A Short Biography
Full Name: Marie Antonia Josephina Johanna
 Born: November 2, 1755
 Mother: Empress Maria Theresa
 Father: Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor
 Religion: Holy Roman Catholic
 Hometown: Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria
 Education: Home tutors, she learned the basics
only; considered not well educated
 Betrothed: Dauphin of France Louis-Auguste
This was to unite the two countries and prevent war
 She was 12 and he 14
When she was handed over to France she was assigned
friends to help her in the new court
The Duchess of Noailles was her house mistress
Les Mesdames were the Royal auntes
Louis Stainislas – brother in law
Charles Philipe – brother in law
Madame Elisabeth – Sister in-law
Comptess de Barry – Louis’ mistress
Louis Auguste XV – The King of France/ husband
Princesse de Lambelle – Her good friend of the court
Yolande de Polastron – fun-loving friend
Duchess de Polignac – governess of the royal children
Comptess de Provence – a good advisor
Christophe Wilbald Gluc – a good advisor
 It
took 7 years for the couple to consummate
their marriage
They did like each other very much
They were very young when they were married
(13 & 15)
Louis was very involved in his hobbies like lock
and key making and hunting
 To
avoid the mockery of her mother and the
court that she was not yet a mother a young
Marie took up gambling and was constantly
shopping for expensive clothing
 Favourite
Food: Because she had to eat her
lunch and dinner in public – which she hated
– she much preferred her breakfast foods
 Favourite Books: She is noted that she did
not like books as she found them tedious to
sit and read
 Favourite Music: Francois Couperin, Joseph
Haydn, Antoine de Lhoier, Francois-Andre
Dancienne Phildor
 Favourite Plays: One Thousand and One