Day 7.1 - Unit Intro & DSM-IV PPT

Unit 7: Abnormal Psychology
Day 1: Disorders & Classification
• Essential Question
– What are the causes &
effects of psychological
– How are psychological
disorders diagnosed and
• Objectives (write this
– I can: apply the
concepts of the DSM-IV
(in a spiral notebook!):
– What distinguishes odd
behavior from
something that is truly a
psychological disorder?
Unit 11: Abnormal Psychology
Day 1: Disorders & Classification
• Today:
– DC
– Discussion of Class Format
& Grading
– UMAD & the DSM-IV
– Applying the DSM-IV
– Assign Disorder Projects
• On Desk:
– RJ 11.1 & 11.2 (E.C.)
• For Tonight:
– Research for disorder
project; read sections
relevant to your assigned
disorders; additional
research will be required
Mid Term Data Analysis
• 3 is required to pass the AP • How the exam is scored:
Psych Exam
– MC questions worth 1 pt
– Mid Term Data:
3 5s
5 4s
5 3s
5 2s (4 were within 4 points
of a 3)
• 2 1s
• 1 yet to take it
– FRQ section worth 50
points (so each term worth
– Add up MC + FRQ to get
composite score
– Convert Composite score
to 1-5 scale
• 107+=5
• 90-106=4
• 73-89=3
Modified Grading & Class Structure
• Reading Journals now 10% rather than 15% of
process grade
• 5% will be based on random, unannounced
reading quizzes; this will be easy if you have done
your reading journals; they might even be open
note at times
• Extra Credit option:
– Create a unit review packet that you and other
students can complete. It should have a majority of
key terms from the unit, and should use a variety of
formats (ie, fill in the blanks, charts, matching, short
answer, diagrams, etc.)
Psychological Disorders
Chapter 16
Psychological Disorders
I felt the need to clean my room … spent four to five
hour at it … At the time I loved it but then didn't want
to do it any more, but could not stop … The clothes
hung … two fingers apart …I touched my bedroom
wall before leaving the house … I had constant anxiety
… I thought I might be nuts.
Marc, diagnosed with
obsessive-compulsive disorder
(from Summers, 1996)
Psychological Disorders
People are fascinated by the exceptional, the
unusual, and the abnormal. This fascination
may be caused by two reasons:
During various moments we feel, think, and act like an abnormal
Psychological disorders may bring unexplained physical symptoms,
irrational fears, and suicidal thoughts.
Psychological Disorders
To study the abnormal is the best way of
understanding the normal.
William James (1842-1910)
There are 450 million people suffering from psychological disorders
(WHO, 2004).
Depression and schizophrenia exist in all cultures of the world.
• We don’t treat psychological issues the same
way we treat medical issues.
– 10% of the world population will be diagnosed
with a psychological disorder at some point of
their lives
– 15% of Americans will
• Aunt Phyllis has a chronic heart condition
• Aunt Alice has paranoid schizophrenia
– Do we feel the same way about them?
– Do we treat them the same way?
Criteria of Psychological Disorder
– U- Unjustifiable Behavior
– M- Maladaptive behavior:
does it disrupt daily routines?
– A- Atypical
Is it unusual?
– D – Disturbing
Is it disturbing to the person, others, or both?
Deviant, Distressful & Dysfunctional
Carol Beckwith
1. Deviant behavior
(going naked) in one
culture may be
considered normal,
while in others it may
lead to arrest.
2. Deviant behavior must
accompany distress.
3. If a behavior is
dysfunctional it is
clearly a disorder.
In the Wodaabe tribe men
wear costumes to attract
women. In Western society
this would be considered
Overview of Psychological Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
 Generalized Anxiety Disorder and
Panic Disorder
 Phobias
 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
 Anxiety Disorder Explanation
Overview of Psychological Disorders
Mood Disorders
 Major Depressive Disorders
 Bipolar Disorder
 Mood Disorder Explanation
 Symptoms of Schizophrenia
 Subtypes of Schizophrenia
Overview of Psychological Disorders
 Understanding Schizophrenia
Personality Disorders
Rates of Psychological
Understanding Psychological Disorders
Ancient Treatments of psychological disorders
include trephination, exorcism, being caged like
animals, being beaten, burned, castrated,
mutilated, or transfused with animal’s blood.
John W. Verano
Trephination (boring holes in the skull to remove evil forces)
Medical Perspective
Philippe Pinel (1745-1826) from France, insisted
that madness was not due to demonic possession,
but an ailment of the mind.
George Wesley Bellows, Dancer in a Madhouse, 1907. © 1997 The Art Institute of Chicago
Dance in the madhouse.
Medical Model
When physicians discovered that syphilis led to
mental disorders, they started using medical models
to review the physical causes of these disorders.
Etiology: Cause and development of the disorder.
Diagnosis: Identifying (symptoms) and distinguishing one
disease from another.
Course: when/how a disorder first becomes noticeable, and
how it spreads either within the body/brain or over time
Treatment: Treating a disorder in a psychiatric hospital.
Prognosis: Forecast about the disorder.
Biopsychosocial Perspective
Assumes that biological, socio-cultural, and
psychological factors combine and interact to
produce psychological disorders.
Classifying Psychological Disorders
The American Psychiatric Association uses a
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM) to describe psychological
The most recent edition, DSM-IV-TR (Text
Revision, 2000), describes 400 psychological
disorders compared to 60 in the 1950s.
Multiaxial Classification
Axis I
Axis II
Is a Clinical Syndrome (cognitive, anxiety, mood disorders [16
syndromes]) present?
Is a Personality Disorder or Mental Retardation present?
Axis III
Is a General Medical Condition (diabetes, hypertension or
arthritis etc) also present?
Axis IV
Are Psychosocial or Environmental Problems (school or housing
issues) also present?
What is the Global Assessment of the person’s functioning?
Axis V
Goals of DSM
Describe (400) disorders.
Determine how prevalent the
disorder is.
Disorders outlined by DSM-IV are reliable.
Therefore, diagnoses by different professionals
are similar.
Others criticize DSM-IV for “putting any kind
of behavior within the compass of psychiatry.”
Labeling Psychological Disorders
1. Critics of the DSM-IV argue that labels may
stigmatize individuals.
Elizabeth Eckert, Middletown, NY. From L. Gamwell and
N. Tomes, Madness in America, 1995. Cornell University Press.
Asylum baseball team (labeling)
Labeling Psychological Disorders
2. Labels may be helpful for healthcare
professionals when communicating with
one another and establishing therapy.
Labeling Psychological Disorders
Elaine Thompson/ AP Photo
3. “Insanity” labels
raise moral and
ethical questions
about how society
should treat people
who have
disorders and have
committed crimes.
Theodore Kaczynski
1. Review: “DSM EXPLAINED” attachment in
2. Follow link in edmodo and practice applying
the DSM individually at your laptop:
3. Individually read & jot down your answers for
“Defining Pschological Disorders” handout
Disorders & Therapies Project
• See handout & detailed posting on class website
1. Select 3 disorders within one category
2. Research them extensively. Focus on:
diagnostic criteria (symptoms)
Course & prevalence (when it sets in, how common it is)
Etiology (causes)
Treatment (medical, therapies, etc.); at least 3 options each
3. Design interactive, multimedia presentation to the
class on each of your assigned disorders. You will
present at least one.
4. Therapies: Creative Component:
skits/discussions of therapeutic choices for a variety of