Going Up & Down Stairs with a Wheelchair

Going Up & Down Stairs with a Wheelchair Bound Patient
Caregiver Education
 Precautions to Observe:
1. Always have 2 attendants present. Never attempt with only one attendant.
2. The stronger attendant should be positioned above.
3. Before proceeding, make sure that hand grips are tight. The attendant below should grip the wheelchair
frame, not the leg rests or armrests.
4. Both attendants need to be physically able to make it up or down the entire flight of stairs.
 Procedure for Going Up Stairs:
1. Back the wheelchair to the first step.
2. Tilt wheelchair backwards to the balance point.
3. The attendant above should have a staggered base of support with one food on second step and one
on the third with both knees slightly bent.
4. In unison, both attendants should lift, not with the back, and roll the wheelchair up one step.
5. Reposition prior to each step.
6. After reaching the top, keep the chair tilted until the front wheels clear the step, and then slowly lower
the chair.
 Procedure for Going Down Stairs:
1. Tilt the wheelchair backwards to the balance point.
2. Roll the wheelchair to the edge of the top step.
3. The attendant below should have a staggered base of support with one foot on the second step and
one foot on the third with knees slightly bent.
4. In unison, both attendants should lower the wheelchair down one step.
5. Reposition prior to each step.
6. Lower front wheels to the ground, once you reach the bottom.
Notice that the attendants are lifting with their legs
Notice that the attendants are lifting with their backs