The Outsiders

Chapter 8 and Stereotypes
Chapter 8 Quiz
What does Johnny request from Ponyboy at the beginning of the
Who comes to visit Johnny in the hospital?
Dally was afraid he had killed Ponyboy when he knocked him out after
the fire.
What does Dally plan to take to the rumble?
His mother.
Why was Dally so happy to see Ponyboy? Be specific!
He wanted Ponyboy to read Gone with the Wind to him.
A 10-inch switchblade.
Who did Ponyboy run into, sitting in a red Corvette, before the
Cherry Valance.
Johnny’s Mom
Do you think Johnny should have seen his mother?
Do you think the hospital officials should have
allowed her in the room despite his request? Why?
Parenting Styles
With your neighbor, compare and contrast the
different parenting styles of Ponyboy’s mother and
Johnny’s mother. Be prepared to share!
Doing it for Johnny
“’We gotta win that fight tonight,’ Dally said. His
voice was hard. ‘We gotta get even with the Socs.
For Johnny’” (125).
What seems flawed about this decision?
Do you think Johnny would WANT Dally to go after
the Socs with a switchblade? Why/ why not?
Two-Bit says, “You know, the only thing that keeps
Darry from being a Soc is us” (126).
Why does he say this and why does Ponyboy
Do you think they are right? Why/ why not?
The Sunset
At the end of the chapter, Cherry and Ponyboy repeat
their conversation about sunsets.
“’Hey,’ I said suddenly, ‘can you see the sunset real
good from the West Side?”
Why does he ask her this? What meaning does it have
for this book?
What meaning might it have for our world today?
What are they?
 Stereotypes are
generalizations, usually
exaggerated or oversimplified
and often offensive, that are used
to describe or distinguish a group.
*Example: Cops love donuts.
*Is this true for every cop?
*Probably not.
Turn to your neighbor and talk about the following
stereotypes (remember, these are not to offend anyone;
they are to educate about what stereotypes are).
Girls are good at reading and writing.
Boys are good at math and science.
People with tattoos don’t have morals.
Irish people like to get drunk and eat potatoes.
All Muslims are terrorists.
Blondes are dumb.
Americans are fat and greedy.
As you can see, stereotypes aren’t always true, so it
is important for us to have an open mind when we
approach other social groups.
What are some stereotypes for Greasers?