Chapter 10, Section 2

Chapter 10, Section 2: Feudalism
During the Middle Ages, there was no___________ ________________ in Europe.
A political and military system based on the holding of land? A. manor
How did Feudalism work? Owned all of the land? A. vassal
B. feudalism
C. vassal
B. noble
What did kings do to win the loyalty of nobles?
What did nobles do to win the loyalty of people?
What is a lord?
Nobles who received land? A.nobles
Piece of land given to a vassal was called?
Poor farmer or farmworker? A.peasant
B. squire
To protect his fief, each vassal needed his own _________________. He had much land but little _______________.
The lords and vassals kept dividing the land into ___________________ and _____________________.
The Middle Ages was a time of thousands of small? A. pacts
Who did most of the fighting?
Only the __________ of a _____________________ could become a knight.
Identify the 2 stages in becoming a knight and explain what happens during each stage?
At what age did most squires become a knight?
Armor Of The Middle Ages
List 3 facts from the reading:
The lord commanded the new knight to be __________________, ______________________, _____________________
The knight promised to defend the ________________________, be __________________ to the lord, protect the
____________, and be _________________ to women.
Identify 2 weapons used by knights?
Every knight hoped to become a _____________________.
Chapter 10, Section 3: The Manor
What is a manor?
What made a manor self-sufficient? Identify 3 examples:
Person who works with iron and makes tools and weapons?
A. knight
About __________% of the people who lived during the Middle Ages were? A. lords
What is a serf?
T/f? Most serfs were free?
Identify and list 2 facts about serfs?
Identify and list 5 inventions which improved farming?
How did better farming change the population ?
Castles were built to? A. be cool
Define the following terms:
B. protection from enemies
C .train knights
B. knights