
Goal: Writers will be reviewing box and bullet essay
structure in preparation for their thematic essay
based on the text, Seedfolks
Academic Conversation
Generating an Outline: Moving Ideas
1. What happened in this part of the text (beginning,
middle, end)
2. What does this make me think about the character’s
traits, motivations, struggles, and complexity?
3. What lesson does the character learn?
4. What universal life lessons or themes does the reader
5. What techniques does the author use to reveal those
themes (symbolism, imagery, revealing actions,
dialogue, inner thinking, multiple points of view, vivid
Academic Conversation
• When we write a thematic essay we need to stay in the
third person point of view.
• First person point of view occurs primarily through the use
of the pronoun “I.” This is the point of view used when a
writer is writing about himself. There may be times when it
is okay to incorporate personal examples into an essay, and
if so, the first person will be used. However, it is generally
best to avoid referring to yourself, as the writer. Statements
like “I believe” or “I think” tend to weaken writing and are
better when written in the third person. (example: “The
U.S. government needs to pass this law” is better and
stronger than “I believe the U.S. government needs to pass
this law.”)
Academic Conversation
• Second person point of view involves the use of the
pronoun “you” to refer to the reader. There are few times
to use the second person in academic writing, as it can
alienate the reader.
• An author may use second person when he/she wants to
make the audience more active in the story or process. The
author may use it to talk to the audience (as in self-help or
process writing), or, when used in fiction, the author wants
to make the audience feel as if they are a part of the story
and action. When writing fiction in second person, the
author is making the audience a character, implicating
them. The author may even be employing second person as
a thematic device, a way for a character to distance himself
or herself from their own actions.
Academic Conversation
• Third Person point of view involves directly stating who is
being written about without using the words I, me, we, us,
or you.
– First person: I should learn how to write well.
– Second person: You should learn how to write well.
– Third person: College students should learn how to write well.
As mentioned earlier, most academic essays should be written
almost entirely in the third person. The second person should be
avoided, and the first person should only be used when using
personal examples that help support claims made in the essay. In
addition to enhancing credibility, another reason to write primarily
in the third person is because frequent changes in point of view
can create confusion for the reader.
Academic Conversation
– Compose a thesis statement in which you explain
the central theme from Seedfolks. Maintain a
third person perspective and refrain from using
statements such as:
• this essay will be about
• If you want to learn more continue reading
Introduce the topics of the body paragraphs. Provide a
GENERAL overview of the body paragraphs. An
introduction is supposed to HOOK the reader. Don’t give
it all away in your introduction.
Introduction: Introduce the claim
The book, Seedfolks, carries the powerful message
that (theme). The characters come together because
of (first reason). (Second reason). (Third reason).
Claim: The book, Seedfolks, carries the powerful
message that even the smallest gestures can spark
great change.
• Kim’s actions inspired the community to work
• It gave people a purpose and a reason to work
• It evolved into a safe haven for people.
Introduction Sample
The book, Seedfolks, carries the powerful message
that even the smallest gestures can spark great
change. A little Vietnamese girl named Kim inspired
the community to work together. It gave the people of
Cleveland, Ohio a purpose and a reason to work
together. The community garden evolved into a safe
haven for people and it ultimately brought people
Academic Conversation
Body Paragraph
– Include the follow components in your body
• Topic sentence
• Supporting evidence
• And a closing sentence that ties your argument together.
• The body paragraphs are the paragraphs where
you explain in further detail.
• Text evidence should be included to SUPPORT
your response. Text evidence SHOULD NOT
dominate your essay.
Kim’s actions inspired the community to work together
and change the disgusting lot into a beautiful community
• She started the community garden by planting some
lima beans at the vacant lot across the street.
• In the text it states, “My class had sprouted lima beans
in paper cups the year before. I now placed a bean in
each of the holes… I vowed to myself that those beans
would thrive.” (Seedfolks 3)
Kim’s courageous decision to plant the lima beans
sparked a great change in the community. People began
to notice her project and follow her lead. It started with
planting lima beans so she could feel closer to her father
but it helped the entire community come together.
Body Paragraph Sample
Kim’s actions inspired the community to work together
and change the disgusting lot into a beautiful community
garden. She started the community garden by planting
some lima beans at the vacant lot across the street. In the
text it states, “My class had sprouted lima beans in paper
cups the year before. I now placed a bean in each of the
holes… I vowed to myself that those beans would thrive.”
(Seedfolks 3). Kim’s courageous decision to plant the lima
beans sparked a great change in the community. People
began to notice her project and follow her lead. The
community came together to help each other. It started
with planting lima beans so she could feel closer to her
father but it helped the entire community come together.
Academic Conversation
• Summarize the points you made in your essay.
• Restate your reasons and express why they were
important in your essay.
• Summarize how the information in the body of
your essay proves your point.
• SO WHAT? Why were the reasons you listed
• Restate your theme and explain it in further
Conclusion: Restate the claim and your reasons
Claim: The book, Seedfolks, carries the powerful message that even the smallest
gestures can spark great change.
• Kim’s actions inspired the community to work together.
• Without Kim’s seeds, the people in Cleveland would never have
• It gave people a purpose and a reason to work together.
• People were struggling because of the fact that they were living in
poverty. They were struggling to provide for their family and struggling
with the bad neighborhood but they came together and helped each
other out.
• It evolved into a safe haven for people.
• They were afraid of each other but ultimately the community garden
evolved into a safe haven for people to really get to know each other
and come together. Seeds that take root and are cared for eventually
grow and become something beautiful just like this garden.
Even the smallest gestures can spark great change.
• Seeds that take root and are cared for eventually grow and
become something beautiful just like this garden.
Conclusion Sample
• The book, Seedfolks, carries the powerful message that
even the smallest gestures can spark great change. Kim’s
actions inspired the community to work together. Without
Kim’s seeds, the people in Cleveland would never have
changed. It gave people a purpose and a reason to work
together. People were struggling because of the fact that
they were living in poverty. They were struggling to provide
for their family and struggling with the bad neighborhood
but they came together and helped each other out. They
were afraid of each other but ultimately the community
garden evolved into a safe haven for people to really get to
know each other and come together. Seeds that take root
and are cared for eventually grow and become something
beautiful just like this garden.