2014 AGM Minutes - Toc H Australia

Toc H Australia
Minutes of Australian Council Meeting
17-19 January 2014 – Coungeau House, Queensland.
Michael Thomas
Rt. Rev’d David McCall
David Hall
Peter Chapple,
Ray Geise
Australian Director and acting Director Southern Region
National Chaplain
Minute Secretary
Australian Treasurer
Director, Northern Region.
Darryl Low Choy
Owen Nichols
Sally Wodzinski
Tony Rigby
Australian President
Development Officer – Youth
Public Officer
1. Welcome: Michael welcomed those present , commenting that it was the smallest representation that he could
remember. In his introduction Michael said that both Regions had achieved a great deal during the year. He outlined the
important matters which should be resolved at the meeting, particularly Strategic Plan. He explained his reasons for
deciding to step down from the position of Director were to concentrate his efforts in the Southern Region where there is
much to be done – particularly in relation to the financial situation at the Toc H Camp.
2. Opening prayers: Bishop David – including the Toc H Prayer
3. Ceremony of Light was led by Peter Chapple.
4. Minutes: The Minutes of the Council Meeting held 18 to 20 January 2013 in Adelaide, having been confirmed at a
meeting of Austex, were taken as read, and signed as a correct record.
5. Business Arising from Part A:
5.1 Succession Planning and Female representation: Sally Wodzinski’s appointment to Council will help the gender
balance and the appointment of Tony Rigby will resolve one outstanding difficulty but there are still “positions vacant”.
5.2.New Prayer Card: The final draft was approved with minor typographical changes
5.3 Chaplains in Toc H leaflet has been completed and promulgated
Items 5.4 to 5.8 to be considered at Item 21.
6. Appointments: from 1 October 2013..
For 1 year to 30-9-14
David Hall
Bishop David/P. Chapple - carried
Policy Officer
“That Shirley Patton be invited to join the Australian Council in
the role of Policy Officer to 30/9/14 and thereafter for a two year period”
R. Geise/ Bishop David - carried
Public Officer
Sally Wodzinski
D. Hall/R. Geise - carried
For 2 years to 30-9-15
National Director
Ray Geise
Bishop David/ P. Chapple – carried
National Chaplain
Bishop David McCall
Youth Development Officer Owen Nichols
Bishop David/P. Chapple – carried
National Treasurer
Tony Rigby
R. Geise/D. Hall – carried
“That Peter Chapple be sincerely thanked for his valuable contribution
to the Australian Council as Treasurer of Toc H Australia since 2000”
R. Geise/D. Hall – carried
Ray was thanked most sincerely for his willingness to step back into the position of National Director.
7. Other appointments:
7.1 President for 2014. Major General Darryl Low Choy Darryl has requested a discussion with Ray and Michael
regarding his future in the position
Vice Presidents: General Peter Gration declined appointment as he had occupied this role for several years.
7.2 Life Members: None at this time.
7.3 Co-options to Australian Council: None
7.4 Executive Committee (‘Austex’). All full members of the Council are involved in Skype hook-up meetings so, in
effect, the Council Meeting is the AGM and the Skype meetings are ‘General’ meetings of the Council.
7.5 Auditor: Don Crombie is happy to continue as Auditor
R. Geise/P. Chapple - carried
7.7.To be appointed by Postal Ballot August 2014:
2 years to 30-9-16
National Secretary
Policy Director
Public Officer
8. Reports – year ending 30-9-13
8.1 Australian Director’s Report: Michael Thomas spoke to his written report. He highlighted the fact that, although both
Northern and Southern Regions share common objectives, sometimes, because the local situation will be different, the
way the objective is achieved will vary.
“That the Director’s Report be received”
(M. Thomas/R. Geise – carried)
8.2 National Chaplain No written report was tendered. Bishop David said that his main activity has been the seeking
out of a Regional Chaplain for Southern Region – which had recently been achieved with The Rev’d Wayne Philp
accepting the position. He continues to attend meetings of Austex when he is available. The ‘Chaplains in Toc H’ leaflet
has been revised and distributed and the Prayer Card is now ready to go. Bishop David is still waiting for a list of
Northern Region chaplains. Bishop David indicated that he would be prepared to come to Brisbane for a gathering of
Regional and Branch Chaplains. Ray offered to speak to Archbishop Philip Aspinall with the aim of him arranging a
gathering of Toc H chaplains and other clergy. Ray advised that he had only one chaplain’s preaching stole in stock
Ray was asked to see if he could find out where Bishop Adrian Charles had obtained the current order. Actions Ray
8.3 Youth Development Officer: In his absence Owen Nichols’ written report was presented. Owen’s report highlighted
the need for projects to be available for new recruits to become involved in. The situation regarding the websites and
face-book pages was discussed with a query to Daniel’s understanding as to where we are ‘at’. Owen strongly believes
that we need a new National Project as soon as possible. As a first step the thoughts of Regional Executives need to be
Action Michael re Daniel. Action Regional Executives.
