A. Block Day March 12-13-

US History -- DeNardo
Civil Rights Movements of the 1950’s, 60’s & 70’s -- Unit Outline
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s is one of the most significant political and
social struggles in American history. Similar to the Progressive Era of the early 20th Century, the Civil
Rights Movement was “bottom up” in character, illustrating the power that direct citizen action can have on
influencing political and social change. During this unit we will acknowledge the brave people and amazing
events of this period, and reflect on how the issues we study relate to everyone in our diverse nation.
As a class, we will examine how African-Americans pushed for full equality as well as how and why
the tactics and goals of African-Americans civil rights leaders evolved. Also, we will investigate how the
black civil rights movement acted as a catalyst for a variety of other groups (including women, Latinos &
Native Americans) to push for change. We will learn directly from the images and words of those involved
in the Civil Right Movement to refine our understanding of the Essential Question below.
During this unit, the main project will be a research based paper on the topic you choose. You will
be allowed several days of class time to work on your research paper and will not be required to complete
traditional textbook homework assignments during this unit.
What were the accomplishments and limitations of the struggle for equal civil rights for African
Americans during the 1950’s, 60’s & 70’s and how did these efforts influence other civil rights struggles?
 6 Source Cards, 24 Information Cards & Paper Outline – Due Tuesday 3/25
 Sit-In Simulation Block Day 3/26-3/27
 Opening Vignette & Intro Paragraph with Debatable Thesis – Due Tues. 4/1
 First 3 Pages of Body w/ Footnotes, Title Page & Final Paper Outline – Due Tues. 4/8
 Unit Assignment Packet -- Due Friday 4/11
 Unit Test -- Multiple Choice Only Test on Friday 4/11
 Final Paper with Footnotes, Transition Sentences & Bibliography – Due Fri. 5/2