
Тема урока: “Eco problems”
Учебная ситуация: “Pollution”
Автор: Ткач Ирина Леонидовна,
учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №8
села Спасское Спасского района
Приморского края
1. Flowers are pulled out.
2. Litter is left.
3. The water is polluted.
4. Fires are started.
5. Trees are cut down.
6. Birds and animals are frightened.
7. The air is polluted.
People, help to keep all water
People, take care of
birds and animals!
People, take care of
birds and animals!
52% - water pollution
15% - trees are cut down
33% - air
60% of air pollution is caused by
different means of transport
1.What it takes.
2.What it makes.
3.What it wastes.
1) 97% of the ancient forests in our country
are gone.
2) Farmers every day pull out 75.000 mln more
litters of water from the ground than are
replaced by rainfall
3) Every day the world- wide economy burns
an amount of energy the planet requires
10.000 days to create.
1. Attract more public attention to environmental
2. Keep the land, air and water clean.
3. Make the environmental programs in each
4. Plant a tree to create home for birds and other
5. Protect the environment from industrial
6. Be a friend to fish. Don’t throw rubbish into
their homes.
7. Keep our school, schoolyard clean.
1.Do not pick wild flowers.
2.Do not litter the ground with cans,
paper and bottles.
3.Do not frighten animals.
4.Do not harm plants.
5.Feed birds and help them.
6.Plant trees and flowers.
7.Recycle used materials such as metal,
bottles and paper.
8.Clean rivers and spring.
Используемые ресурсы:
1. http://ecology.skyportal.ru/
2. http://www.ronl.ru/referaty/ekologiya
3. http://waytosoul.ru/taxonomy/term/60?page=21
4. http://priroda-vam.ru/?m=201103
5. http://russians.rin.ru/cgi-bin/rus/view.pl?a=fa&id=2523&idr=408&n=
6. http://www.mediazavod.ru/sections/tendencies/articles/index/12
7. http://www.slavneft.ru/press/gallery/?id_photos_rubric=5
8. http://revolution.allbest.ru/ecology/00029349.html
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