Developmental Psychology A branch of psychology that studies

Developmental Psychology
A branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive and social changes throughout the
Prenatal Development and the Newborn
A. Conception
B. Prenatal Development:
1. Zygote Stage
About 10 days after conception, will attach itself to the uterine wall.
2. Embryo Stage (Weeks 2-8)
3. Fetus Stage (Weeks 9 and up)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
II. The Competent Newborn
A. Newborn Reflexes
1. Grasping reflex
2. Rooting
3. Moro (startle) reflex
4. Babinski
 Habituation
B. Motor Development
o Maturation
o Infant Memory
III. Cognitive Development (Piaget & Vygotsky)
A. Piaget
o Schemas
o Assimilation and Accommodation
 Moose vs Cow
1. Sensorimotor Stage
 Object Permenance
Sensorimotor Stage: Criticisms
a. Baillergeon
b. Wynn
2. Preoperational Stage
 Centration
 Irreversibility
Preoperational Stage: Criticism
 Deloache
 Egocentrism
 Theory of Mind
3. Concrete Operational Stage
4. Formal Operational Stage
B. Vygotsky Social Development Theory of Learning
1. More Knowledgeable Others
2. Zone of proximal
3. Scaffolding
IV. Personality Development
A. Sigmund Freud & Psychosexual Stages
 libido
1. Oral Stage
2. Anal Stage
3. Phallic Stage
4. Latency Stage
5. Genital Stage
 Fixation
B. Defense Mechanisms
1. Repression
2. Regression
3. Denial
4. Reaction Formation
5. Projection
6. Rationalization
7. Displacement
8. Sublimation
V. Social Development
A. Erik Erikson and 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development.
1. Trust v. Mistrust
2. Autonomy V. Shame & Doubt
3. Initiative V. Guilt
4. Industry v. Inferiority
5. Identity v. Role Confusion
 identity crisis.
6. Intimacy v. Isolation
7. Generativity v. Stagnation (Middle Adulthood)
8. Integrity v. Despair (late Adulthood)
B. Attachment:
1. Origins of Attachment
 Body Contact
 Familiarity
2. Attachment Differences
a. Mary Ainsworth
o Strange Situation Experiment
b. Secure vs Insecure
 Inconsistently no
 Consistently no
 reactive attachment disorder
c. Temperament Studies
d. Separation Anxiety
3. Deprivation of Attachment
4. Day Care and Attachment
5. Parenting Styles
VI. Adolescence
A. Physical Development
1. Primary Sexual Characteristics
2. Secondary Sexual Characteristics
B. Brain Development
1. Frontal Cortex
C. Cognitive Development
D. Developing Reasoning Power
VII. Moral Development
A. Lawrence Kohlberg
3 stages of Moral Thinking
1. Pre Conventional
2. Conventional
3. Post Conventional
The Heinz Dilemma: A man’s wife is dying. There is one drug that could save her life, but it is very
expensive, and the druggist who invented it will not sell it at a price low enough for the man to buy it.
Finally, the man becomes desperate and considers stealing the drug for his wife. What should he do and
B. Carol Gilligan
a. Men: Orientation toward justice
b. Women: Orientation toward care
What are the different types of twins?
Types of Environmental Influences
Prenatal Environment
Are identical twins exactly alike at birth?
A. Separated Twins
We Could Be Twins!!!!!
Separated Twins