Audience Analysis

Created By ‘Anonymous’
Business and Technical English (ENG201)
Fall 2012
Assignment No. 2
Total Marks: 15
Due Date: 3/12/2012
To assess students’ understanding of the course and to prepare them for the practical
application of communication skills through writing practices.
1. Late assignments will not be accepted.
2. If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
3. Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by
someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from different sources and to
express it in your own words will be encouraged.
4. No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
5. The file should be in Word doc form; the font color should be preferably black and font size can
be 12 Times New Roman.
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Created By ‘Anonymous’
Question No.1
Write an enquiry letter to the Haier Company about the new prices, margin for the dealers,
new features in their split/AC before completing the final order.
The Regger Mark CO.
Marketing Manager,
The ciligon,
4 Dec, 12.
Thomas CO.Ltd.
Regrent Street 142.
Subject: Information about new prices, features and margin of the dealers.
Dear Jorgan,
I am related to ‘The Regger Mark as a Marketing manager. I
advertise and sale always prefer standard and high quality brands of companies. Recently, I saw
your company’s electronics things via TV, internet and newspapers on standard compete. So, I’m
interested your advertisement and want to get your electronics material. Therefore, before
purchase I want to take complete information about your AC, that
What are the new prices of split/AC?
What are the new key features in it?
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Created By ‘Anonymous’
And what are the margins for dealers?
Plz tell me as soon as possible. However, I can do final decision.
It’s my contacts;
Ph no. 92_08_7200000.
Thanking for your time. I look forward to your reply.
Your faithfully,
Question No.2
Identify five aspects of audience analysis in detail.
Audience Analysis
Role of Audience Analysis?
Audience analysis is one of the most important elements of effective communication. It
help us make good choices in topic, language, style of presentation, and other aspects of
our speech and also help gain valuable insight about the readers. In light of analysis we
should consider how each of these factors (age, socio-economic status, etc.) affects our
readers' attitudes, expectations and opinions about us and our topic.
Audience Analysis Aspects:
The main goal of the audience analysis is to gain the target audience. So, according to
this goal we Analysis the audience in such manners like
Demographic Analysis
Psychological Analysis
Knowledge Analysis
Disposition Analysis
Situational Audience Analysis
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Created By ‘Anonymous’
1. Demographic Analysis:
In this covers these points like
Social facts
In this analysis that what’s the gender and average age of the audience and what rage of ages is
represented? What he have adept his occupation? Where do they fit in society's social and
economic status? What religion he have belong to? What’s their qualification? etc. In this
analysis the background of the audience.
2. Psychological Analysis:
In this include three things like
A value expresses a judgment of what is desirable and undesirable, right and wrong, or good and
evil. Values are usually stated in the form of a word or phrase. values compose the principles or
standards we use to judge and develop our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. They are agreeing
with or oppose our message?
3. Knowledge Analysis:
In this order, we include
Audiences wants and need
In this we analysis that What do they know about your topic? What don’t they know? What do
they want to know according to our specific information? What do they need to know? They are
related and interested or not our subject? What our material is relevant to them or not?
4. Disposition Analysis:
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Created By ‘Anonymous’
Audience goals
What are they gain from our information? What concerns or problems do they have? Are
they satisfy from this information or not? Our provide information is enough or not
according to their need and appeals?
5. Situational Audience Analysis:
It is related to the specific speaking situation. That how many people exist to hear our
speech? And what else might be competing for their attention?
What events, concerns, and needs motivated them to come? What is the physical
environment of the speaking situation? What is the size of the audience, layout of the
room, existence of a podium or a microphone, and availability of digital media for visual
aids? Are there any distractions, such as traffic noise?
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