Chapter 2: Britain and Its Colonies

Chapter 2: Britain and Its Colonies
3. James I:
a. was the first of the Stuart monarchs.
b. openly favored the Puritans.
c. recognized the supreme authority of Parliament.
d. was the son of Queen Elizabeth.
4. Captain John Smith:
a. brought peace with the Indians when he married Pocahontas.
b. gave Virginia a democratic government.
c. died in the “starving time” of 1609–1610.
d. forced colonists to work in order to eat as Jamestown’s leader.
5. Of the original 104 colonists in Jamestown, how many survived the first nine months?
a. 58
b. 38
c. 104
d. 88
9. In 1624, a British court dissolved the struggling Virginia Company, and Virginia:
a. became a royal colony.
b. no longer existed.
c. was merged with New England.
d. lost all its funding.
10. In 1637 Thomas Hooker organized the self-governing colony of:
a. Connecticut.
b. New Hampshire.
c. Rhode Island.
d. Maine.
11. Maryland was much like Virginia in that it:
a. banned Catholics.
b. was owned by a joint-stock company.
c. had a tobacco-based economy.
d. was politically dominated by small farmers.
12. The Puritans who settled New England hoped to:
a. create a model religious society based on biblical principles.
b. establish good trade relations with the French in Canada.
c. get rich quick by finding gold and silver.
d. separate church and state to safeguard religious freedom.
13. The leader of the English Puritans who established the Massachusetts Bay colony was:
a. John Winthrop.
b. William Bradford.
c. Roger Williams.
d. Lord Baltimore.
15. Initially, the coastal Indians of New England:
a. rejected any attempt to settle their land by Europeans.
b. joined forces to attack the European settlers.
c. had contact with only the female European settlers.
d. helped the settlers develop a subsistence economy.
16. During the Pequot War of 1637, colonists and their Narragansett allies:
a. signed long-term land agreements.
b. indiscriminately killed hundreds of Pequots.
c. joined with the Pequots in fighting off the French.
d. stayed neutral.
17. The Carolina colonies from the start were made up of:
a. one united and tranquil area.
b. four widely separated areas.
c. two widely separated areas.
d. Carolina and Georgia.
18. New Amsterdam ultimately became:
a. New Jersey.
b. New Hampshire.
c. New England.
d. New York.
21. The headright system adopted for the Virginia colony consisted of:
a. giving fifty acres of land to anyone who would transport himself to the colony, and
fifty more for any servants he might bring.
b. “selling” wives to single male settlers.
c. auctioning black slaves to settlers.
d. giving free land to all servants who came to the colony.
24. The colony founded by exiled religious dissenters was:
a. Connecticut.
b. Maine.
c. New Hampshire.
d. Rhode Island.
25. The Plymouth colony:
a. absorbed the Massachusetts Bay colony.
b. was absorbed by the Massachusetts Bay colony.
c. was founded as a royal colony.
d. was founded as a proprietary colony.
26. Anne Hutchinson:
a. claimed to have received direct revelations from God.
b. challenged the legitimacy of the Puritan ministers.
c. was banished from Massachusetts Bay.
d. is correctly represented by all the above statements.
27. Unlike the Virginia Company, which ruled Jamestown from London, the Massachusetts Bay
Company was:
a. ruled by a king.
b. self-governing.
c. ruled by parliament.
d. ruled by the Irish.
30. The colony of New York:
a. was formed to serve as a buffer against the French in Canada.
b. was built on a conquered Dutch settlement.
c. was started as a royal colony by the king.
d. had all the land divided into feudal manors consisting of 1,000 acres each.
31. Which of the following was not true of the Quakers?
a. Their religion was based on individual inspiration.
b. They declined to take oaths.
c. They founded the colony of New Jersey.
d. They believed in equality between the sexes and full participation of women in
religious affairs.
32. Of the following colonies, which offered the most religious toleration?
a. Massachusetts Bay
b. New Hampshire
c. Pennsylvania
d. Plymouth
33. Delaware was at first part of:
a. Maryland.
b. New Jersey.
c. New York.
d. Pennsylvania.
34. Georgia was founded:
a. as a colonial refuge for the poor and the religiously persecuted.
b. to launch military attacks against the French in Florida.
c. as a Quaker commonwealth, a southern counterpart to William Penn’s “Holy
d. as a sanctuary for religious dissenters from Florida.
35. Which of the following is one of the ways in which the English and Spanish colonies differed?
a. There was less centralized control in the Spanish colonies than in the English.
b. The Spanish colonies were developed with private investment funds rather than
royal money.
c. Poor immigrants to the English colonies had a greater chance of getting at least a
small parcel of land.
d. The Spanish colonies were settled in a relatively compact geographical area.
36. The last of the English colonies founded along the Atlantic coast was:
a. Pennsylvania.
b. New Jersey.
c. Maine.
d. Georgia.