“That the Youth Development Officer’s report be received”
D. Hall/P. Chapple - carried
8.4 Area and Regional Reports: Written reports had been circulated and were taken as read. Additional comments:Northern: 1. Ray Geise advised that he was in negotiation with Bribie Council re rate relief but that this matter and Water
Rates continue to be a concern. 2. Ekka management are reviewing their concessions – wanting to extend the offer to
other groups. The Toc H Ekka Outing will continue but there may have to be some changes. 3. Maryborough people
and Museum are already working towards the centenary celebrations in 2015. 4. Ray is continuing to develop
relationships with Grace College (University, girls), St John’s College (Anglican University College). Possible exchanges
with Cochin Toc H University are being considered.
“That the Northern Region report be received” (R. Geise/Bishop David – carried)
Southern: 1. Request for Planning Approval for the proposed Chapel at the Victor Harbor Campsite is with the Victor
Harbor Council. The proposal to finance the construction with a mortgage on the Light Terrace property is dependent
largely on obtaining rent from refurbished office rooms in the building. Unfortunately, at this time, we have not been
successful in attracting new tenants. A letter and brochure has been sent out to all members and supporters seeking
expressions of interest for donations and loans. 2. Southern Region finances are a bit fragile at the moment following a
very poor winter quarter at the camp. We confidently expect to be able to trade out of this 3. The Camping Program is
going well and this year’s appeal to Service Clubs has already reached $8700.
“That the Southern Region Director’s Report be received (M. Thomas/R. Geise – carried)
9.1 Treasurer’s Report: Peter Chapple presented his final audited financial report for the Toc H Australia Account,
Development Fund and Chaplaincy Fund for the year ended 30-9-13.
“That the audited accounts as presented be approved” P. Chapple/Bishop David – carried
Toc H Australia Account. Contributions are still shown as from ‘Areas’ and ‘States – change was requested last year.
Accounts should be sent out as soon as possible in the new financial year. New accounts to be sent out to commence
the ‘catch up’ process.
P.B. Clayton Chaplaincy Fund: Increased by $1,414 to $68,970. The amount in the cheque account has been reduced
as per last year’s instructions.
Toc H Australia Development Fund: Increased by $205 to $19,656. It was noted that this fund is still being charged
account keeping fees. The amount in the cheque account has been reduced and transferred into investments. The loan
to the Toc H Australia Account of $1,508 should be repaid as soon as possible.
9.2 Toc H Australia Foundation Fund: The Fund increased by $686 to $14,983. During the year – donations of $5,500
were received, including $4,900 from the Commonwealth Bank Charitable Fund which was applied to the Camping
“That the report on the Foundation to 30-9-13 be received”
(M. Thomas/P, Chapple – carried)
9.3 Tubby Clayton Memorial Fund: (Trust Fund not under the direct control of Australian Council.) The Fund increased
by $1,225 to $33,496. With no expenditure. It is anticipated that Toc H Australia will claim $1,500 in the coming year
9.4 Budget: No budget for year to Oct 2014 was presented.
10. Toc H Australia Tubby Clayton Benevolent Association
Michael tabled the suggested Rules of the Association. 1. It was agreed that the name of the Association be changed
to “Tubby Clayton Benevolent Association Inc”, but that, elsewhere in the document - “Under the auspices of Toc H
Australia Incorporated” - be prominently displayed, 2. Councillors went through the proposed document to sort out some
minor details
“That Michael Thomas, as Director of Toc H Southern Region, be authorised to have the
Tubby Clayton Benevolent Association Incorporated in South Australia”
(M. Thomas/R. Geise – carried)
3. That Michael Thomas be authorised to approach the Tax Department at the appropriate time to seek to
have funds transferred from the Toc H Australia Foundation Fund to the Tubby Clayton Benevolent Fund”.
