June 2015 - Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service

On the Hoof
Welcome to On the Hoof in June 2015
Wellbeing health and adult social care news
for people working in and with the voluntary and community sector in Newcastle
Wellbeing and Health Open Forum
The Wellbeing and Health Open Forum is the way for the voluntary and community sector
providing health and adult social care services and activities to network, get involved and
stay informed. The Wellbeing and Health Open Forum meets three times a year, receives
On the Hoof newsletter and tailored mailings, and is open to all Newcastle CVS member
and associate member organisations.
Wellbeing and Health Open Forum dates for your diary
Tuesday afternoons @ 1.45 for tea and coffee; meeting from 2.00pm to 4.00pm
15 September
9 February 2016
Third Sector Development and Innovation Fund Scheme
Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has launched an innovative
scheme to support local voluntary and community organisations to deliver some of the
aspirations of the Better Care Fund in Newcastle. The CCG has invested £100,000 into
supporting local cluster areas, based around GP Practices in Newcastle. Each cluster area
has identified its priorities, and some clusters have joined together to maximise the funding
Local voluntary and community organisations are invited to apply for funding up until 31
July 2015. Decisions will be made in August, and the projects will start in October 2015,
for up until one year. There will be a requirement to state key outcomes, planned activities,
how organisations will support local people to achieve positive health outcomes, and how
this will be measured.
For additional information, please read the guidance notes and application form. The fund
process is being administered by Newcastle CVS so please go to
or www.newcastlegatesheadccg.nhs.uk to obtain copies of the information.
For any queries please contact Sally Young on ccgfund@cvsnewcastle.org.uk
NCVS On the Hoof
June 2015
Paint a canvas of your work with older people in Newcastle
The voluntary and community sector makes a significant contribution to the well-being of
older people in Newcastle, and to making Newcastle a great place in which to grow old.
Newcastle CVS would like to develop a collective sense of the variety and richness of
activities, services, and self-help and mutual help that you support. Often in the sector we
ourselves often do not know the detail of what is offered, nor how much the sector spends
on its work with older people.
This is an opportunity to paint a collective canvas of your work.
Newcastle CVS will write a report from the survey, and take it to the next Voluntary Sector
Liaison Group on 10 September. The Voluntary Sector Liaison Group is a formal meeting
of Newcastle City Council and the voluntary sector, and the September meeting will focus
on the theme of Older People in Newcastle. The list of organisations making a response
will be shown in the report but answers will not be attributable.
Will you help to paint this collective canvas of the contribution that the sector is making to
the wellbeing of older people in Newcastle? I appreciate that you may have recently
completed the survey of the Newcastle voluntary sector, Taking the Temperature, but I
really think there is a value in being specific about your work with older people.
Please complete this survey by Thursday 30 July. It is all on one page and there are 15
questions. Have a look at the questions before you start to answer, as if you come out of
the survey part way through your replies will not be saved for when you go back.
Visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/paintacanvas
If you would prefer Newcastle CVS can send you a printed survey and then we would
enter it into survey monkey; just let Pam Jobbins know. And if you have any queries do
contact Pam; call 0191 235 7017 or email pam.jobbins@cvsnewcastle.org.uk
NHS Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group
Urgent Care: improving services across Newcastle and
Newcastle Gateshead CCG are currently developing a new urgent care strategy which will
look at improving urgent care services to meet the needs of patients so that they can
access services at the right time, in the right place and with the right person. Services that
come under the urgent care banner include: walk in centres, GP out of hours services,
NHS 111, and Accident and Emergency.
Newcastle Gateshead CCG says
“To help inform this strategy, we want to try and gain a full picture of the engagement that
has already been undertaken by our stakeholders, and we are asking organisations to
share this previous work with us (you may have a report, recommendations, raw feedback,
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NCVS On the Hoof
June 2015
data etc.). Please note however we do not want to receive any personal identifiable
information so please be mindful of the Data Protection Act when sharing your information.
What will happen with the information you send?
We will pool all information received and use it as the starting point for gathering a
qualitative evidence base. Your information will be used as part of a desk review to bring
together a short report with key insights gained.
When is the evidence required by?
Please respond by Monday 6 July to enable us to gather all the information together”.
