments Act of 2008
Drummond Woodsum
Too Strict
OCR faulted college for imposing too strict criteria
 Should
not be unduly burdensome for students
 May only request minimum amount necessary to
establish disability and/or need for requested
 Should be clear to students so that they are aware of
what is necessary
 Central
New Mexico Community College
Drummond Woodsum
It’s All About Documentation
College is permitted to require medical evidence in
support of student’s accommodation request
 College
may also obtain its own professional
 Fayatteville
Technical Community College
Drummond Woodsum
You Have To Ask!
Without deciding that student’s attendance should
be excused for disability-related reasons
finds that student failed to show he had requested
 Onondaga
Community College
Drummond Woodsum
Reasonable Accommodations Revisited
Drummond Woodsum
Method of Providing Notes
OCR took no issue with college’s process of
supplying notes to student
 Recruit
volunteers from class
 If not available, tape-record lectures and seek copy of
instructor’s notes or faculty assistance
 Discontinue service if student fails to attend class
Here, student offered no evidence that he had
notified disability office that quality of notetaking
was insufficient
 Onondaga
Community College
Drummond Woodsum
Method Okay
But delivery not
 When
student notified disability office that notetaking
assistance was not provided, ball dropped between
advisor and disability office
 San
Diego State University
Drummond Woodsum
Notetaking Alternative Effective?
Court refuses to dismiss claim that law school failed
to provide effective note-taking assistance
When college allegedly had difficulty locating
notetakers, it offered transcribed lectures
Court concludes that student has a right to prove
that lectures were not transcribed at all and/or in a
timely manner
 Di
Lella v. University of the District of Columbia David A.
Clarke School of Law
Drummond Woodsum
Weekend Exams
What to do when the disability office is only open
during the week?
took no issue with faculty and student agreeing to
alternative testing arrangements, even if such resulted
in student foregoing certain accommodations
 Here,
test location and time of exam
 Broward Community College
Drummond Woodsum
Best Practices
Disability office had very clear written procedures
 Which
may also hurt you if not followed
Disability office kept detailed logs
Faculty member had student sign statement
agreeing to deviation from accommodation letter
 Broward
Community College
Drummond Woodsum
Assuming asthma is a disability, College reasonably
accommodated student by having Tavern create a
smoke free environment
 College
of St. Rose
Drummond Woodsum
Course Viability Rules
Look out!
Jury faults university for refusing to modify its
course viability rules for Ph.D. candidate with lung
 But
he gets nothing for failing to file his case in a timely
 Long
v. Howard University
Drummond Woodsum
How Many Extensions?
University refused to grant sixth extension for Ph.D.
candidate to complete his dissertation
Court dismisses suit based on statute of limitations
 Quinn
v. University of Oklahoma
Drummond Woodsum
Is It Too Late To Sue?
Although court dismisses most of former student’s
accessibility claims for failing to timely sue
 Her
graduation claim can move forward
 Muha
v. Rutgers University
Drummond Woodsum
A Problem with Take-Home Exams
Cheating and plagiarism
Court upholds one year suspension as there cannot
be a disability-related reason to overturn decision
 Which
the court must accord deference
 Di
Lella v. University of the District of Columbia David A.
Clarke School of Law
Drummond Woodsum
Is There a Second Chance Doctrine?
Does the ADA require a university to give a student
a second chance as a reasonable accommodation,
after s/he learns of a potentially disabling
 No
 Brown
v. University of Cincinnati
 Yes
 Singh
v. George Washington University
Drummond Woodsum
Less Is Not Better
OCR faulted college for using in-class transcription
service, based on a “meaning for meaning system”
rather than word-for-word real-time captioning she
requested and was supported by documentation
 Severity
of condition
 Course difficulty
 Highline
Community College
Drummond Woodsum
What OCR Did
Compared audiotapes of lectures with the
Finding concepts not covered in the service and
numerous inaccuracies; lack of questions and
answers; and lack of examples used by instructor
 Highline
Community College
Drummond Woodsum
No Good Deed . . .
