The Map is Not the Territory

The Map is Not the Territory
• Professional identity of Higher and Further
• This workshop explores some of the issues currently
impacting on the teaching practices of academics, the
changing psychological contract, and the
multidimensional aspects of professional representation.
It considers some of the tensions and challenges faced
when ‘plotting a route’ on a shifting landscape.
Plotting a route on a shifting
• Henkel (2000) asserts that in order to effectively
consider the concept of professional identity it is
vital to consider that each individual has a distinct
history, with a unique moral and conceptual
framework, and it is shaped and defined within a
specific community by the prescribed value that he
or she is given. It is the interplay of these elements
that determine professional identity and shape its
Temple Clothier, A. (2013)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Chartered Fellowship, Chartered Institute of
Personnel & Development (FCIPD)
Licenced Hypnotic Practitioner
Master Practitioner in Neuro Lingustic
Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
Advanced Professional Diploma in Mentoring
Master of Science - Human Resource
Assessor Award with Verification Units TDLB
D32, D33, D34
Post Graduate Certificate in Education
Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Ba (Hons) Organisational Studies
1999 Date Leeds Met
2005 – Date Senior Lecturer. Teacher Fellow Education,
2003 – 2005 PT Lecturer Leeds Business School
2002 – 2003 PT Lecturer Centre for Access and Life Long
1999 - 2002 European Researcher for Vocational Education
and Training. Carnegie
1997 – 2005 Harrogate College
2000 -2005 Corporate Staff Development Coordinator
1997 – 2000 Course tutor and Lecturer HRM . Business school
1997 - 1999 Bradford and Ilkley Community College
1997 – 1999 PT Lecturer, HRM, Business studies
1993 – 1997 Airedale and Wharfedale College (Park Lane)
1996 – 1997 Staff Development Officer
1993 – 1997 Course Tutor. Lecturer.
But what do you do when your ‘history’ provides
insufficient guidelines for ensuring future success?
• Nixon (1996) proposes that changes in the Higher Education Sector
have resulted in a fragmentation of the academic workplace and
increased the differentials between individuals in terms of status
and autonomy and has had a profound effect on the participation
of academics and their sense of professional identity. This shift in
professional identity has been the focus of writers such as Henkel
(2000), Trowler and Knight (2000), Rhoades (2007) and others.....
What emerges from the literature is a consensus that changes to
the structure and ideologies associated with the communities
within which academics are located has resulted in a profound
effect on both the practices and professional identity of those
working within them.
Temple Clothier, A. (2013)
Mapping ‘What counts’ for the
• Universities are social systems, and as a result can be viewed
as ‘power systems’ locked into ‘institutional mediation of
power’ (Giddens 1985. p.9)
Organizational theorists and economic sociologists, note the significant role the
informal structures have in terms of shaping both internal communication within
the organisation (Crozier, 1964; Roethlisberger & Dickson, 1939; Trist & Bamforth,
Possible maps: or a conceptual
analysis of ‘What counts?’
Corporate indicators
• Mission Statement
• Contract of employment
• Job description
• Professional body standards
‘Ours is an organizational society’
(Scott 1981, p. 3)
Personal values
• Value associated with the
• Values associated with the
• Values associated with the
faculty / department
• Values associated with
primary discipline
• Primary values
It’s only a flesh wound !
Ackerman and Maslin-Ostrowski acknowledge that
professionals face conflicting and challenging forces and
demands and need to satisfy a range of stakeholders in ever
changing circumstances. They use the concept of ‘wounding’
to identify something that is emotionally experienced at a
deep and personal level “where a leader’s decisions, motives
and integrity are impugned by others” (Ackerman and MaslinOstrowski 2002 p Xii). Whilst they recognise that this
‘wounding’ may have nothing to do with the level of
competence demonstrated, they suggest that to the person
experiencing it, it feels like an attack on the heart and
produces the characteristics of “loss of control, powerlessness,
fear and vulnerability” (Ackerman and Maslin-Ostrowski 2002
p Xii).
Temple Clothier, A. (2013)
Internal career, external career.
In 1996 Schein noted that, on a global basis, organizations are
undergoing a metamorphosis. He suggest that whether it is thought
of as "downsizing," "rightsizing," "flattening," becoming a "learning
organization," or simply as "transformations" the changes are
profound (Schein 1996, online). Throughout much of his work he
develops the concept of the “internal career” which he defines as
the “subjective sense of where one is going in one's work life, as
contrasted with the "external career," the formal stages and roles
that are defined by organizational policies and societal concepts of
what an individual can expect in the occupational structure”
(Schein, 1978, 1990). He concludes “Self-reliance and selfmanagement are becoming dominant requirements for future
career management” (Schein 1996, online).
