Diversity Unit 1 review answers


Diversity Unit 1 review


Which of the following statements about prokaryotes is false? a.

They possess circular DNA that is not bound by a membrane b.

Many species of bacteria are anaerobic c.

They perform both mitosis and meiosis d.

They do not possess membrane-bound organelles


Which two organisms are most closely related? a.

Organisms in the same Genus but different Species b.

Organisms in the same Phylum and different Class c.

Organisms in the same Family and different Genus d.

Organisms in the same Kingdom and different Phylum e.

Organisms in the same Class and different Order


What is the importance of genetic diversity? a.

Increased resistance to disease b.

Increased chance of survival as climate changes c.

Increased ability to compete with invasive species d.

All of the above


When bacteria reproduce by conjugation.... a.

DNA from one bacterium may be transferred to a second bacterium b.

DNA replicates and is distributed equally between two new cells c.

Two daughter bacterium cells form from the parent cell d.

A mutation occurs e.

Two haploid cells fuse to form a diploid cell


What is a species? a.

The fifth highest rank in the hierarchical classification scheme that identifies organisms b.

A group of individuals of the same species in a specific area at a specific time c.

A group of organisms that can interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring d.

An organism that cannot makes its own food and gets its nutrients and energy from consuming other organisms


What is the term used to describe “an organism that captures energy from sunlight to produce its own energy-yielding food? a.

Autotroph b.

Heterotroph c.

Consumer d.



Which organism is known to cause red tide? a.

Diatom b.

Dinoflagellate c.

Slime mould d.

Paramecia e.



Where would you find a halophilic Archaeabacteria? a.

Sea water with high salt concentrations b.

Deep water sea vents with hot temperatures c.

Craters of volcanoes d.

Sediment of landfills e.

Inside you


By which process do cynobacteria obtain energy? a.

Decomposition b.

Methanogenesis c.

Parasitism d.

Chemosynthesis e.



The phylogentic species concept is based on which evidence? a.

Body shape and size of organisms b.

Evolutionary history of organisms c.

Ability of organisms to interbreed d.

Structural function of organisms e.

Existing population of a species


Which shows physiological evidence of a relationship? a.

Two species of corn produce similar proteins b.

Insects have six jointed legs and exoskeletons c.

Two organisms are in the same Kingdom d.

Lynxes and housecats share many of the same genes e.

Birds and dinosaurs share common bone characteristics


Algae belong to which Kingdom? a.

Plantae b.

Animalia c.

Fungi d.

Protista e.



Which of the following does not relate to Archaea? a.

Methanogensis b.

Mesophile c.

Binary fission d.



The greatest similarity in structure occurs between members belonging to: a.

Kingdom b.

Species c.

Phylum d.



Organisms capable of mating and producing fertile offspring belong to the same: a.

Phylum b.

Genus c.

Class d.



Which of the following represents the correct order of classification from largest grouping to the smallest grouping? a.

Species  genus  phylum  class b.

Phylum  class  genus  species c.

Genus  species  phylum  class d.

Phylum  genus  class  species


Which group includes the other four? a.

Genus b.

Species c.

Kingdom d.



All of the following are domains except: a.

Archaea b.

Bacteria c.

Eukarya d.



Eukaryotic organisms: a.

Lack a nuclear membrane b.

Have a nuclear membrane c.

Lack chromosomes d.

Lack DNA


Which of the following is a bacterial shape. a.

Spiral b.

Pentagon c.

Round d.



Archaea and Bacteria are similar because: a.

They are multicellular b.

They are prokaryotic cells c.

They contain membrane-bound organelles d.

They are eukaryotic cells


A virus that invades a bacterium and remains inactive through several years has underdone which cycle? a.

Lytic cycle b.

Temperate cycle c.

Lysogenic cycle d.

Bacteria cycle


Some scientists study how the fang mechanism of cobras differ from the fang mechanism of rattlesnakes. Other scientists study how the wings of bats evolved from the forelimbs of their ancestors. In both cases, what are these scientists studying? a.

The biodiversity of the animals b.

The species diversity of the animals c.

The nomenclature of these animals d.

The taxonomy of these animals e.

The morphology of these animals


What is wrong with the way the species name, Acer Canadians, has been written? a.

It should not be italicized b.

It should not be underline c.

Acer should not be capitalized d.

Canadians should not be capitalized e.

Neither word should be capitalized


Of the organisms listed below, which is the closest relative of the snowy owl

(Bubo scandiacus)? a.

barn owl (Tyto alba) b.

great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) c.

saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus) d. eastern screech owl (Megascops asio) e. burrowing owl (Athene



Which statement about binomial nomenclature is false? a.

An organism’s scientific name is made up of two words. b.

The first word of an organism’s scientific name is its genus, and the second word is its species. c.

The scientific name is italicized if typed. d.

The scientific name is underlined if handwritten. e.

Both the genus and species names are capitalized.

Fill in the Blanks


Scientists have found the reminas of an animal that lived about 150 millions years named this organism Archaeopteryx lithographica, following the naming system know as BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE The genus name of the organism is ARCHAEOPTERYX


DOMAIN, Kingdom, PHYLUM Class, Order, FAMILY Genus SPECIES


Which two groups are used for an organism’s scientific name? GENUS,



Which of the following pairs is most closely related?

