Rural Development Programmes

European Economic and Social Committee
Rural Development
Brussels, 5 June 2015
of the
Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment
Rural Development Programmes – Sticking Plasters or Green Shoots of Recovery?
(own-initiative opinion)
Rapporteur: Tom Jones
Co-rapporteur: Joana Agudo i Bataller
To the members of the Study Group on Rural Development Programmes
(Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment)
This document will be discussed at the meeting on 9 June 2015 beginning at 1.30 p.m. in
Helsinki, Finland.
Document submitted for translation: 3 June 2015.
Administrators: Maarit Laurila/Conrad Ganslandt
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Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË
Tel. +32 25469011 — Fax +32 25134893 — Internet:
Study Group on
Rural Development
Mr Kienle (DE-I)
Mr Jones (UK-III)
Ms Agudo i Bataller (ES-II)
Liolios (EL-III)
Lyon (UK-I)
Mira (PT-I)
Pavić Rogošić (HR-III)
Siewierski (PL-II)
Wilms (DE-II)
Ms Flour
Mr Ferrer Taverna
Mr Pascher
(for the rapporteur)
(for the co-rapporteur)
(for Group I)
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On 22 January 2015, the European Economic and Social Committee, acting under Rule 29(2) of its
Rules of Procedure, decided to draw up an own-initiative opinion on
Rural Development Programmes – Sticking Plasters or Green Shoots of Recovery?
(own-initiative opinion).
The Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, which was responsible for
preparing the Committee's work on the subject, adopted its opinion on ….
At its… plenary session (meeting of…), the European Economic and Social Committee adopted the
following opinion by… votes to…with ... abstentions:
Conclusions and recommendations
The EESC welcomes the continuing commitment of the EU, Member States and regions to
address some of the problems facing rural areas through a wide ranging Rural Development
Programme. However, given the real crisis facing many disadvantaged rural areas, there is
disappointment at the delay to submission, approval and start of the Programme.
The Committee, therefore, recommends that the Commission, together with state and regional
authorities, commissions an independent review of the process to avoid future new scheme
The Rural Development Programme depends for its success on the effectiveness of the
partnership principle. The shared ownership of the Programme between public, private and
NGO stakeholders, under Treaty obligations and other commitments is essential. The EESC
notes that although there have been improvements in engagement over previous Programmes,
the improvements are variable across managing authorities.
The Committee strongly supports the review that the Commission is undertaking across its
Funds and proposes that engagement commitments are monitored and adhered to. Best
practice in continuous partnership with stakeholders should be highlighted and support should
be available for umbrella and smaller organisations to be involved. The EESC could be
included in facilitating such engagement discussions.
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The role of the monitoring committees needs to be transparent and members need to be robust
in their scrutiny with access to the financial guidelines and target monitoring. Membership
should be inclusive [with an ability to represent clusters of interest where appropriate.]?
The Committee welcomes the emphasis on the breadth of programmes and on measures to
identify local needs and priorities. It recommends greater use of the CLLD model for more
inclusive community involvement and the dissemination of best practice for efficient
The EESC notes the budgetary constraints of the Programme and welcomes the emphasis on
its complementary and non-duplicative role to the remainder of the CAP budget. It
recommends maximum use of co-financing not just from governmental but also from private
and voluntary match funding sources, with a streamlined process for applicants.
The Managing Authorities should have arrangements in place to seek financial support from
other Cohesion Policy and European Investment Funds etc. where projects fit wider criteria.
From the breadth of programmes there will have to be prioritisation to manage the limited
funds. States and regions have prioritised spending in widely different ways. This Opinion
stresses the importance of sustainable development of economic activity, biodiversity and
social justice with a strong emphasis on adding value to land-based resources.
The Committee recommends that the Commission undertakes a mid-term review of progress
against targets for the above priorities and sanctions adjustments to ensure real benefits
towards the completion of the Programme.
