Summer Assignment Introduction Letter

Incoming Algebra 1 Summer Assignment
In order to be adequately prepared for Algebra 1 in the fall, incoming 8th grade Algebra students will
have weekly summer assignments. The assignments are minimal, on average no more than 30 – 45
minutes per week. Assignments are typically issued on a Sunday, and requested to be submitted by the
following Friday. I fully understand that students have obligations, plans, trips, etc. during the summer
break, and I am very flexible about the submission of the work (within reason), but please stay in
contact with me via email if assignments are going to be submitted late. I will also be making myself
available a couple of hours a week in the Ockerman Middle School library for the majority of the
summer. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you feel the need to get extra help on the assignments
Below are the prerequisite skills for Algebra 1 as determined by the designers of the End of Course
assessment, ACT Quality Core, with dates and topics for summer assignments for incoming Algebra 1
students. All assignmets can be found on the OMS webpage-> Teacher Websites->John Courtney>Summer Math.
For assignments #1-7, there will be a ShowMe video which we have created and a worksheet to
complete. I will have the video and worksheet posted by the Sunday of the assignment, if not
before, assuming there are no technology issues or personal conflicts. To access the Showme
videos, you should be able to click on the link (capitalized and bold font) in the assignment
description, or you can sign up (with parent permission) for a free account on and search for/follow John Courtney. The worksheets will be under Class
Files of the OMS Summer Assignments website.
For assignments #8-9, you should go to and do a search for the topics of the
specific assignment, for example adding fractions. This should bring up numerous videos from
teachers all over the globe. Pick a couple to watch as a resource. For full credit for these last
assignments, you must write the name of the showme video and its creator on the top of the
submitted assignment.
To turn in assignments #1-9 you can scan and upload them to the webpage or turn them in at
the front desk at OMS in the Algebra 1 folder by Friday of the week they are assigned. It would
be a good idea to make sure you have a copy of the assignment for yourself as well.
Assignment #10 should be completed and ready to check by Tuesday, August 18th in preparation
for the first quiz of the year over the prerequisite skills around Friday, August 21. As with all
work done in the math classrooms at Ockerman Middle School, to receive full credit work
should be shown and done in pencil, and please make sure your name is on the assignment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
or .
Algebra 1 Prerequisite Skills:
a. Classifying numbers in the number system
b. Set up and solve problems following the correct order of operations (including proportions,
percent, and absolute value) with rational numbers (integers, fractions, decimals).
c. Find the greatest common factor and least common multiple of a set of whole numbers
d. Use rational numbers to demonstrate knowledge of additive and multiplicative inverses
e. Simplify ratios
f. Use scientific notation when working with very large or very small quantities
g. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers, including integers, fractions, and decimals,
without calculators
June 12
Assignment #1: Classifying Numbers
June 19
Assignment #2: Algebraic Order of Operations
June 26
Assignment #3: Greatest Common Factor & Least Common Multiple
July 3
Assignment #4: Additive and Multiplicative Inverses
July 10
Assignment # 5: Simplifying Ratios
July 17
Assignment #6: Scientific Notation
July 24
Assignment #7: Integers (without calculators)
July 31
Assignment # 8: Operations of Fractions (without calculators)
August 7
Assignment #9: Operations of Decimals (without calculators)
August 18
Assignment #10: Review of Prerequisite Skills (Due on Friday, August 16)
August 21
Test over Prerequisite Skills (without calculator) will be the first grade for the quarter.