Vaginal Bleeding in Late Pregnancy

Vaginal Bleeding in
Late Pregnancy
Identify major causes of vaginal bleeding in
the second half of pregnancy
 Describe a systematic approach to
identifying the cause of bleeding
 Describe specific treatment options based
on diagnosis
Causes of Late Pregnancy Bleeding
Placenta Previa
Ruptured vasa previa
Uterine scar disruption
Cervical polyp
Bloody show
Cervicitis or cervical ectropion
Vaginal trauma
Cervical cancer
Prevalence of Placenta Previa
Occurs in 1/200 pregnancies that reach 3rd
 Low-lying placenta seen in 50% of
ultrasound scans at 16-20 weeks
 90% will have normal implantation when
scan repeated at >30 weeks
 No proven benefit to routine screening
ultrasound for this diagnosis
Risk Factors for Placenta Previa
Previous cesarean delivery
 Previous uterine instrumentation
 High parity
 Advanced maternal age
 Smoking
 Multiple gestation
Morbidity with Placenta Previa
Maternal hemorrhage
 Operative delivery complications
 Transfusion
 Placenta accreta, increta, or percreta
 Prematurity
Patient History – Placenta Previa
Painless bleeding
nd or 3rd trimester, or at term
 Often following intercourse
 May have preterm contractions
 “Sentinel bleed”
Physical Exam – Placenta Previa
Vital signs
Assess fundal height
Fetal lie
Estimated fetal weight (Leopold)
Presence of fetal heart tones
Gentle speculum exam
NO digital vaginal exam unless placental location
Laboratory – Placenta Previa
Hematocrit or complete blood count
 Blood type and Rh
 Coagulation tests
While waiting – serum clot tube taped to
Ultrasound – Placenta Previa
Can confirm diagnosis
 Full bladder can create false appearance of
anterior previa
 Presenting part may overshadow posterior
 Transvaginal scan can locate placental edge
and internal os
Treatment – Placenta Previa
With no active bleeding
 Expectant management
 No intercourse, digital exams
 With late pregnancy bleeding
 Assess overall status, circulatory stability
 Full dose Rhogam if Rh Consider maternal transfer if premature
 May need corticosteroids, tocolysis,
Double Set-Up Exam
Appropriate only in marginal previa with vertex
Palpation of placental edge and fetal head with set
up for immediate surgery
Cesarean delivery under regional anesthesia if:
 Complete previa
 Fetal head not engaged
 Non-reassuring tracing
 Brisk or persistent bleeding
 Mature fetus
Placental Abruption
Premature separation of placenta from
uterine wall
 Partial or complete
 “Marginal sinus separation” or “marginal
sinus rupture”
 Bleeding, but abnormal implantation or
abruption never established
Epidemiology of Abruption
Occurs in 1-2% of pregnancies
Risk factors
 Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy
 Smoking or substance abuse (e.g. cocaine)
 Trauma
 Overdistention of the uterus
 History of previous abruption
 Unexplained elevation of MSAFP
 Placental insufficiency
 Maternal thrombophilia/metabolic
Abruption and Trauma
Can occur with blunt abdominal trauma and
rapid deceleration without direct trauma
 Complications include prematurity, growth
restriction, stillbirth
 Fetal evaluation after trauma
 Increased use of FHR monitoring may
decrease mortality
Bleeding from Abruption
Externalized hemorrhage
 Bloody amniotic fluid
 Retroplacental clot
 20% occult
 “uteroplacental apoplexy” or
“Couvelaire” uterus
 Look for consumptive coagulopathy
Patient History - Abruption
Pain = hallmark symptom
 Varies from mild cramping to severe pain
 Back pain – think posterior abruption
 May not reflect amount of blood loss
 Differentiate from exuberant bloody show
Other risk factors (e.g. hypertension)
Membrane rupture
Physical Exam - Abruption
Signs of circulatory instability
 Mild tachycardia normal
 Signs and symptoms of shock represent >30%
blood loss
Maternal abdomen
 Fundal height
 Leopold’s: estimated fetal weight, fetal lie
 Location of tenderness
 Tetanic contractions
Ultrasound - Abruption
Abruption is a clinical diagnosis!
 Placental location and appearance
 Retroplacental echolucency
 Abnormal thickening of placenta
 “Torn” edge of placenta
 Fetal lie
 Estimated fetal weight
Laboratory - Abruption
Complete blood count
 Type and Rh
 Coagulation tests + “Clot test”
 Kleihauer-Betke not diagnostic, but useful
to determine Rhogam dose
 Preeclampsia labs, if indicated
 Consider urine drug screen
Sher’s Classification - Abruption
Grade I
mild, often retroplacental
clot identified at delivery
Grade II
tense, tender abdomen and
live fetus
Grade III
with fetal demise
- without coagulopathy
- with coagulopathy (1/3)
Treatment – Grade II Abruption
Assess fetal and maternal stability
IUPC to detect elevated uterine tone
Expeditious operative or vaginal delivery
Maintain urine output > 30 cc/hr and
hematocrit > 30%
Prepare for neonatal resuscitation
Treatment – Grade III Abruption
Assess mother for hemodynamic and
coagulation status
 Vigorous replacement of fluid and blood
 Vaginal delivery preferred, unless severe
Coagulopathy with Abruption
Occurs in 1/3 of Grade III abruption
 Usually not seen if live fetus
 Etiologies: consumption, DIC
 Administer platelets, FFP
 Give Factor VIII if severe
Epidemiology of Uterine Rupture
Occult dehiscence vs. symptomatic rupture
 0.03 – 0.08% of all women
 0.3 – 1.7% of women with uterine scar
 Previous cesarean incision most common
reason for scar disruption
 Other causes: previous uterine curettage or
perforation, inappropriate oxytocin usage,
Risk Factors – Uterine Rupture
uterine surgery
Congenital uterine
Gestational trophoblastic Difficult placental
increta or
Morbidity with Uterine Rupture
 Hemorrhage with anemia
 Bladder rupture
 Hysterectomy
 Maternal death
 Respiratory distress
 Hypoxia
 Acidemia
 Neonatal death
Patient History – Uterine Rupture
Vaginal bleeding
 Pain
 Cessation of contractions
 Absence of FHR
 Loss of station
 Palpable fetal parts through maternal
 Profound maternal tachycardia and
Uterine Rupture
Sudden deterioration of FHR pattern is most
frequent finding
Placenta may play a role in uterine rupture
 Transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate uterine wall
 MRI to confirm possible placenta accreta
 Asymptomatic scar disruption – expectant
 Symptomatic rupture – emergent cesarean
Vasa Previa
Rarest cause of hemorrhage
Onset with membrane rupture
Blood loss is fetal, with 50% mortality
Seen with low-lying placenta, velamentous
insertion of the cord or succenturiate lobe
Antepartum diagnosis
 Amnioscopy
 Color doppler ultrasound
 Palpate vessels during vaginal examination
Diagnostic Tests – Vasa Previa
Apt test – based on colorimetric response of
fetal hemoglobin
 Wright stain of vaginal blood – for
nucleated RBCs
 Kleihauer-Betke test – 2 hours delay
prohibits its use
Management – Vasa Previa
Immediate cesarean delivery if fetal heart
rate is non-reassuring
 Administer normal saline 10 – 20 cc/kg
bolus to newborn, if found to be in shock
after delivery
Late pregnancy bleeding may herald
diagnoses with significant
 Determining diagnosis important, as
treatment dependent on cause
 Avoid vaginal exam when placental location
not known