Acer rubrum & Acer saccharum OR Acer rubrum & Chenopodium rubrum


The science of classification is called TAXONOMY


These plants contain flowers ANGIOSPERMS


These plants have cones GYMNOSPERMS


These plants do not have roots, just rhizoids, which are root like structures


Short Answer


List the taxa of classification from the largest grouping to the smallest


Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species


Give one reason why viruses are living and one why they are not a.

They can reproduce, but they cannot live outside of a host


Draw the lytic and lysogenic cycle and explain it

Lytic cycle: A virus attaches to the host cell. The virus injects DNA into the host cell. Cell creates new viral DNA and proteins. The host cell assembles virus.

Cell lyses, releasing viruses.

Lysogenic cycle: A virus attaches to the host cell. The virus injects DNA into the host cell. Viral DNA inserts itself into host DNA. Cell divides. Stays dormant.

Provirus leaves host cell’s DNA. Cell creates new viral DNA and proteins. The host cell assembles virus. Cell lyses, releasing viruses.


Name 4 differences between prokaryotic and eurkaryotic cells.

Characteristic Prokaryotes: Bacteria,


Eukaryotes: Protists,

plants, Fungi, Animals


Genetic material

Cell Division

1-10 µm

Circular DNA, not bound by a membrane

Genome made up of a single chromosome

Not by mitosis and meiosis

Asexual reproduction common

100-1000 µm

DNA in nucleus bounded by membrane

Genome made u of several chromosomes

By mitosis and meiosis

Reproduction Sexual reproduction common

Number of cells



Mitochondria and other membrane bound organelles absent

Most forms are multicellular

Mitochondria and other membrane bound organelles present

Metabolism Many are anaerobic (do not require oxygen to carry out cellular respiration)

Most are aerobic

(require oxygen to carry out cellular respiration)


Explain the difference between heterotrophs/autotrophs, and sexual reproduction/asexual reproduction. a.

Heterotrophs: cannot make their own food and rely on eating other organisms to gain energy b.

Autotrophs: produce their own food, using light c.

Sexual reproduction: offspring arise from a single parent, and inherit the genes of that parent only d.

Asexual reproduction: genetic material from two parents

combine to form offspring with a unique combination of genes


Why must a virus enter a host cell in order to reproduce itself?

It cannot survive on its own


What are the different ways a virus can reproduce using a host cell?

Going through the lytic or lysogenic cycle


What is the purpose of cilia and flagella?

To help protists move and collect food


Define the term extremophile and given an example.

An archaea that lives in extreme conditions. A halophile lives in water with a high salt concentration


Name 4 differences between monocots and dicots.


What is a provirus?

Virus DNA/RNA that is integrated into the DNA of a host cell


Explain the terms: genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity

Species diversity: the variety and abundance of species in a given area

Genetic diversity: the variety of heritable characteristics (genes) in a population of interbreeding individuals

Ecosystem diversity: the variety of ecosystems (community of living organisms) in the biosphere


In 2005, a hunter shot what he thought was a polar bear in the Canadian

Arctic. The bear was brownish white and had some other features not typical of polar bears. Genetic tests proved it was a hybrid, the offspring of a grizzly bear and a polar bear mating. Your friend says that this is evidence that polar bears and grizzly bears are the same species. Do you agree? What other information might you want to know before you agree or disagree? Explain your reasoning. Since DNA testing has become more prevalent, many classifications have had to be redone. Therefore, DNA testing has

improved the classification of species. So I would believe that DNA testing over the anatomical evidence. However, you can look at physiological evidence: looking at the biochemistry, to increase the support.


Who is Carl Linnaeus? Father of taxonomy. Attempted to name every species with a two-part name.


Label the following diagram


Draw the reproductive cycle of a non-vascular plant and explain it

Begins with a haploid spore that grows into a haploid gametophyte. A sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell to form a diploid zygote. Through mitosis, the gametophyte matures into a sporophyte. Meiosis occurs which results in the production of haploid spores.


Describe 3 ways that bacteria are helpful. Help ferment cheese, protect against infection, break down organic materials for plants, makes vitamins, breaks down food


Name one example of a harmful bacteria. Streptococcus, salmonella


Describe how the following protists move: amoeba, ciliates, flagellates

Amoeba: temporary extensions of the cytoplasm that are created are called pseudopods

Ciliates: have many short, hair-like projects that are used for locomotion

Flagellates: Use whip-like extension called flagella to move


Why do bryophytes survive best in moist, shady habitats?

Since they don’t have roots, they cannot transport water over long distances. In moist environments, water is readily available to them. In sunny environments, they need more water.


Bryophytes produce seeds (true or false) False


Draw a virus and label it



Tail fibers

57. Use the dichotomous key to find the names of each pasta.

Numbered List:

1) a. If your pasta is tube shaped go to……………………..………………………..Step 2 b. If your pasta is irregularly shaped, go to…………………..………………….Step 3

2) a. If your pasta is straight, it is….........................................

Penneus pastaus

b. If your pasta is curved, it is…………………………………….

Macaronus noodleus

3) a. If your pasta is round, it is………………………………………… Wheelus pastaus b. If your pasta has jagged ends, it is…………………………….

Bowtieus noodleus

Pasta 1 = Penneus pastaus

Pasta 2 = Bowtieus noodleus

Pasta 3= Macaronus noodleus

Pasta 4 = Wheelus pastaus
