Purchasing Updates - Valdosta State University

New – August 2013
Delegation of Contract Signing Authority
The delegation of contract signing authority was created to provide
written guidance for signing contracts. The policy can be found the
Legal Affairs web page.
Signature Authority
Unless you have been granted authority to execute specific contracts,
you must refrain from signing anything in the name of Valdosta State
University. Individuals who sign contracts without authority will incur
personal liability for any contracts they sign. If you need assistance to
determine if you are authorized to sign a specific document, you should
contact the University Attorney in the Office of Legal Affairs.
New processes take extra time . . .
Business Services and the Office of Legal Affairs are working together
to review contracts. This new process will take additional time.
Please allow a minimum of 21 calendar days for processing contracts.
The Office of Legal Affairs provides the Guide to Contracts and Contract
Routing Form. Both forms are helpful in processing
Guide to Contracts
Contract Routing Form
Cooperative Agreements
A “contract” between a consultant that possesses certain knowledge, skill,
ability and expertise to perform certain functions and services.
(Cooperative Agreement Form)
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
A document used to define a relationship between departments, agencies
or closely held companies.
The following rules apply for Cooperative Agreements and MoUs:
Must be signed following the Delegation of Contract Signing Authority
May be signed and submitted to Business Services through ePro as an
Will be processed without additional review if Cooperative Agreement form
is used
Georgia law requires that suppliers provide Valdosta State University an
E-Verify Affidavit under certain conditions.
Senate Bill 160 redefined physical performance of services as any
“performance of labor or services for a public employer using a bidding
process or by contract wherein the labor or services exceed $2499.99 .
. .”
Senate Bill 160 reporting requirements became effective July 1, 2013.
The following documents are available on the Business Services webpage:
E-Verify FAQs
E-Verify Flow chart – VSU Purchasing Processes
E-Verify Affidavit Instructions
E-Verify Immigration and Security Affidavit for Contractors
E-Verify Immigration and Security Affidavit for Subcontractors
E-Verify affidavits must be obtained prior to purchasing any services that
exceed $2,499.99. Please contact the Business Services if you have
Statewide contracts are found in ePro through Team Georgia
Marketplace portal.
Statewide contracts are also be found on the state purchasing website
through the Windows Shopper Portal.
User Name:
User Password: tgmguest
Use Team Georgia Marketplace to expand your search for statewide
Effective July 1, 2013
State Purchasing will begin collecting spend data
from out purchases.
State Purchasing mandates quarterly audits of all
New – July 1, 2013
Category Codes
A category code is a 5-digit number that identifies the type of good or
service purchased. The category code may be selected in ePro.
State Purchasing also provides several tools for selecting category
codes (also referred to as NIGP Codes).
◦ NIGP Code Directory
◦ NIGP Code Keyword Search
Search for digital camera
Codes that end in “00”
are category headings
and should not be used
because they do not fully
identify the good or
Select the 5-digit code
(not the heading) that
most accurately
describes the item(s) to
be purchased.
When entering a requisition in ePro:
The Requester must select the appropriate category code in ePro.
If the Requester cannot find a category code in ePro, then an he/she
may wish to use the NIGP Code Keyword Search tool on the Department
of Administrative Services website. Once the appropriate code is found,
the Requester must enter the code in ePro to complete the requisition.
Enter special requests when . . .
The request is for something that is not on statewide contract
The request has a contract, e.g., consulting agreements, simple
Coming Soon
◦ New forms will be posted on the Business Services webpage to assist
with routing technology purchases
Category Codes
◦ Category codes for technology related purchases will be posted on
the Business Services webpage. These codes will ensure that the
purchase is routed through the IT Department for approval.
Documents such as quotes or supporting documentation must be
attached in .pdf format.
Documents such as contracts or statement of work documents are
preferred in a format that may be edited (MS Word or text format).
Employee and Organizational Development
◦ ePro Requester Training
Business Services
NEW EMAIL: purchasing@valdosta.edu
Request group training
Request one-on-one training
Request additional information
Business Services wants to help you be successful!
Please let us know how we may assist you!
New online Service Request Form
The new Service Request Form works best when opened in Firefox
This form can be used for:
◦ Purchase Requests
◦ Central Stores Requests
◦ Equipment Transport
◦ Records and Storage Retrieval
◦ Printing/Duplicating
◦ Other
Purchase Requests
Purchase requests should be submitted on this form when:
◦ There are extenuating circumstances
◦ There are contracts for goods and services that must go through the
contract routing process.
◦ Year end one-time purchases.
Per transaction limit - $2,499.00
The per transaction limit was reduced to $2,499.00 to manage
compliance with E-Verify.
Contact Beverly Amiot prior to making a purchase greater than the per
transaction limit.
◦ Office:
229-245-4393 or 229-333-5705
◦ Email:
P-Card Documentation Requirements
Statement – signed by card holder and supervisor
P-Card Log – signed by card holder and supervisor
Other – documentation required for “special consideration” as stated
in the P-Card procedures manual
*Complete documentation must be provided for each statement.
Technology purchases made on the P-Card must follow this process:
Prior to making a purchase contact itpurchasing@valdosta.edu.
If approved, make purchase & scan a copy of receipt to
The Information Technology Department will reply with an EDP
Copies of the email request, response and EDP numbers must be
attached to the P-Card statement and P-Card log.
Policy 10
Policy 10 provides the framework and procedures to be followed by state
agencies regarding the use, assignment and management of State owned
or leased vehicles, and to clearly state how motor vehicles shall be used
for the official business interests of State, not the personal interests of
Monthly Reporting by Business Services
Monthly reporting will include fuel and mileage reports. Vehicles
without activity for a 90-day period will surrendered to surplus at DOAS
for redistribution.
Under utilized vehicles will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Requests for New/Additional Vehicles
The university shall demonstrate the following for each new vehicle
All current agency vehicles are being used as originally presented for
budget justification.
The new vehicles are for additional staff or new program/unit.
The new vehicle will be utilized a minimum of 14,000 miles per year
for State business.
Fueling State Vehicles (owned or leased)
All state vehicles (owned or leased) must be fueled using the state fuel
Mileage must be recorded accurately at the time fuel is purchased!
Find lowest fuel prices by
 Downloading the Wex Octane app to your smartphone or
 Going to the Wex website to search for the lowest price in the area
A vehicle pool has been created for VSU related business travel.
The vehicle pool consists of eight (8) sedans and (1) 4-wheel drive
pickup truck.
Contact Auxiliary Services for vehicle availability
Office: 229-333-5706 or 229-333-7419
When traveling for VSU related business:
*Coming soon – new statewide contract for rental cars. Information regarding the new
contract will be updated as soon as the contract becomes available.
When traveling for VSU related business:
Contact Auxiliary Services to see if a vehicle is available.
Complete Car Rental Cost Comparison
Contact Business Services if you are approved to rent a vehicle. A
temporary fuel card will be issued.
The new statewide contract for in state car rentals has been awarded to:
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
803 N. Ashley St., Valdosta, GA 31601
T: 229-241-8500
1750 Airport Rd., Valdosta , GA 31601
T: 229-242-7070
Contact Business Services
◦ Office:
◦ Email:
Information Technology
◦ Office:
◦ Email:
Auxiliary Services
◦ Office:
229-333-5706 or 229-333-7419