Encore slideshow! - Greensburg Salem School District



“Talent is something rare and beautiful and precious, and it must not be allowed to go to waste.”

The Cricket in Times Square, George Selden

Encore Classes

Encore classes provide engaging, hands-on experiences that take learning beyond theory and puts it into practice. In our classrooms, students have the opportunity to show what they know. This inspires confidence and a heightened appreciation for how learning can improve our lives.

Encore Classes


Instrumental Music and Band


Physical Education

Visual Arts

Vocal Music

Computer Class with Mrs. Sparrow

During computer class we use technology as a tool to think critically, problem solve, research and create!

Computer Class

Essential Questions Guiding Activities

How do you practice responsible use of technology?

How do you use technology to communicate ideas and thoughts?

How do you use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions in real world situations?


Jump Start World of Learning Kindergarten

Type to Learn

Microsoft Office 2013

~Word, PowerPoint, Excel

Internet Explorer

Instrumental Music and Band

This is where motivated girls and boys will begin to learn the fun of making music and the skills it takes to be on a great team: OUR SCHOOL BAND!

Instrumental Music and Band

Mr. Steve Tribble is a graduate of

IUP and has over

30 years’ experience as a music teacher in the elementary through high school grades.

It’s not really like this, but do we have a great time while our students—your sons and daughters—learn to appreciate the artistry and beauty of making music!

Library with Mrs. Sherry Thomas

• Students will be introduced to the Hutchinson library , library citizenship skills and the role of the librarian .

• Students will be exposed to a wide variety of literature and authors . Students will explore, define and develop their own reading interests and abilities .

• Students will become adept at using the library and its resources for independent research and discovery .


Book Selection

• Kindergarten students may select 1 book from the Kindergarten cart.

• Grades 1 and 2 may select up to 2 books .

• Grades 3, 4, and 5 may select up to 3 books and 1 magazine.

• Students should return their materials on their designated day .

If a class is missed, they should keep the books until the next class.

• If a book is lost or damaged the school must be reimbursed.

Physical Education…AKA – Movement, Inc -

We follow the SPARK curriculum at Hutchinson

Elementary for physical Education. SPARK is an acronym for Sport, Play, and Active, Recreation for Kids. The focus is really on physical activity and movement by using lead up games and drills.

Please be sure to have your child bring tennis shoes on gym day. Flip

Flops and Sandals are unacceptable. They are an injury risk.

I use a card system for discipline. A green card means that the child did outstanding, a yellow card is a time out for not using ROARS behavior, and a red card means they must sit out the class.

Physical Education…AKA

– Movement, Inc -

Teacher: Mr. Denny Little

EMAIL: dlittle@wiu.k12.pa.us

Typical Class Set Up

1. ASAP –

As Soon As Possible Activity

2. Focus on Fitness –


3. Spotlight on Skill – practice the skill of the week.

4. Game –

Play a game that usually involves using the skill of the week.

Visual Arts Class with Ms. Cheryl Carnicelli

In art class, students have the opportunity to think creatively, solve

problems, visually communicate and critically observe and

interpret the world around them. I hope to instill an appreciation for the richness, beauty and meaning that the arts bring to our lives.

I emphasize careful use and cleanliness with all art media. However, in their joyful and meaningful creative activities, students sometimes soil their clothing. With this in mind, please dress your child appropriately or send an apron or art shirt with your child on art days . I’m looking forward to a fabulous year teaching your children!

Visual Arts Report

Card Benchmarks

• Contributes responsibly and respectfully as a member of the art classroom (grades K-5)

• Maintains focus while participating in art class (grades K-5)

• Applies independent creative problem-solving towards assigned activities/projects (grades K-5)

• Contributes thoughtfully towards discussion and applies content knowledge (grades 3-5)

Vocal Music

Students work with beat, rhythm, song, expressive movement, and pitched and unpitched percussion instruments to learn a variety of musical concepts.

Mrs. Little

Musical Performances

• The Fourth and Fifth Grade Musical, I Need a

Little Vacation , will be held on November 26 th ,

2013 at the Senior High School.

• The First and Second Grade Musical, Go Fish , will be held in January 2014.

• The Third Grade Recorder Concert will be held the last week in April 2014.

Encore Links http://www.greensburgsalem.org


Mrs. Michelle Sparrow msparrow@wiu.k12.pa.us

Instrumental Music and Band

Mr. Steve Tribble stribble@wiu.k12.pa.us


Mrs. Sherry Thomas thomas@wiu.k12.pa.us

Physical Education

Mr. Denny Little dlittle@wiu.k12.pa.us

Visual Arts

Mrs. Cheryl Carnicelli carnicel@wiu.k12.pa.us

Vocal Music

Mrs. Aileen Little little@wiu.k12.pa.us