There is a real concern that the RDPs will be unable to deliver territorial cohesion. The more
remote and economically marginal areas, both within and between states and regions, lack the
structural capacity to capitalise on the funds and support available.
The Committee believes that further targeted resources over a longer period of time is
required, including cross border mentoring, twinning, capacity building for support structures
and innovative private and social enterprise loans and investments.
The long established Leader model is strongly supported and the EC funded RD Networks are
encouraged to further disseminate best practice.
The ability to transfer funds from one CAP pillar to another is noted, as is the variety of
transfers envisaged by the authorities.
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It is recommended that an analysis of the effectiveness of this freedom is undertaken
particularly from a perspective of the:
a) risk of accentuating economic distortion between areas and
b) increasing independence from subsidy support.
The EESC welcomes the emphasis in the Programmes on new employment opportunities and
the importance of integrated knowledge transfer, with greater links between farmers, other
rural entrepreneurs and research institutions.
The current models of mentoring, training and advisory support services should be evaluated
for improvements. However, such support whether from the RDP or other sources of funding,
is critical for the development of relevant skills and innovation. Rural schools and colleges
need to be more closely linked to the traditional and changing skill-needs of their areas.
There is a real need to address succession planning, integrating RDP opportunities for testing
business models with national, regional rules on asset transfers. Mobility of labour is
encouraged if supported by quality training and adherence to employment rights.
Measures to add value to the diversity of local food, small scale and community-owned
renewable energy, crafts, timber products, agri-tourism and enhancement of cultural
landscapes are to be welcomed.
1.10.1 The Committee recommends that more effort is required to build bridges between farmers as
producers of food, environmental and recreational goods, and urban consumers and an
increasingly ethnically diverse European citizenship.
Measures to reduce the impact of climate change on agriculture and forestry, and vice versa,
and to encouraging the contribution of both to increasing carbon capture, improving water
quality and biodiversity as well as promoting the circular economy are also welcomed.
1.11.1 The Committee notes that improvements are long term processes but recommends more effort
at measuring developments and learning over successive agri-environment schemes.
It is noted that tackling social injustice in rural areas depends on wider governmental and EU
funds and policy commitments including providing better access to internet, transport , health
and education services.
1.12.1 However, the EESC recommends that RDP measures should also be tested for their efforts to
be relevant and inclusive of all rural citizens.
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Rural Europe is the life blood of all European citizens, not just those who live and work there.
It provides secure food, timber, minerals and water supplies. It provides a diversity of habitat,
renewable energy, recreational lungs, historical landscapes, crafts, and above all, multi-skilled
and diversely cultured people. Some 115 million (23%) of EU citizens are categorised as
living in rural areas.
However, there is much variation between rural areas in terms of economic prosperity and
social cohesion. Some are affluent and dynamic, others fragile, depopulating and fractured.
Many are asset rich and cash poor, characterised by sparse settlements with limited access to
public services. This is especially true for the more remote and mountainous regions and
islands. The gravitational pull of modern economic and social activity towards towns and
cities is unrelenting. This makes it very difficult for governments, especially if implementing
unsuitable urban solutions, to ensure rural communities are sustainable. Mobility and free
movement of people are vital principles for the European Union and are fully committed to by
the EESC. However it has unintended consequences for the poorest rural regions as too many
people, especially the young, leave in anticipation of better living prospects without returning.
Europe needs a vision to restore confidence in rural wellbeing, based on sustainable
management of natural resources, growing the circular economy, promoting added value of
green growth, greater understanding of community needs and smarter support services.
General comments
Measures to rebalance rural-urban economic opportunity and stabilise social cohesion by
Member States and regions are numerous and the EU has, through the first (Regulation
(EU) 1307/2013) and second pillar (Regulation (EU) 1305/2013) of the CAP, as well as its
Structural/ Cohesion Funds, made continuous efforts to reverse the decline, though with
limited and variable success. The current EU support for rural development, financed by the
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), established by Regulation
(EU) No°1306/2013, is estimated before transfer at EUR 95.6 billion, which represents 23%
of the CAP budget.
