Wild Open Spaces of the West

Wild Open Spaces of
the West
Rangeland Ecology & Management
University of Idaho
Dr. Karen
Wild Open Spaces of the West
What is rangeland?
How much rangeland?
Who owns rangeland?
What is rangeland good for?
Multiple uses of rangeland
What is range management?
Tools of range management
What is Rangeland?
Which of these are rangeland?
What is Rangeland?
Which of these are rangeland?
All deserts except barren deserts
All tundra
Vegetation around wetlands
All savannas
All shrublands
Only open forests
All grasslands
Forage pasture? Not highly managed pastures
What is Rangeland?
 Rangeland is uncultivated land dominated by native
plants: grasses, herbaceous broad-leaved plants (forbs)
and shrubs.
 Rangeland is all land that is not farmland, dense forest,
barren desert or land covered by solid rock, concrete, or
 Rangeland includes: grasslands, shrublands, savannas,
and open woodlands .
 Are all rangelands grazed?
Grazing as an important ecological process in all rangeland, but
not all rangelands are grazed by livestock.
How much rangeland is there?
How much of the earth’s surface is rangeland?
Forest? 25%
Cropland? 10%
Urban? 3%
Ice, rock & barren desert? 15%
Rangeland? 47%
How much rangeland is there?
47% of the Earth is rangeland
36% of the US is rangeland
53% of Western States is rangeland
44% of Idaho is rangeland
Who owns rangeland?
 In Idaho, 66% of all rangeland is “Public Land”.
 “Public land” is owned and managed by federal and
state governments for the good of the public.
 In Idaho, the most important land management agencies
are the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest
Service, and the Idaho Department of Lands.
 Grazing on private lands is wholly integrated with public
grazing lands.
Livestock grazing occurs on 95% of BLM land
and, 58% of U.S. Forest Service lands.
88% of all beef cows in Idaho graze at least part of each year on
BLM or USFS lands.
What is rangeland good for?
List 5 uses or services rangeland provides?
Livestock production
Wildlife habitat
Minerals (oil, coal, sulfur)
Native plant products
Open space
Western heritage
What is rangeland good for?
Livestock Production
Rangeland & pastureland in the 19
western states are home to 58% of
all beef cattle in the US.
Western rangelands also harbor 79%
of sheep and 88% of goats in the
Livestock production on rangeland is
very important to supply meat for
American and World populations and
also for leather, wool, mohair, and
other products that livestock yield.
What is rangeland good for?
 Livestock grazing occurs on 65%
of Idaho’s total land area and in
every county throughout the state
 Range livestock production is
Idaho’s major agricultural activity
in terms of land used and cash
What is rangeland good for?
Wildlife Habitat
Rangelands provide habitat for
countless mammals, birds,
amphibians, fishes, and insects.
Of the total number of animal species
found in the United States
84% of the mammals,
74% of the birds,
58% of the amphibians and
38% of the fishes are represented
in rangeland ecosystems.
Range Wildlife Include:
 Ruminants are animals such as deer, elk, and moose
that have specialized digestive systems to digest the
cellulose abundant in the cell walls of rangeland plants
 Rodents and Rabbits also have digestive systems that
allow them to get energy out of cellulose
 Concentrate-selectors are animals such as birds &
bears that find an adequate diet on rangeland by carefully
selecting berries, seeds, or roots low in cellulose
What is rangeland good for?
The Western United States has a much drier climate
than the Eastern U.S. ... water is doubly precious to
the 30% of the U.S. population that lives in the West
Most of the water in the streams and river of Idaho
fell initially on rangeland or forests. Therefore, proper
management of rangeland requires careful attention
to the amount & quality of water that flows off
What is rangeland good for?
Rangelands are increasingly important for recreational
uses such as:
Mountain biking
Cross-country skiing
Many national parks are located on rangelands
What is rangeland good for?
Open Space
People in the west value open space
Livestock ranches are becoming “working
wilderness” to maintain biodiversity and wildlife
habitat quality
Environmentally concerned citizens have paid
ranchers to maintain open space through scenic
Western Heritage
Ranching is important to maintain the “Western
Multiple Use
 Because rangelands have many important uses, most
rangelands are managed under principles of multipleuse
 Several uses or values of rangeland are managed
simultaneously with care to avoid overuse or destruction
of natural resources.
What is range management?
 Range Management is the careful use and
management of rangeland resources (plants, animals,
soil, and water) to meet the needs and desires of society
without damaging the resource.
 The tricky part is that the “needs and desires of
society” are continually changing.
 Livestock production has always been important but,
greater management emphasis is now being placed on
wildlife management, recreation, & water production
The term that best describes range management is:
Tools of range management?
The proper use of rangeland is accomplished by several
simple tools that must be continually monitored and adjusted.
 Fences can be placed to control how a pasture is grazed
and provide seasons or years of rest from grazing
 The number of livestock can be increased or decreased
to meet management objectives. Very heavy grazing
may be required for some needs (e.g., weed control or
water harvest) and light grazing is necessary for other
purposes (e.g., improved water quality or forage for elk)
Tools of range management?
 The species of livestock to be grazed must be carefully
selected because each species differs in the diet they
For example, cows generally prefer grasses, goats consume
mostly shrubs, and sheep eat mixed diets of grasses, browse
and forbs
 And, different species of livestock also differ in type of
terrain they use.
 For example, sheep can graze steeper slopes than cattle
Tools of range management?
 Invasion of weeds on rangelands is a growing problem.
Range managers often need to use weed control
practices (such as fire, grazing, or herbicides) to reduce
the growth of weeds and allow native plants to grow.
 Fire is a natural force in nearly all rangeland
ecosystems. For healthy rangelands, fires are often
carefully set and controlled (by prescribed burning
techniques). For example, in Southern Idaho, fire is
often used to control the spread of sagebrush and
encourage the growth of productive grasses.
What do range managers do?
What do range managers study?
The Basics:
Soil morphology
Plant growth & development
Plant identification
Plant community ecology
Animal nutrition
Wildlife management
Watershed management
Riparian ecology
What do range managers study?
The Tools:
Vegetation assessment & monitoring
Grazing management
Fire ecology & prescriptions
Restoration techniques
Weed control
Geographic Information Systems
What range classes should
students interested in range
Range 251 - Principles of range management
Range 353 - Range plant identification & ecology
Range 532 - Natural history of rangelands
Range 456 - Integrated rangeland management
Range 454 - Rangeland weed management
Range 553 - Foraging behavior of rangeland