(M. Thomas/Bishop David – carried)
Actions Michael
11. Ratification of Executive actions
Revision of Constitution: The meeting considered the various suggested amendments and decided that necessary
changes would take too long to be dealt with at the meeting so the matter was referred back to Austex to finalise.
Actions Austex
12. The Link
Ray Geise presented his report for the period under consideration. The last issue was in colour with dramatic
improvement with interesting and varied content. As The Link is our main means of promotion [in hard copy or on line]
the quality of the production needs to be good. Two issues are planned for calendar year 2014 [Summer/Autumn and
Winter/Spring]. The cost of production in colour is about $30% more than black and white. Cost increase to be covered
by increasing the subscription and claiming from the Tubby Clayton Memorial and Development Funds towards the
promotional copies.
“That future issues of The Link are to be in colour and the charge to the Regions
to be increased to $5 per issue to assist towards the additional cost.”
(R.Geise/ Bishop David – carried)
13. Toc H Australia Website.
There has been no improvement to the Toc H Australia website this year. Confusion on status between Daniel Roberts
and Mellissa Smith. Dan has been given codes to be able to access the website. Need to move quickly. Need to know if
Dan will take on the job – if so Mellissa will step aside.
Action Michael
14. Membership
David Hall presented a report showing basic statistics for the past few years. The report shows that, overall, there has
been little change in 4 years. The large number of un-financial members is still a cause for concern. There is ongoing
potential for Volunteers to become Members. Northern Region aims to have at least 10 and Southern Region 5 new
members in the next 12 months.
15. National Projects
15.1 Toc H Australia Community Award Scheme: There were no candidates this year.
15.2 Toc H Vietnam Partnership (Re-named): It had been another successful year for this project with excellent
support, particularly from Southern Region. Operation Christmas Child, shoe boxes continued - mainly St Margaret’s
and South Australia.
15.3 Suggestions for a new project: The new project should be welfare related rather than self development. Refugees
are generally well catered for – almost wholly Federally funded. Suggestions put forward related to urban Aborigines and
substance abuse but Regions to be encouraged to discuss and offer suggestions. An objective for any new project is to
inspire young people to become involved.
Action Regional Directors
16. World Chain of Light
16.1 The 2013 Chain started from Victor Harbor, South Australia – thanks to Michael Thomas, Rev Tony Gates
[Chaplain of Victor Harbor Branch] and Rae Glover for the work involved. Messages were received from An Kestier
[Poperinge], John Bowman [Zimbabwe], Hilary Geater-Childs [UK] and Dr. P. J. Joseph [India]. About 40 people at Victor
Harbor on 11th December and 7 or so in Adelaide on 12th to complete the Chain. For Northern Region: about 20 people
met at Counngeau House, Bribie Island.
16.2 The 2014 Chain. will start from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and 2015 from Talbot House, Poperinge.
Action Ray and/or Michael
17 Other Business
Badges: David reported that we have large numbers of small brooch badges, a very few ‘drawing pin type and no ‘bar
brooch’ type. “Approval given to David to spend up to $1000 on badges (mostly bar brooch) with funds coming from
Tubby Clayton Memorial Fund and Development Fund.”
(D. Hall/Bishop Keith – carried)
Action David
18. Next annual Council Meeting
Adelaide – either in mid January or mid April 2015. – with the April time preferred. Austex to decide as early as possible.
19. Business arising from Part B
19.1 Developing Fact Sheets: None prepared yet. Michael to prepare one on “Toc H Camping Programme”. Others
required yet to be determined.
Action Michael.
19.2 Job Descriptions: (1) Registrar General (ACT) website provides suggested job descriptions for Chair, Secretary,
Treasurer. These could be OK, but need to be discussed. (2) Policy Officer: Michael has found a Local Government
Association document which can be used as a basis for discussion – Objectives are basically OK but responsibilities
need to be pruned significantly. (3) Owen to write his own.
19.3 Policies and Policy Documents: Southern Region has Policies – to provide copies to the Australian Secretary
Action Michael, David
20. Strategic Plan
The meeting went through the Strategic Plan KRAs and progress comments – copy attached. Many of the KRAs can be
considered to be achieved or completed. Matters to highlight: (1) Use of Skype for Austex meetings has improved
communication significantly. (2) Need for younger people to accept responsibility for running the organisation. (3) Set up
face-book page for each Region. It is hoped that this will help to re-establish contact with past Leadership Course
attendees as well as have other benefits. (4) The appointment of a Policy Officer will fulfil many of the outstanding
functions including ‘Development Officer’.