If you have information
Please contact Alison Thompson for a short pro-forma to send with your evidence to
Alison Thompson at alisonthompson4@nhs.net
Newcastle City Council
Know your Cabinet 2015/16
The new City Council Cabinet has been appointed. Cllr Jane Streather is the Cabinet
Member for Public Health and Housing; Cllr Karen Kilgour is the Cabinet Member for Adult
Care and Health. All of the new Cabinet with their portfolio responsibilities are set out on:
Newcastle City Council commissioning plans and the procurement decisions due to be
taken at the end of a tendering process can be found in the Forward Plan. Visit
Your Homes Newcastle and LGBT communities
Your Homes Newcastle (YHN) the management company for Newcastle City Council
housing stock wants to become a better employer for LGBT people and provide better
services for LGBT customers. They said
“We want to improve our organisation by increasing the number of LGBT people that work
at YHN. We already have some things in place:
We have a LGBT staff group that provides support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender colleagues, and helps us understand the challenges faced by LGBT staff
and customers better.
We have a Straight Allies group that provides support to any LGBT colleague and
challenges any inappropriate behaviour or comments made by colleagues or
We promote LGBT events to staff and the public. For example as part of the
International Day against homophobia and transphobia we lit two of our housing
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June 2015
blocks in rainbow colours and gave staff the opportunity to watch the gay activist film
We would like to hear any ideas you have for attracting and supporting LGBT staff and
learn from any positive and negative experiences you have had. Could you help us by
answering a few questions please?
Can you think of ways that YHN could increase number of job applications from the
LGBT community? Can you suggest ways of reaching a wider variety of applicants?
Do you have an ideas on how we how we can support LGBT staff – for example
any barriers they may face?
Do you know of any good practise around tackling homophobia in the workplace ways in which anti- gay bullying can be prevented?”
Please send your views to Lou Grogan on email Louise.Grogan@yhn.org.uk
Newcastle Cycling Stakeholders Forum
16 July at 6.00pm, in the Swan Parson Room at Newcastle Civic Centre.
The Newcastle Cycling Stakeholders Forum was formed by merging the Newcastle
Cycling Forum and the Cycle City Ambition Fund Stakeholder Group in 2014. The
Stakeholders forum brings together people with an interest in cycling so that they can
influence the City Council and its partners’ policy on cycling. The Newcastle Cycling
Stakeholders Forum meets every two months on the 3rd Thursday.
For the dates of meetings, along with agendas and papers visit
Newcastle Health Scrutiny Committee
The focus of the June Health Scrutiny Committee included:
 Evidence on Health and Wellbeing of School Age Children
 Redesign of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Provision
 Older People's Housing Task and Finish Group
 Winterbourne update
 Care Act 2014 update
To find out more visit
NHS England
Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
22 June, 10.00 am to 12.00 pm at Castlegate, Newcastle
NHS England and Public Health England want to know about patient experiences of the
Diabetic Eye Screening Programme. To find out more visit:
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NCVS On the Hoof
June 2015
Voluntary Sector news
Newcastle Voluntary Sector Consortium
A single consortium for Newcastle and Gateshead?
The Board of the Newcastle Voluntary Sector Consortium are considering ideas to form a
single consortium across Newcastle and Gateshead to deal with the new challenges in
commissioning, strengthen the consortium’s governance, broaden the consortium’s offer
and reduce duplication.
How to influence the NHS
The Consortium held a very informative event on how to influence the NHS, articulating an
insider’s view of pragmatic realities. This and future events will be open to both Newcastle
and Gateshead Consortium members.
Join the consortium
To find out about joining, contact Neil Shashoua on Neil.Shashoua@cvsnewcastle.org.uk
Everyone’s Tomorrow – today
‘Everyone's Tomorrow – today’ is the Elders Council monthly radio programme which is
broadcast on the first Friday of the month on NE1.fm (102.5fm). This lively broadcast has a
different theme each month and Sally Young, Chief Executive of Newcastle CVS will
speak about the Care Act 2014 implications for the voluntary sector on 3 July, between
2.00 pm and 4.00 pm.
Is the NHS Standard Contract a barrier to commissioning VCSE
Many VCSE organisations have said they find the NHS Standard Contract a barrier to
having their services commissioned by the NHS. Consequently, Simon Stevens, NHS
Chief Executive, committed to exploring a shorter version of the NHS Standard Contract
for low-value contracts in the NHS Five Year Forward View.
Regional Voices, working with NHS England, is carrying out a survey to understand
specific issues which organisations have experienced in using the NHS Standard Contract.
The survey should take no more than 15 minutes. The survey will close at 10.00 am on 27
July. You can take the survey here.
