Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino - MK300-1-8-S12

Kylie Covey
Starbucks Bottled
Starbucks opened in 1971 in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market. When Starbucks
opened it was just a single local coffee shop. In 1982 Starbucks’ now CEO, Howard
Schultz, stumbled into this local coffee shop and fell in love. Today there are more than
15,000 stores in over 50 countries. Starbucks mission statement is: To inspire and
nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time (Our
Heritage, 2012).
The Frappuccino was introduced to Starbucks stores in 1995, however it existed
before that. The Frappuccino was found at a coffee shop in Boston in 1994. It is said that
Starbucks bought out the coffee shop just for the rights of the Frappuccino. Frappuccino
is an espresso-based drink blended with milk, ice, and other flavoring (Mahalo, 2012).
Product Classification
Product classification is defined as, “The organization of goods or services
according to some exhibited characteristic or set of characteristics.” (Product
Classification, 2012). Bottled Frappuccino is classified as a shopping product. In order to
get a bottled Frappuccino one must put some thought into where to acquire it and put
some effort into getting it (Trimble, personal communication, 2012). It can’t be found at
just any old store. Bottled Frappuccino would likely to be found at some convenience
stores, super centers, and grocery stores, where people shop often.
Product Description
Bottled Frappuccino comes in a clear, glass, 9.5 Fl oz bottle. Each bottle has the
signature Starbucks logo along with the signature Frappuccino font type. Frappuccino
comes in seven regular flavors, mint mocha, mocha, vanilla, caramel, dark chocolate
mocha, strawberries and crème, and coffee. Along with the four regular flavors and two
“light” flavors, vanilla and mocha. The products attribute is that it has a drink in it.
According to, unique selling proposition is “the real or
perceived benefit of a good or service that differentiates it from the competing brands and
gives its buyer a logical reason to prefer it over other brands. USP is often a critical
component of a promotional theme around which an advertising campaign is built”
(Unique Selling Proposition, 2012). The USP of bottled Frappuccino is the brand name of
the product. Starbucks is a very well known brand when it comes to coffee type
beverages. Also the convenience is a USP of the bottled Frappuccino because one can
just grab it from the store and go, he/she doesn’t have to wait in line at Starbucks.
Bottled Frappuccino does not have very many competitors. Seattle’s Best Coffee
sells a canned coffee drink, however it is much smaller. The Seattle’s Best Coffee drink
is also much more inexpensive. Some stores sell store brands on similar items.
Strength & Weaknesses
Bottled Frappuccino is very convenient because it is a lot faster to just pick one
up from the store than to stand in line at Starbucks. It is also a more cost efficient way to
get Frappuccino. Bottled Frappuccino does not have a very long shelf life; the milk based
drink can spoil quickly. Bottled Frappuccinos are not as customizable as getting one
made at Starbucks. If one wants a soy Frappuccino, or a different flavor of the light
version he/she must go to a Starbucks.
Levels of Product Graph
Augmented Product
Money back guarantee in not completely satisfied
Actual Product
Brand Name
o Great Quality
o Responsible
o 9.5 Fl oz clear glass bottle
o Metal screw on cap
o Signature Starbucks logo and Frappuccino font
o Fresh ingredients
o High quality
o There is drink inside
Core Product