SIRIUS A powerpoint

Jonathan Wyatt
Brightest Star In The Sky!
With an apparent magnitude of
-1.46 and an absolute magnitude
of 1.42, Sirius A is by far the
brightest star lighting up the night
sky. It is 23 times brighter than
the Sun!
Located in the constellation
Canis Major, Sirius A is
around 8.6 light-years from
Earth. It is actually one in a
binary system, the other
being a white dwarf called
Sirius B. Scientists believe
that Sirius A siphoned
energy from Sirius B early in
their lifetime.
1.8x the Sun’s Diameter
Binary Systems
A binary system is made
up of two stars spinning
around each other,
constantly getting closer
until they collide.
In about two billion years, Sirius A will
become a giant, then shrink back down to
a white dwarf. As far as we know, it will
The Dog Star
Because Sirius was not
visible during the summer
months, ancient Greeks
thought that the heat of
the star was being added
to that of the sun, giving
us hotter days. That is
why the hottest days are
called Dog Days.
Historical Significance
“Sirius rises late in the dark, liquid sky
On summer nights, star of stars,
Orion's Dog they call it, brightest
Of all, but an evil portent, bringing heat
And fevers to suffering humanity.”
-Achilles from The Iliad, Homer
A Musical Star…
Sirius Satellite Radio is named after Sirius A
Karlheinz Stockhausen, famed
experimental composer, claimed to come
from a planet in the Sirius system.
Puzzle on Vimeo
Sirius in Literature
Sirius Black from Harry Potter
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
True History
Space Opera
Lucky Starr
The Starlight Barking
Sirius in Film
Doctor Who
Star Trek
Power Rangers
Good Boy