If you have any queries about this survey, or would like any support filling it in, contact
Emma Baylin or Yoshiko Stokoe on 0113 394 2300 or
email emma.baylin@involveyorkshirehumber.org.uk
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NCVS On the Hoof
June 2015
National Government
Psychoactive Substances Bill
The Psychoactive Substances Bill to blanket ban New Psychoactive Substances (NPS,
often known as legal highs) was published on 10 June, and draws upon the Irish model of
tackling the ever changing nature of NPS.
Visit http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2015-16/psychoactivesubstances.html.
For government consultations visit
Apply a filter such as Open Consultations, then National Health Service or Social Care.
National NHS and social care
Winterbourne View: reporting on patient statistics
As reported in the April issue of On the Hoof the Assuring Transformation programme was
a result of the Winterbourne View scandals, aiming to enable the approximately 3,200
people in large mental health hospitals to be living and cared for in local communities.
Following the latest government report on the slowness of implementing the transformation
programme a new monthly ‘live’ reporting system was established.
The first report was on 24 March for February; the third report was on 22 May for April.
The stats show that there were 2,445 patients, with 75 admissions and 100 discharges
during the month. 45 CCGs and hubs did not reply, up from 24 in March. Visit
New health league table shows North-South divide
If the football Premier League table were based on life and death statistics, Chelsea would
still be crowned champions but three of the biggest clubs would find themselves relegated
– Manchester City, Everton and Liverpool. This is according to a new analysis based on
public health information led by Professor Clare Bambra, Associate Director of Fuse: the
Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, which shows a clear North-South
divide. Visit
About the NHS
The NHS confederation has produced a short guide to key NHS statistics.
Visit http://nhsconfed.org/resources/key-statistics-on-the-nhs
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NCVS On the Hoof
June 2015
An organogram from the Kings Fund explains how the NHS is now structured, how
providers are regulated, who can influence the commissioning of services, and how much
money flows where. Visit www.kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video/how-new-nhs-structured
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Adults and the Care Act 2014
Update your policy and procedures
Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board has updated the multi-agency safeguarding adults
policy and procedures in line with the Care Act 2014 which came into force from 1 April.
These include the new referral form, the Safeguarding Adults Initial Enquiry Form.
Click for the updated policy and procedures
Safeguarding Adults training February to June 2015
Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board offers free training to organisations active in
Newcastle. Courses are free to most organisations working in Newcastle but there is a £30
cancellation charge. To find out more visit
Useful resources and training, events
Please note that events are usually placed in the fortnightly email bulletin, NCVS e-inform.
Safe Newcastle Drug Training
The Safe Newcastle Drug Training courses include: Basic drug awareness; overdose
training; parental substance misuse; and working with housing.
Visit www.nscb.org.uk/training-courses/related-learning/safe-newcastle
Domestic Violence and Abuse Multi Agency Training
The Safe Newcastle Domestic Violence and Abuse Multi Agency Training Programme for
2015 to 2016 is free to voluntary organisations and most other agencies working in
Newcastle, but there is a cancellation charge. For the training programme and booking
information visit
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NCVS On the Hoof
June 2015
Human Rights and Health and Social Care
The British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) is holding free events for the voluntary and
community sector about human rights in mental health and mental capacity. The series of
events is part of their 'Human Rights Approach to Advocacy' project funded by the
Department of Health.
Free events will take place in London, Wirral, Brighton, Manchester, Leeds (16 July at
2.00pm) and Blackburn focusing on how third sector workers can use human rights to
ensure people using mental health/mental capacity services are treated with dignity and
respect. To book your free place visit
The BIHR has produced a guide, ‘The Difference it Makes’, which sets out how providers
of health and social care services can use a human rights approach to put people at the
heart of their practice and deliver excellent care. To download the guide visit
About On the Hoof
On the Hoof is published 11 times a year by Newcastle CVS.
For previous copies, visit
We aim to make sure information is correct and up to date but we do not accept liability for
any mistakes that may inadvertently appear. Views and opinions in On the Hoof are not
necessarily those of Newcastle CVS. Organisations are welcome to copy any of this
publication for use in the promotion of voluntary and community activity.
We welcome your feedback – please contact Pam Jobbins on 0191 235 7017 or
Newcastle CVS, Higham House, Higham Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8AF
Call 0191 232 7445
Fax 0191 230 5640
Email ncvs@cvsnewcastle.org.uk
Visit www.cvsnewcastle.org.uk
Newcastle CVS is a registered charity (number 1125877) and company limited by guarantee (number 6681475) registered in England
and Wales | Our registered office is as above
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