The French Revolution

The French Revolution
Liberty, Equality,
I. Causes of The French
A. Inequalities in Society
1. Ancien Regime
2. Estates System
a. First Estate
b. Second Estate
c. Third Estate
I. Causes of The French
B. Enlightenment Ideas
1. Philosophes
2. Constitutional Monarchy
3. American Revolution
I. Causes of The French
C. Poor Leadership
1. Louis XV - Apres
moi, le deluge.
2. Louis XVI - weak
D. Financial Crisis
1. Debt
2. Bankruptcy
3. Ruined harvests
II. First Events of the
A. Meeting of the
1. First time in 175
2. Voting System
3. The National
4. The Tennis Court
II. First Events of the Revolution
B. The Storming of the
1. July 14, 1789
2. Medieval
fortress = symbol
of oppression
3. Violent mob
C. The Great Fear
III. Creating a New NATION
A. Legislating New Rights
1. Eliminated feudal services
2. Eliminated privileges of the estates
3. Declaration of the Rights of man and of
the Citizen
B. Restrictions on Power
1. October Days – Bread March
2. Civil Constitution of the Clergy – Turns
Clergy into public servants.
7000 Fish Monger Women going to Versailles to Demand Bread!
Returning back to
Paris with the
palace guards on
III. Creating a New NATION
C. Formation of a New Government
1. Legislative Assembly
2. Flight of the Bourbons – King & Quean Flee under
D. Intervention of Foreign Powers –Austria & Prussia
step in! Why?
E. The End of the Monarchy – Mob Storms the Palace.
1. Legislative Assembly voted out of existence
2. National Convention – “Radical faction voted in!”
Flight of the King
Louis XVI and
his family
attempted to flee
They were
arrested at
The capture of Louis XVI at Varennes
King Louis XVI Excution
Home Work
Creating your own Political Cartoon!
• You must create your political cartoon with
the French Revolution the theme.
- Storming of Bastille, Social injustice,
Flamboyant Nobles Etc…
Look at the examples on the following slides….
A French peasant is crushed beneath the combined weight of 'Taille, Impots
Corvees', an oppressive system of taxation imposed by Louis XV. The
corvee or labour tax forced peasants to work without pay for a number of
days each year. An engraving of 1789
The Zenith of French Glory; – The Pinnacle of
Liberty. Religion, Justice, Loyalty & all the
Bugbears of Unenlightened Minds, Farewell!
Gitmo = Bush
Barrack = No Gitmo