June 8

Mount Union Church of the Brethren
Pastor Greg Fleshman
Vision Statement
A Spirit-filled family of God that awakens persons to become
disciples and shares the message of salvation and love of
Jesus Christ to all.
9420 Bent Mountain Road, Bent Mountain, VA 24059
email: mountunioncob@gmail.com
Church 929-4792
Cell: 540-588-2551
Parsonage: 929-4111
Sunday School 9:15 am
Morning Worship 10:30 am
Worship Leader
June 8, 2014
Welcome to Worship. Let us praise our Lord Jesus Christ without
ceasing; as a living sacrifice with a changed mind.
Prelude and Lighting of Candles
Call to Worship by the Choir:
Those Assisting in Worship
Door Greeters
Children’s Story
We Have Come Into His House #24
*Congregational Praise Choruses: (all in the blue chorus book)
We Will Glorify #37 (verses 1 & 4) - I Love You Lord #44 The Family of God #114
Welcome & Announcements
Invocation Prayer
Children’s Church
Pre-Teen Ministry
June 15
Sarah Stasik
Glenn Waldron
Marlene Garber
Ronnie Gearhart
Lorraine Gearhart
Tucker Patout
Robin Walters
Sarah Stasik
Kristie Neighbors
Stephanie Fleshman
Scheduled Meetings and Events
Tithes & Offerings with Prayer
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all
creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Anthem by the Choir:
June 8
Greg Fleshman
Don Gillispie
Shawn Holt
Sonja Stump
Rachel Stump
Margaret Shepherd
Jessie Trible
Melissa Sutphin
Sarah Stasik
Glory Bound
Sun, June 15 - Father’s Day
Joys and Concerns
Sat, June 21 – Intercessory Prayer Team at 8:00 am
Pastor Greg
*Invitational Hymn:
In My Heart There Rings a Melody #514
*Postlude (Instrumental)
(*Those who are able please stand)
Wed, June 11 - Pastor at church 10:00am - Noon
Bible Study at 6:30pm,
Choir Practice at 7:30pm
Thurs, June 12 - Bible Study 10:00am – Noon
Children’s Story – Children’s Church
Morning Message
Sun, June 8 - Homecoming! Celebrating 120 years!
We will have lunch, special music and a slide show
in the afternoon. Everyone is Welcome!
Sun, June 29 – Benevolence Fund offering
Nursing Home Service at 2:00 pm
Wed – Sun/July 2-6 - Annual Conference in Columbus, OH
Please note: No Movie Night in June
Art Hadacek
Joice Holt
Barry Southard
Amy Sherr
Kay Morecock
Geneva White
Ruth McNew
Howard Stump
Cecil Wood
Carolyn Dehart
Shirley Gillispie
Butch Tanner
Dillon Wood
Alvin Stump
Jessie Trible
Jami Perratta
Dallas Hubbard
Bobby Poff
Wendy Walters
Richard Campbell
Judy Bowles
Jim & Eddye Conner
Michelle Dooley & son, Dakota Peery
Gene & Joy Craighead
Gene & Linda Wimmer
Debbie & John Daymude
Names in the Prayer Box
Caretakers & families of those in need
Mount Union Church Building Program
Please keep the family of Christine Lee in your thoughts
and prayers. Praying that God’s peace and love will
surround you during this time.
 Elsie Bowles
 Leo & Viva Bowles
 Mildred Reed
 Joe Wray – Skyline Manor Nursing Home
 Norma Jean Coffey – Pheasant Ridge
 Lee Collins – Berkshire Nursing Home
 Shirley Wimmer – Pheasant Ridge
(If you would like a name added to the list or removed from the list please see
Ruth, Sonja, or Margaret.)
Stewardship Report
Sunday School Attendance
Worship Attendance
Building Fund
Silver Sunday (1st Sun each mo.)
$ 150.00
$ 77.69
 District Prayer Calendar request for today, June 8, 2014:
Pray for Mary Jo Flory-Steury, Associate General Secretary for the
Church of the Brethren in Elgin, IL. Let us pray that the wideness and
breadth of God’s work might continue to challenge us to seek wider, greater
and more creative fields of mission and ministry.
June bulletins: Sonja Stump, 929-4102
**The Commission on Evangelism and Membership is forming an
Evangelism Team to plan one evangelistic event per quarter. They are
asking for volunteers to sign up to help carry-out this goal set by the
congregation as part of the vision for our church. Please sign up today.
Bible Water Park
Vacation Bible School
July 21 – 25
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm each evening
“But those who drink the water I give will never be
thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring
within them, giving them eternal life”.
(John 4:14)
Invitations are being sent directly to children in our congregation,
as well as children who have attended past events. If you know of
a child in the area who would enjoy or benefit from VBS, please let
Sarah Stasik know and we will send them an invitation.
A sign-up sheet for participants and assistants is in the back of the
church. Please be in prayer about helping with this ministry and
see Sarah Stasik or Dawn Trible with any questions.