This opinion seeks to address why there is variability in success rates and what the prospects
are of real improvements during the new funding programme. Are lessons being learnt for the
three pillars of sustainable development, economic, environmental and social justice? Is there
a real sense of ownership and partnership among all stakeholders?
Specifically, the Rural Development Programmes have several characteristics which should
enable them to contribute to a real improvement in tackling rural disadvantages.
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The 2014-2020 Programmes build on years of experience of what works and what does not.
The Commission supports the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) to promote
good practices and the EESC recommends that this work be enhanced both at European and
local level. Lessons could also be learnt from the best practices of other funding providers,
both national and local.
Although budgets are smaller than some of the other EU budgets, e.g. cohesion policy
amounts to EUR 351.8 billion, they can be smart and enlarged through co-financing with
public and private sources as well as foundations, community banks, lotteries and community
enterprises and other contributions in kind.
Components of the Programmes are flexible and local enough to build on the actual needs of
communities. The Leader model with the Local Action Groups and the Community-led Local
Development (CLLD) methodology bring a shared ownership and positive results, where they
are most efficient and successful. Technical support for all stakeholders, coupled with
mentoring and training is vital across all projects and initiatives.
However, the most disadvantaged areas struggle to deliver real improvements from short term
programmes, given a lack of business resources, poor infrastructure, inexperienced
community leadership and less access to other investments. The EESC believes that for better
territorial cohesion there should be greater attention given to these areas as under the previous
Objective 1 of the Structural/Cohesion Funding Programmes.
Good programmes identify clear priorities, through local consultation, and where appropriate,
through building added value to natural resources of people and places. If successful, they
enable the EU itself to realise its 2020 strategy and other long-term goals.
Programmes need to be complimentary to first pillar resources and linked to other funding
streams, where appropriate, in a seamless bureaucratic infrastructure, which allows would be
applicants a swift response, and mentoring support from specialist agencies and planning
The European Court of auditors produced four reports on the 2007-2013 programming period
and the new 2014-2020 legal framework. They have made several proposals for ensuring
great value for money from the new programme. The Commission has issued new financial
regulations for this 2014-2020 period. The EESC wishes these financial regulations to be
clearly understood and implemented by the managing authorities as well as the Monitoring
Committees, without increasing the bureaucratic burden on project applicants.
The new Programmes
There has been a serious delay in the preparation and approval process for the new
Programmes, despite promises of simplification. The Court of auditors in its report on
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financial instruments1 stresses the risks encountered with this situation. This is highly
regrettable given the parlous state of many of the poorest rural areas and the desire for these
Programmes to urgently contribute to tackling low income, youth unemployment, poor public
services and the impact of climate change. As of May 2015 some 57%2 of regional and state
Programmes still had to be approved, although it is hoped that the process can be completed
by the end of the year.
Consultation and stakeholder involvement
The EESC underlines the importance of implementing Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the
European Parliament and of the Council for establishing general provisions for the European
Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund the Agricultural
Fund for Rural Development and the Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
It points out the particular importance of Article 5 on partnership and multi-level governance
which stipulates in subparagraph (b) that the economic and social partners are to be included
and in subparagraph (c) that the relevant bodies representing civil society are to be included.
In accordance with the Regulation, the EESC believes that the Commission should monitor
how it is applied when preparing partnership agreements and in implementing programmes,
including through participation in the monitoring committees for programmes.
This opinion examines the level of engagement during preparation of the Rural Development
Programmes, though its conclusions are limited by the shortage and the narrow geographical
range of approved Programmes. Three Hearings3 are being held along with a questionnaire
more widely circulated. Early responses indicate a territorially variable but better, more
mature, engagement process between governments and non-governmental organisations than
for previous Programmes. However, more effort should be made to disseminate good
practices of engagement, including greater use of communication technology for continuous
However, dialogue varies greatly within states and regions. The Partnership Agreements can
be tokenistic, CLLD is only adopted in some areas, and real inclusive consultation ends
nearer the beginning than the end of the process. There are examples of good practice
available and they are often found where similar engagement has led to better results with
other policy initiatives4.
