Week of 2/17

Due Today: Silver Alloy lab
Objective: Lab challenge
Please note, 3 M KOH is a strong base and it
will burn. Handle with care. Do not get any on
your skin. Where goggles, lab coat, gloves.
Homework: Study for Gas Law Retake
DQ: see handout
Handouts: NA
Due Today: NA
Objective: Review Silver Alloy lab calc
Lewis Dot Structures
 Use the Periodic table to determine the number
of valence electrons
 Write Lewis electron dot structures for a variety
of molecules
 Describe the bonds in those structures as single,
double or triple bonds
 Write and discuss resonance forms where
Homework: Color solution worksheet
Extra credit on website
DQ: see handout
Handouts: Lewis Dot structure packet
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Due Today: Color worksheet
 Finish Lewis dot packet and hand in
 Begin Lewis Dot WS #1
 Lewis Dot WS #1
 Extra credit – due prior to 3/13
DQ: see handout – put an x through the 4 sets without
the correct answer
Handouts: lewis Dot worksheet # 1
 Retake linearization prior to 2/27
 Retake AP 1st semester cumulative retake prior to 3/6
if you did not score 100% or above- see study guide
Due Today: Lewis Dot worksheet
Objective: Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion
 Utilize Lewis electron dot structures to predict the
AXE formula for a variety of molecules and predict
the molecular geometry and bond angles
 Build 3-D models to visualize the molecular geometry
for a variety of molecules
 Draw ball and stick models for a variety of molecules
 Extra credit – due prior to 3/13
DQ: see handout
Handouts: VSEPR packet; VSEPR Reference Sheet
 Retake linearization prior to 2/27
 Retake AP 1st semester cumulative retake prior to 3/6
if you did not score 100% or above- see study guide
Due Today: NA
 Assign molecules
 Discuss color and cation electron configuration ws
 Correct Lewis Dot
 Finish up Lewis Dot; VSEPR;
 Finish electron configuration ws
 Extra credit – due prior to 3/13
DQ: see handout
Handouts: Electron configuration ws & model rubric
 Retake linearization
 Retake AP 1st semester cumulative retake prior to 3/6 to be
eligible for curve. Otherwise 3/6 in class.
 Note, if you did not score 100% or above and do not take it prior
to 8 am on 3/6, you will be taking it as a test in class on Friday
 STEM fair – photo release must be on front of board