Chapter 4 Lesson 2-3

Fitness & You
To have total fitness, you need to take into
the 5 areas of fitness. These are the areas
that affect your overall health and well-being.
1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance: the ability of the
heart, lungs, and blood vessels to utilize and
send fuel and oxygen to the body’s tissues
during LONG periods for moderate to vigorous
activities (Ex-Distance Running)
2. Muscular Strength: the amount of force a muscle
can exert. (Ex-Bench Press Max)
3. Muscular Endurance: the ability of the muscles to
perform physical tasks for a long period of time.
(Ex-Reps of 10)
4. Flexibility: the ability to move a body part
through a full range of motion. (Ex. Sit and
5. Body Composition: the ratio of body fat to lean
body tissue, including muscle, bone, eater, and
connective tissue. (Not BMI)
Exercise- purposeful physical activity that is
planned, structured, and repetitive. The
exercise improves or maintains personal
You can choose from many different PA’s to
improve your fitness level, but most fall into
one of two categories:
1. Aerobic Exercise: any activity that uses large
muscle groups, in rhythmic in nature, and can be
maintained continuously for at least 10 min.
2. Anaerobic: involves intense short bursts of activity
in which the muscles work so hard that they
produce energy without using oxygen.
- Examples: Running/Sprinting the 100
meter dash, lifting weights.
Sedentary Activities: Do infrequently- Ex/
watching TV, playing video games, talking on
the phone.
Flexibility Act.: 2 or more days per week – Ex/
side lunge, step stretch, yoga, Pilates
Anaerobic Act.: 2-3 days per week- Ex/ weight
Aerobic Act: 3-5 days per week- Ex./ cycling,
running dancing, basketball
Moderate-Intensity Act.: 30 min. per day- Ex/
walking, climbing stairs, walking the dog
Keep in mind these things when you choose the
activities that you want to do:
Cost (Membership?)
Where you live (Weather?)
Your level of health (Ex. Asthma?)
Time and place (Realistic?)
Personal safety
Comprehensive planning- activities that address
all 5 areas of health-related fitness.
All effective fitness programs are based on
these 3 principles:
1. Overload-working the body harder than it is
normally worked.
2. Progression- gradual increase in overload
necessary to achieve higher levels of fitness.
3. Specificity- indicates that particular exercises and
activities improve particular areas.
To gain the most benefit from an exercise program,
you’ll want to include 3 basic steps for each activity.
1. Warm-up: an activity that prepares the
muscles for work.
2. Workout: part of an exercise program when
the activity is performed at its highest peak.
◦ To be effective, the activity needs to follow the
F.I.T.T. formula-frequency, intensity, time, type of
Frequency ...refers to the frequency of
exercise undertaken or how often you
Intensity ...refers to the intensity of exercise
undertaken or how hard you exercise.
Time ...refers to the time you spend
exercising or how long you exercise for.
Type ...refers to the type of exercise
undertaken or what kind of exercise you do.
3. Cool-Down: an activity that prepares the
muscles to return to a resting state.
Resting Heart Rate- the number of times your
heart beats in one minute when you are NOT
A person of average fitness has a resting
heart rate of about 72 to 84 beats per
What does FITT stand for?
What does OPS stand for?
Name the 2 locations to take your pulse.
What are the 5 Health Components?
Turn to page 84 to find your target heart
Next time you are relaxing watching TV take
a minute and take your heart rate. Be sure
that you have been sitting down for at least
20 minutes. This will be close to your resting
heart rate.
Training and Peak Performance
Training Program- a program of formalized
physical preparation for involvement in a
sport or another physical activity.
◦ Talk about your training program…
What you eat and drink is an important part
of training program.
Foods provide the energy necessary for peak
Equally important is hydration- taking in
fluids so that the body functions properly.
When you are adequately hydrated you are
more alert and focused, your reaction time is
faster, and your endurance is greater.
Sleep, which helps your body rest and
reenergize, is also essential for a training
Getting too little sleep can disrupt your
nervous system, causing slowed reaction
time, lack of concentration, and
-Would you attempt to play a contact sport
knowing that the rest of your team is going
off of 2 hours of sleep??
Anabolic Steroids- synthetic substances that
are similar to the male hormone testosterone.
• Let me be clear: while anabolic steroids can
enhance certain types of performance or
appearance, they are dangerous drugs, and
when used inappropriately, they can cause a
host of severe, long-lasting, and often
irreversible negative health consequences.
• These drugs can stunt the height of growing
adolescents, masculinize women, and alter sex
characteristics of men.
• Anabolic steroids can lead to premature heart
attacks, strokes, liver tumors, kidney failure and
serious psychiatric problems. In addition,
because steroids are often injected, users risk
contracting or transmitting HIV or hepatitis.
Safety should be a major concern when you
practice sports or other physical activities.
You can reduce your risk of injury by:
 Visiting a doctor and receive a health screening- a search
or check for disease or disorders that an individual would
otherwise not have knowledge of.
Use proper safety equipment
Play at your skill level
Warm-up and cool-down properly
Obey all rules and restrictions
With any activity that involves movement,
there is a risk of accident or injury. Be
cautious and smart about your exercise.
Two concerns during hot weather exercise
are dehydration, or excessive loss of water.
Avoid outdoor activities when the
temperatures are very high.
Many hot weather health problems are related
to overexertion- over working the body.
Symptoms are: clammy skin, dizziness
shortness of breath, and nausea
Heat Cramps- muscle spasms that can result
from loss of large amounts of salt and water
through the body.
Continuing to exercise with symptoms of heat
exhaustion and dehydration can lead to Heat
Stroke- condition in which the body loses the
ability to rid itself of excessive heat through
Heat stroke can be deadly. If you or someone
you know are suffering from heat stroke they
may collapse suddenly. Call 911 immediately
and then move them to a cool place and
sponge him or her with cool water until help
Frostbite- a condition that results when bpdy
tissue becomes frozen.
Hypothermia- a condition in which the body
temperature becomes dangerously low.
The usually occurs in cold weather, but it can
also result form lengthy exposure to wind,
rain, or from submersion in cold water.
Hypothermia requires immediate medical
Muscle Cramp- is a spasm or sudden
tightening of a muscle. (Charlie Horse?)
This usually happens from dehydration, tired
muscles, or overworked muscles.
STrain- is a condition resulting from
damaging a muscle or Tendon.
Sprain- injury to the ligament surrounding a
Minor injuries such as muscle cramps,
strains, and sprains are easily treated.
Cramps can be relieved through a massage.
Minor strains and sprain can be treated using
the R.I.C.E. method.
R: rest
I: ice
C: compression
E: elevation
Pain-especially extreme pain-may signal that
you have a major injury.
If you experience extreme, numbness, hear a
“cracking” sound during a fall seek medical
Major injuries include:
◦ Fracture
◦ Tendonitis
◦ Concussion
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