The Math class of the JSL has many methods that we can use. I

The Math class of the JSL has many methods that we can use. I listed a few that we may need for the Midterm.
There is a random number generator method named random() that requires 2 parameters to produce a random
You need to give it a range.
You need to give it a starting value. (The default start is 0)
We use the name of the class as the “handle” for every method in the Math class because the methods are ‘static’.
int num = (int) (Math.random() * 6);
//this will produce a random number in the range of: 0 to 5
int num = (int) (Math.random() * 6) + 1;
//this will produce a random number in the range of: 1 to 6
int num = (int) (Math.random() * 10) - 5;
//this will produce a random number in the range of: -5 to 4
Note that we use the range number as the multiplier for the method and the start is added to the result.
Since the random number produced is a double, we cast it into an integer.
We will explain all this in class.
The pow (num, exp) method raises a number to a power. The second number is the exponent.
double answer = Math.pow (4, 3);
//this will return the value of 4 cubed.
double answer = Math.pow (625, 1/4.0);
//this will return the fourth root of 625
The sqrt (num) method calculates the square root of a number
double answer = Math.sqrt (30)
//this will return the square root of 30