Professor was accommodating rather than
discriminating by suggesting that student take an
anthropology course via independent study
 College
of DuPage
Drummond Woodsum
ADA Extends to the Mouth
College did not discriminate against student with
diabetes for refusing to waive its requirement that
dental hygienist students serve as patients for fellow
students absent documentation
 Doctor’s
order was limited to multiple students, and
college accommodated that request
 Fayatteville
Technical Community College
Drummond Woodsum
Course Substitution
Court found no discrimination against student with
Asperger’s Syndrome when:
Student successfully completed two semesters in Spanish
 University had granted a course substitution by authorizing
him to take beginning French
 University refused second request, after student had
cheated on a French exam
 Had student not withdrawn from French he would have been
dismissed as he had plagiarized in another course
Strahl v. Trustees of Purdue University
Drummond Woodsum
The Ten Commandments of Conduct
Drummond Woodsum
Thou Shalt Not Steal
Graduate school psychology student failed to
establish that the College discriminated against him
for giving him a failing grade based on two
instructors’ assessments that student had plagiarized
 College
of St. Rose
Drummond Woodsum
Thou Shalt Not Choke
College did not unlawfully discriminate by
suspending student for one year after he attempted
to choke his aide
 Alamance
Community College
Drummond Woodsum
Thou Shalt Not Threaten to Kill
University did not retaliate by barring student from
campus after OCR advised that student reported
wanting to “put a bullet” to the head of a professor
 Mershon
v. St. Louis University
Drummond Woodsum
Thou Shalt Not Lie
Court upholds dismissal under State law of medical
student who falsified documents pertaining to his
clinical rotations and lied during first disciplinary
 Student
did not identify himself as having Tourette’s
Syndrome and OCD until second hearing
 Even if he had, college has right to set ethical and
technical standards; disability misconduct no defense
 Batt
v. University of Vermont
Drummond Woodsum
No Delay For Misconduct
Institutions of higher education may discipline
students for misconduct even when resulting from a
mental health impairment
 College
was under no obligation to postpone
disciplinary hearing while student gathered disabilityrelated information since it would not justify his actions
 Tylicki
v. St. Onge
Drummond Woodsum
I Need a Break
OCR rejects student’s contention that had the
College afforded the student a leave of absence to
address his post-traumatic stress disorder, he would
not have acted in the manner that led to his
 Student
was only diagnosed with condition following his
 Northwestern
Business College
Drummond Woodsum
To Be Or Not To Be
Drummond Woodsum
No Discrimination
Delay in placing medical assistant who could only
lift 5 pounds and work 2-4 hours daily was not
 But
student simultaneously worked an 8 hour shift in a
TV control room on numerous occasions without
 Pikes
Peak Community College
Drummond Woodsum
No Affirmative Obligation
Even if student’s disability prevented him from
working, college was not obligated to extend
maximum amount of loan as an accommodation
 Riverside
Community College
Drummond Woodsum
Overseas Travel
OCR did not fault College for inquiring whether
student with admitted health problems should
participate in clinic located in remote area of
 College
 Husson
never denied her participation
Drummond Woodsum
No Dough
Title III of the ADA does not authorize monetary
damage awards
 College
of St. Rose
Drummond Woodsum
Maybe Some Dough
The Rehabilitation Act may authorize monetary
damage awards upon a showing of deliberate
indifference to a student’s rights guaranteed under
the law
 College
of St. Rose
Drummond Woodsum
Some Really Big Dough
Although Court refuses to overturn jury verdict
against the University of New York at Buffalo, court
reduces the award of $601,000 to $100,000 (or
granting the university a new trial) concluding that
jury’s verdict was based on sympathy and the
amount of the award “shocks the judicial
 Bayon
v. State University of New York
Drummond Woodsum
Basis of Claim
Student filed multiple complaints with OCR
Jury did not believe that actions taken by university,
which ultimately resulted in no financial aid and
denial of readmission were a pretext for
Drummond Woodsum
No Failure to Accommodate
Former student failed to carry his burden of
demonstrating that university failed to
accommodate his physical and visual impairments
 Conceding
that the university had provided some
notetakers, extended time, a tape recorder and
enlarged materials
 Mershon
v. St. Louis University
Drummond Woodsum
Student must show a failure to accommodate
 And
that the provision of said accommodations would
render him otherwise qualified
 Mershon
v. St. Louis University
Drummond Woodsum
Physical Accessibility
Increasing litigation and agency complaints
Which agencies?
– based on Fair Housing Act
 OCR – based on Rehabilitation Act and ADA
 DOJ – based on all three Acts
Be proactive!
Drummond Woodsum
Grievance Procedures
Notice to students and employees where and with whom
to file
Address full range of discriminatory conduct
Provide adequate, reliable, impartial investigation
Opportunity to present witnesses and evidence
Include reasonably prompt timeframes
Notify parties of outcome
Informal resolution as a step is permissible
Harvard University
Drummond Woodsum
Procedure Flaws
Course catalog and website limited grievances to
academic adjustment disputes
 Must
cover full range of potential discriminatory actions
One of the designated 504 officers was unaware
of the extent of his responsibilities
Informal resolution procedures unclear
Grievance was not promptly investigated
 Harvard
Drummond Woodsum
What Is a Grievance
Student wrote to president and mentioned
disability-related matters
 That
was enough
 Be
clear as to where to file
 Be cautious: often these concerns are raised at the
President’s level
 Consider a statute of limitations as part of the process
– here filed more than a year later
 Harvard
Drummond Woodsum