38 Latin Stories p. 2-77 (Myrmidons) TRANSLATION

The Myrmidons (Ant People)
Grammar Assumed: The Relative Pronoun
Thanks to a miraculous metamorphosis, the population of Aegina is restored.
Once upon a time, Aeacus was ruling (the island of) Aegina, which had taken its name from
the name of Aeacus’ mother, with whom Jupiter had joined himself in love. Juno, who had
never been able to endure the evil habits of Jupiter/Jove, perceived this deed and
remembered it (“held it in memory”). After many years he sent death to everyone who was
living in the island of Aegina. “O father Jupiter,” Aeacus called, “Juno has destroyed my
entire population/nation! Help me, your son, whom you love and whom you ought not to
neglect.” The god heard him and without delay began to change ants into men! And so
Jupiter, for whom nothing is too difficult, made men and women from small animals. (Am I
speaking the truth or not?)
The son of Aeacus was Peleus, whose son was that Achilles, the leader of the
*Myrmidons, “ant people,” the Greeks ruled by Achilles in Thessaly.