Action Regional Directors
21. Thinking ahead
21.1 Centenary of Talbot House in 2015: Toc H Poperinge is making many plans for December 2015. They want to
make a collage of artwork of Toc H projects worldwide. St Margaret’s will do a painting on a Toc H project.
Australian proposals: Northern Region: Maryborough have plans involving the museum and civic dignitaries.
Bribie Island probably a concert and church service. Other proposed events include Pipes and drums in a concert.
Special publicity through newsletter and newspapers. Newcastle Cathedral. Youth event at Pancake Manor. Ray
plans to visit Changi museum with plaque. Southern Region: Proposals include: Chapel at Victor Harbor Campsite
[opening or foundation stone]. Involvement in Anzac Day March in Adelaide. Gala Variety Concert to say thank you
to support from Service Clubs and to raise money.
Commemorative ‘postmark’: David to continue negotiations with Australia Post at the appropriate time for a
commemorative postmark to be issued in Newcastle on 11th Dec. 2015
21.2 Visit to Poperinge; In addition to the Toc H members who will be making the trip, it is proposed that two “Young
Ambassadors” – a young man and young woman over 18years of age, will be appointed to represent the Youth of
Australia. These could be students having a ‘gap year’. When Michael met with the Governor of South Australia –
Kevin Scarce – he stated that the selection procedure should be ‘transparent and consistent’ in both Regions. This
initiative needs to be advertised in the main South Australian and Queensland daily newspapers in Term 3, 2014.
There should be 3 people in each interviewing panel, with one of them ‘common’ to the process for both Regions.
Funding: if the trip is costed at $4,000 each then each candidate should pay $1,000, Toc H Australia, say $500
each leaving $2,500 for each Region to find. Each Region must design a schedule of meaningful activities, with an
emphasis on youth volunteer involvement, for the Ambassadors to operate during 2016.
“That Toc H Australia proceed to the selection of 2 Youth Ambassadors [one male, one female] to represent Toc H
Australia at the 100th Anniversary in Belgium and to be Toc H Youth Ambassadors in Southern and Northern
Regions in 2016”.
(M. Thomas/R. Geise – carried.)
Action Regional Directors
21.3 New Initiatives for Building Toc H.
Southern Region: ‘Crank up’ initiatives with school groups [2 new schools – hopefully St. Peter’s Girls and
Concordia]. Work towards a Youth Executive. The Face-book Alumni initiative.
Northern Region: A strong Regional Executive. Work on 2 new schools [St Aiden’s and St Paul’s]. Develop reinvolvement of past students. Grace College and St John’s College. Maryborough – continue to build. New
initiatives for Coungeau House. Develop a proposal for Remembrance Day. Face-book Alumni. Work on Logan
22. Agreed Commitments.
22.1 Northern and Southern: Extension of school groups. Establish dedicated face-book page – for development of
alumni. Selection of Youth Ambassadors. Pack of Fact Sheets. Deciding on another National Project. New
members [10 + in North and 5+ in South].
22.2 Council: Prayer card. Appoint Policy Officer. Register Tubby Clayton Benevolent Association. Coordinating Youth
Ambassador Project. Coordinating and agreeing Policies for presentation to Policy Officer. Coordinating
production of Fact Sheets for Packs and for website. Tidying up Constitution and seeking Regional Executive
approval. Planning for 2014 World Chain of Light. Production of The Link.
23. Summing up:
Michael Thomas: Enjoyed his first time in the Chair at an Australian Council Meeting. He felt that the meeting had
been a very harmonious affair in keeping with a normal Toc H meeting. On behalf of the Council he thanked Peter for
his term as Treasurer [acclamation]. Achieved aim of being able to ‘sign off’ on the Strategic Plan and many thanks to
Darryl Low Choy for initiating the Strategic Plan and driving the process. The Agreed Commitments will be a challenge
through the year. The Toc H Ambassadors project is quite exciting.
David: A good meeting. Thanks to Michael for Chairing. We need to be aware of the tendency to lose momentum once
the Council Meeting has concluded.
Ray Geise: Endorsed Michael’s comments. A good meeting. We made some good decisions.
Peter: Has enjoyed being a member of Council and his role as Treasurer.
Bishop David: A good meeting , well Chaired. Good cooperation.
24. Closing prayers were led by Bishop David bringing our efforts and decisions to God and using a prayer of
St. Augustine.
Signed as a correct record
……. / …… / 2015