European Court of Auditors (2015): Special report Are financial instruments a successful and promising tool in the rural
development area?
European Commission - Press release 26 May 2015, Adoption of a further 24 Rural Development Programmes to boost the EU
farming sector and our countryside.
13 April in Brussels, 21 May in Bangor North Wales and 9 June 2015 in Helsinki.
Wales has an evolving maturity in its consultation processes stemming from a constitutional commitment in its Devolved
Governmental Act which promotes sustainable development and works in partnership with its voluntary sector.
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To be successful, economic and social partners need resources to continuously engage with
their members and governments. As plans vary and evolve there has to be a greater sense of
shared ownership of policy and implementation. The Monitoring Committees need to have a
broad based membership that is informed and able to scrutinise effectively. The EESC is
committed to facilitating the development of better partnership models with civil and social
Governments alone cannot deliver the real change required to invigorate rural areas. They can
provide the legislative and planning framework, the democratic accountability, better public
services and catalyst funding. However, it is mostly private business, skilled employees and
social and community enterprises that deliver for people and the environment. To be willing
to invest time and resources, people have to be confident that a common vision for a better
rural future can be delivered and not hindered by excessive bureaucratic processes.
Sticking plasters or programmes for long term recovery?
This opinion investigated methods of measurement at the beginning of Programme delivery
with a view to re-examining in mid-term, whether there is real progress and value for money.
There should also be a review of whether the transfer of funds between pillars was effective
or contributed to wider geographical and competitive distortion.
Three testing themes are identified:
1) Can the Programmes deliver more entrepreneurism, more business and better
2) Can they deliver development that is sustainable and environmentally beneficial?
3) Can they contribute to social justice?
Entrepreneurism and employment With increasing demands being made on first pillar payments, higher primary costs of
production and market volatility, it is imperative that the RDP supports greater added value
products, improved marketing, branding and knowledge transfer. There should be a greater
role for universities and colleges to twin either with their own rural region or with some of the
most disadvantaged, to provide leadership, technical and business support. The RDP should
be a bridge between applicants and the European Investment Fund and Horizon 2020, helping
science to be farm- or rurally applied. Though not directly funded by the RDP, there is a clear
role for schools, especially in rural areas to address the relevant business needs of future
generations. Farm open days, work experience and apprenticeships from other funding
Lisbon Treaty art 11; Riga declaration – Social Platform.
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schemes are vital to inspire a well trained workforce6. Training has to be vocational, business
related and locally based, where possible7. Agriculture and forestry industries move in a dynamic economic environment, characterised
by globalisation, rapid technological progress and increasing societal demands. The EESC
sees in innovations an essential key to maintain the efficiency and competitiveness of farmers
and foresters. The newly created European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) is a valuable tool
that needs to be implemented quickly and widely. Streamlined funding conditions are needed
to mobilise and facilitate innovation. The Youth Guarantee and similar schemes need to be related in rural areas to RDP initiatives
so that there is hope for progression and ambition. Rural areas need a better succession
planning framework8 that is legally equitable, accessible and stimulates intergenerational
transfers that are sustainable in matching youth with experience. Agri-tourism, adding value to food and timber, producing crafts and enhancing recreational
and health fitness initiatives deserve support as does the promotional work of festivals, shows
such as the Royal Welsh and in Berlin – the Green Week. Re-engaging town and country in a
changing pluralist Europe is a must for rural business and consumers. The RDPs recognise the importance of all of the above as well as needing to ensure much
better access to broadband internet services. The EESC supports the proposed European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) worth
EUR 315 billion and its commitment to support rural projects.