Temple Clothier, A. (2013)
In addition to shaping communication, the informal processes also shape how work is conducted,
and how tasks area achieved, in effect they determine “practice” (Barnard, 1938; Crozier, 1964;
Roethlisberger & Dickson, 1939; Trist & Bamforth, 1951).
The power of the gatekeeper is identified in the work of Holloway and Wheeler (2002) who
describe the gatekeeping role as one that either allows or denies another person access to
either someone or something. A consensus emerging from the literature covered is that the
gatekeeper is in fact a powerful role. Bounds (2012) emphasises the need for researchers to
be aware of the gatekeepers power, and draws on Campbell (2012) to suggest that ‘This
power over participants is not a physical power as much as it is a result of the role of the
gatekeeper (Campbell, Ethics and Qualitative Research Video 41, 2012 – cited in Bounds 2012
p 7). The gatekeepers ability to effect a learner’s / researchers capacity to ‘self author’ is
Temple Clothier, A. (2013)
It is suggested that many of the new students do not have the ease with abstract
conceptualisation and theoretical ideas that their predecessors had (Coaldrake 1998) In addition
they often come equipped with greater technical literacy and ease with communication packages
that outstrip the ability of academic lecturers (Scott 1995: 5) cited in Temple Clother, A (2013).
Most followed on twitter
No 1
No 4
No 36
No 59
No 87
No 88
Justin Bieber 40,122,824
Barack Obama 32,435,110
Bill Gates
Simon Cowell 7,159,149
Dalai Lama
Baraniuk, C. (2013) The Promise of
When the map is not the
territory ………
Magolda and King (2008) present a model of ‘self authorship’ advocating that
those in academic institutions engage in learning partnerships that validate the
researcher’s ability to construct knowledge.
Sparkes, A. (2007) Embodiment, academics, and the audit culture: a story seeking
consideration Qualitative Research 2007; 7; 521 Sage Publications
Reference List
Ackerman, R. & Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (2002) The Wounded Leader San Francisco Jossey-Bass
Baraniuk, C. (2013) The Promise of Technology. The Machine Starts: How Technology is Changing Humanity Bit
by Bit.
Barnard, C. (1938). The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Bound, M. (2012) Ethics in Qualitative Research; Gatekeepers. Ethical Considerations with Gatekeepers Nova
Southeastern DCAR 7120NSU PhD. Program
Campbell, J. (2012, January 13). Introduction to Ethics in Qualitative Research. 41 (Section 1.5). FortLauderdale,
Florida, USA: Nova Southeastern University.
Coaldrake, P. (1998) Comments on Roderick West’s discussion paper ‘Learning for Life’. Higher Education
Research and Development, 17
Crozier, M. (1964). The bureaucratic phenomenon. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Friend or Follow (2013)
Giddens, A. (1985) The Nation State and Violence: Volume Two of A Contemporary Critique of Historical
Materialism. Cambridge: Polity.
Henkel, M. (2000) Academic Identities. Policy Change in Higher Education, London and Philadelphia: Jessica
Kingsley Publishers.
Holloway, I and Wheeler, S. (2002) Qualitative Research in Nursing Oxford: Blackwell
Magolda M and King P (2008) Toward Reflective Conversations: An Advising Approach that Promotes SelfAuthorship AACU Peer Review Winter 2008, Vol. 10. No 1. Association of American Collages and Universities
Nixon, J. (1996), �Professional identity and the restructuring of higher education�, Studies in Higher
Education, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 5-16.
Perry, William G., Jr. (1970). Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years: A Scheme. New
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Rhoades, G. (2007). The study of the academic profession. In P. J. Gumport (Ed.), Sociology of higher
education. Contributions and their contexts (pp. 113–146). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Roethlisberger, F. J., & Dickson, W. J. (1939). Management and the worker. Cambridge: Harvard University
Scott, P. (1995) The Meanings of Mass Higher Education. Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press.
Schein, E. H. (1978) Career Dynamics: Matching Individual and Organizational Needs. Reading, MA.:
Schein, E. (1980) Organisational Psychology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall.
Schein, E. H. (1990) Career Anchors, Trainers Manual. San Diego: Pfeiffer, Inc.
Schein, E.H. (1996) Career Anchors Revisited, Implications for Career Development in The 21st Century.
Society for Organisational Learning (Online) Available: http:// www.
Sparkes, A. (2007) Embodiment, academics, and the audit culture: a story seeking
consideration Qualitative Research 2007; 7; 521 Sage Publications
Temple Clothier, A. (2013) Metaphorical Metamorphosis: A reflection on one years personal and
professional development. Researching education in the 21st century: new directions, innovations and
challenges. Leeds Metropolitan University. Leeds March 2013
Trist, E., & Bamforth, W. (1951). Some social and psychological consequences of the longwall method of
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Trowler, P., & Knight, P. T. (2000). Coming to know in higher education: theorising faculty entry into New
Work contexts. Higher Education Research and Development, 19(1), 27–42.