ACE Personal Trainer Curriculum Syllabus

ACE Personal Trainer Curriculum Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Ed Hennessey
Telephone: 856-468-1445 Ext. 2517
Class Meeting Times: Monday & Wednesday (Fitness Center) Tuesday & Thursday (Classroom) Friday
(TBD- Fit Center, Gym or Media Center)
Class Location: Fitness Center & Room 507
Course Description: Personal Training I (Weight 3)
5 credits
Personal training is a course where students will have the opportunity to earn an American
Council on Exercise’s Personal Trainer Certification This course is designed to give students the
knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare for the ACE Personal Trainer Certification
Exam and become effective personal trainers. This course presents the ACE Integrated Fitness
Training™ (ACE IFT™) Model as a comprehensive system for designing individualized programs
based on each client’s unique health, fitness, and goals. The information covered by this course
and the ACE IFT Model will help students learn how to facilitate rapport, adherence, selfefficacy and behavior change in clients, as well as design programs that help clients to improve
posture, movement, flexibility, balance, core function, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular
endurance and strength. After this course, students will understand the most current, complete
picture of the knowledge, instructional techniques and professional responsibilities personal
trainers need to provide safe and effective exercise instruction to their clients. Students will
also be certified in CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid. This course will run
similar to an online college course with meeting, classroom instruction, labs and independent
study, research and assignments.
Key topic areas covered include:
Human Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Applied Kinesiology, and Nutrition
Principles of Adherence, Motivation, Behavior Change, and Health Psychology
Communication and Teaching Techniques
The ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model
Building Rapport
Health and Exercise History Information Assessment
Functional Training: Assessments, Programming, and Progressions for Posture, Movement, Core,
Balance, and Flexibility
Physiological Assessments
Resistance Training: Programming and Progressions
Cardiorespiratory Training: Programming and Progressions
Professional and Legal Responsibilities, Scope of Practice, and Business Strategies for Personal
Special Exercise Programming Topics: Mind-body Exercise, Special Populations, and Exercise
Implications of Common Musculoskeletal Injuries
Required Texts/Readings
American Council on Exercise (2010). ACE Personal Trainer Manual, 4th ed. Bryant, CX & Green, DJ (Eds).
San Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise.
American Council on Exercise (2010). ACE’s Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals.
Bryant, CX & Green, DJ (Eds). San Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise.
American Council on Exercise (2010). Master the Manual, 4th ed. Bryant, CX & Green, DJ (Eds). San
Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise.
Ordering Text Materials
To access special student pricing and packages go to
Personal Training Grading:
There will be six written tests are 100 points each:
 ACE’s Essentials of Exercise Science- Chapters 1-5
ACE’s Personal Trainer Manualo
Test 1: Unit 1: Chapter 1- Human Anatomy & Chapter 3- Applied Kinesiology
Test 2: Unit 2: Chapter 2-Exercise Physiology & Chapter 5- Training Physiology
Test 3: Unit III. Fitness Assessments &Exercise Programming: PT Chapters 7-9
Test 4: Unit III. Fitness Activities & Training: PT Chapters 10, 11, 13 & 14
Unit IV. Nutrition, Supplementation, & PEDs –Test 5
Unit V. American Red Cross CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer- Test 6
Quizzes/Lab Exercises = 20 points each
Notebook- 3-ring binder = 200 points
Labs, notes, study guides, etc.
Workout programs, etc.
Fitness Assessments- BF%, 1RM, etc.
Exercise Data Base
Participation/Lab Points = 1000 points (500 points each quarter)
How to lose points:
Unprepared- if not dressed properly (workout clothes & sneakers you cannot participate if you
are not dressed) = 25 points for each day
Cell phones, other than when appropriate!
Junk food. Yes, as a personal trainer you are a role model for fitness, so do not bring these foods
into my class!