Sustainable development of natural resources The impact of climate change on agriculture and forestry has been studied in NAT/665.
Modern land usage is encouraged to develop mitigating activities to combat climate change
and increase biodiversity, especially through agri-environment schemes9. Recycling and the
circular economy should be encouraged10, while renewable energy11 is a very valuable rural
asset which, if invested in properly, will contribute economically, socially and
environmentally in an increasing way. There is real scope for community ownership and
investment if technological improvements can be made to storage, smart grids and machinery.
The Welsh Agri-Academy is a good example of leadership training.
NAT/650 Vocational development and training in rural areas (Burns/Trantina).
Malcolm Thomas Review in Wales.
Glastir in Wales.
NAT/652 Green Economy (Pezzini), EESC 5003/2014, 10.12.2014; SOC/518 Fostering creativity, entrepreneurship and
mobility in education and training (Drbalova).
Ribbe RED-study of 2014.
NAT/661 – EESC-2015-00601-00-01-APA-TRA (EN) 10/12 The EESC welcomes the development of environmental schemes that complement the
greening of the first pillar. Targeted schemes that cluster land, water catchment and habitats
for wider ecological benefits are beneficial but need an accurate scientific base to measure
progress while understanding the longer term time scale required for real improvements12. The landscape of rural Europe is primarily human-made, fashioned by generations of activity
in the quest for food and timber. The diversity of the outcome is appreciated by many and the
RDPs have a role to play in ensuring the sustainability of such cultural landscapes through
ensuring skills transfer and farming activities that contribute to such a valuable mosaic.
Social justice Injustice in a rural context is difficult to define and target. As referred to earlier, it is about
scattered settlements, low population numbers, age imbalances, poor public services for
transport, health and social services. It is about low income, isolation and poor quality
housing and technology services. There is the special problem of ill treatment and
exploitation of migrant workers in some areas13. The TFEU14 establishes the objectives of the CAP, one of the most important of which is
ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community by increasing productivity,
encouraging technical progress and ensuring the rational development of agricultural
production and the optimum utilisation of the factors of production. The TFEU makes
provision for considering the particular characteristics of agricultural activity, which result
from the social structure of agriculture and from structural and natural disparities between the
various agricultural regions, when framing the CAP. Rural development programmes help to create and consolidate direct and indirect jobs in both
the agricultural and agri-food sectors and also contribute to a lesser extent to the economic
diversification of rural areas. However, regional development programmes can realistically
make only a limited contribution to tackling the structural problems and shortcomings in
public services in rural areas. The rural development policy financed by the EAFRD is intended to accompany and
complement the direct payments and market measures under the CAP, which also include
major objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. As referred to earlier, it addresses scattered
settlements, low population numbers, age imbalances and poor public services for transport,
health and social services. It also addresses low incomes, isolation and poor quality housing
and technology services.
See evidence from Bangor University. – hearings in Bangor 21/05/2015.
NAT/357 Cross-border agricultural labour (Siecker), CESE 1698/2007, 13.12.2007, OJ C 120, 16.5.2008, p. 19.
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
NAT/661 – EESC-2015-00601-00-01-APA-TRA (EN) 11/12 The EESC is concerned by the fact that in some areas15 there is the specific problem of abuse
and exploitation of migrant workers and therefore greater efforts are needed to help with their
integration and to enable access to appropriate vocational training. Other government budgets and policies that are rural proofed or, better still, specifically
designed for rural issues, are required including schemes for community transport, energy
efficiency in homes and re-training opportunities to encourage innovation. Nevertheless, rural
development programmes should be assessed for their contribution to social justice using the
indicators provided for in EU legislation and other indicators that should be included for a
more effective evaluation, such as those for encouraging social enterprises and social farming
projects which tackle disability, create employment and use redundant farm buildings and
NAT/357 Cross-border agricultural labour (Siecker), CESE 1698/2007, 13.12.2007, OJ C 120, 16.5.2008, p. 19.
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