Name: Chapters 2/5 Test Review Solve the following by graphing: 1

Name: ____________________________________________
Chapters 2/5 Test Review
Solve the following by graphing:
1.) y = -4x + 10 and y = 2x - 8
2.) y = ½(-6x + 12) and y = -3x + 6
3.) Solve the following by substitution. Write your solution as an ORDERED PAIR.
a.) y = -5x and -3x + y =16
b.) y = 2x + 1 and 6x + 2y = – 38
c.) -2x+ 6y = 8 and y = -2x – 8
d.) 3x + 5y = 13 and y = 4x – 2
4.) Solve the following by elimination. Write your answer as an ORDERED PAIR.
a.) 1y + 4x = 10
-1y + 2x = 8
b.) -x – 4y = – 8
-2x +8y = – 32
c.) 3x + 5y = 11
6x + 12y = 24
Solve the following by writing a system of linear equations and then solving the system by
one of the three methods we have studied in this chapter. Be sure to DEFINE YOUR
5.) A silly little mouse is trying to figure out how many cows and how many chickens there are
on his farm. He knows that there are 19 animals and he counted 54 legs. How many cows and
how many chickens are there?
6)Solve each equation for x.
2x – 5 = 3x + 6
-2(4x + 7) = -8x +13
c.) - ½(6x - 12) = 3(2 – x)