LISTS (In many cases other responses also are appropriate.)
1. Types of hearing loss:
a. conductive hearing loss in the outer or middle ear
b. sensorineural hearing loss is a problem in the inner ear
c. central deafness is a problem in the auditory cortex
d. combined loss is a mix of two or more of the above
2. Behaviors indicating possible hearing loss:
a. does not respond when spoken to
b. asks for frequent repetitions
c. turns one ear to source of sound
d. makes consistently irrelevant responses
e. is inattentive
f. cocks head to one side when listening
g. speaks too loudly or too softly
3. Methods of communication for children with hearing impairments:
a. speech reading
b. cued speech
c. ASL
d. signed English
e. finger spelling
f. total communication (speech and signing)
4. To facilitating understanding and speech reading:
a. Sit, kneel, or bend down to child’s eye level.
b. Talk in a normal voice, not overly loud.
c. Use gestures when appropriate.
d. Point to or touch objects being discussed.
e. Face the light when talking to a child with a hearing problem.
5. Hearing aids may not function because of:
a. a dead or dying battery
b. a worn cord
c. a faulty on and off switch
6. Visual acuity problems include:
a. astigmatism
b. myopia
c. hyperopia
Muscular imbalance problems in the eyes:
a. amblyopia (lazy eye)
b. strabismus
c. nystagmus
7. The teacher’s role in guiding the child to be an active class participant is to make orientation
and mobility skills a teaching priority, put identifying materials or subtle noisemakers on the
floor, doors, room dividers and lockers, talk to the child about everything in the environment,
play auditory guessing games, offer several opportunities to learn through the other senses,
and provide left to right training.
8. Developmental areas affected by poor vision:
a. social
b. motor
c. cognitive
d. speech and language to some extent
9. Parents reactions will vary upon hearing the diagnosis of hearing impairment or vision
impairment but some common reactions are guilt, depression, anxiety, and fear.