Curridge draft Needs Assessment issued 18.12.14

West Berkshire Council
Schools Health and Safety
Needs Assessment 2014
Distribution List:
Head Teacher
Health & Safety Governor
Deputy Director & Head of Education
Chief Internal Auditor
Chair of Governor’s
Schools Business Manager
Schools Senior Improvement Advisers
Head of Finance
School Contact Details
Responsible Person
Auditor Name/s and Contact Details
Date of Audit
Overall Audit Score
Curridge CE Primary School
Katharine Andrews
Marilyn Dollard Headteacher Katharine Andrews (SBM)
Laura King
82.5% Good
Introduction and Scope
This Schools Health & Safety Needs Assessment is designed to examine all general and site specific health & safety management and property safety
issues relating to Schools. The audit is conducted using a process of objective evidence gathering including a review of safety management
documentation, discussions with relevant managers and staff and a tour / inspection of site. The audit should help:
To provide a supportive and practical framework for the continual improvement of the management of health and safety.
To gather examples of best practice to share with similar schools to assist with continual improvement.
To measure performance and effectiveness of school premises safety management systems.
To assist schools and West Berkshire Council to meet their respective statutory duties to manage and monitor health and safety provision.
Needs Assessment Summary Report
The Schools Health & Safety Needs Assessment Summary Report of score, findings and recommendations can be found on the last page of this
assessment report and will be provided to local, area and senior management as appropriate.
Audit Scoring and Results
The following benchmark scores, along with comments and recommendations will be used to score each question of the audit and to provide an overall
Evidence and competence that demonstrates outstanding management of health and safety.
Evidence exists that demonstrates good management health & safety.
There is some evidence that indicates some management of health & safety but improvement is required in many
There is minimal evidence that indicates health & safety is being managed to appropriate standards and urgent
improvements are required.
Not Applicable
The question is not applicable and the overall possible score will be reduced accordingly.
There are 20 questions each carrying a maximum of 4 marks each giving a total maximum score possible of 80. Any question marked as not applicable
(N/A) will reduce the total maximum score possible accordingly. The overall audit score matrix is set out in the Table below.
Overall Score
80% to 91%
55% to 79%
Not Applicable
Up to 54%
Evidence and competence that demonstrates outstanding management of health and safety.
Evidence exists that demonstrates good management health & safety.
There is some evidence that indicates some management of health & safety but improvement is required
in many areas.
There is minimal evidence that indicates health & safety is being managed to appropriate standards and
urgent improvements are required.
The question is not applicable and the overall possible score will be reduced accordingly.
Completing the Audit Tool
This questionnaire will be used by the West Berkshire Health & Safety Team advisors to carry out the needs assessment. During the audit, inspection
and discussions the auditor will score relevant questions subjectively and in good faith based on evidence seen and answers provided by the audittees.
It may assist schools that the auditor will use the bulleted comments in italics as a guide and representative of the type of documented evidence required
in order to determine the appropriate level of scoring. Where all bulleted points are not in evidence for each question a full score is unlikely to be
As an important part of the needs assessment, the Health & Safety Team advisor will request to see a range of health and safety documentation and
evidence including the following list which is not exhaustive:
o Evidence of oversight and governance of health and safety issues by School Governor’s
o Evidence of leadership on health and safety issues by the Head Teacher and others.
o Current health and safety policy
o Evidence of effective management of health & safety (Health & Safety Management System)
o Evidence of structured systems for provision/sharing of health and safety information
o Evidence of methods for provision of relevant health & safety information with visitors
o Local School policies or procedures addressing health and safety issues, tasks & activities including:
o Asbestos management including an asbestos register on site, procedures for bringing relevant information to the attention of relevant people,
permit to work systems etc.
Fire safety including fire risk Assessment, fire emergency plan, Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) where relevant, fire and
evacuation drill records, evidence of planned, preventative maintenance and test records for fire alarms, emergency lighting, fire fighting
equipment etc.
Legionella management & related documentation including L8 risk assessment with schematic drawings and following a legionella management
plan set out in the risk assessment e.g. temperature checks, regular flushing long pipe runs, cleaning shower heads etc.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) including COSHH safety data sheets and risk assessments for all hazardous substances
on site. Access to and use of CLEAPPS etc.
Security & local lock-up/unlock procedures.
Visitors safety on site
Contractors safety on site
First aid risk assessments
Violent incidents (WEBRISK )
Accidents and other incidents (WEBRISK)
Working at height
Traffic management
Hot surfaces and hot water protection
Swimming pools- correct training in maintenance, risk assessments
Health and Safety training needs analysis and plan
Health and safety training records including evidence of training and refresher training
Emergency planning and response
Current risk assessments including general premises, activity & task risk assessments, special risk assessments (e.g. New and expectant
mothers, young people, work experience), display screen equipment (DSE) workstation assessments for all users, manual handling risk
assessments etc.
Periodic premises inspection records including scheduled structure and follow-up actions
Electrical safety procedures (Hard wiring inspection certification and code 1&2 defects resolved.
PAT testing for portable electrical equipment.
The auditor would like to take the opportunity to thank all management and staff for their assistance, contribution and hospitality throughout
the audit process and I hope that you find the report helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me using the contact details supplied above
and we will be happy to assist you further.
Leadership, Governance & Management
Question / Standard
Evidence of oversight and governance of
health and safety issues by School
Governor’s e.g.
 Governor appointed for H&S,
 H&S Governor competent
 Attendance at safety inspections,
 Regular safety performance review
at Governor’s meetings etc.
There is a H&S Governor (Dr
Jo Marchant). This governor
works for the environment
agency and undertakes H&S
as part of her job role.
Recommendations & Target
The Safeguarding and the
Environment Committee
(SEC) are responsible for the
discussion of H&S. Via review
of agendas held on site we
verified that H&S is a regular
agenda item.
The H&S governor completes
a termly walk around for which
a report is produced. The
report is provided to the
Headteacher and SBM and
the results of the report are
discussed at SEC meetings.
The SBM completes weekly
site inspections as part of the
fire checks. These are visual
and not documented.
Evidence of leadership on health and
safety issues by the Head Teacher and
others e.g.
 Knowledge of H&S issues in school
H&S is an agenda item at
SEC meetings.
Minutes were provided to
evidence this. Minutes show
discussion of H&S including
issues, fire drill results and
structural repairs due to
identified issues. Content and
detail is good.
Evidence of effective H&S
Agenda item on relevant meetings
Committed to continual
improvement in H&S management
If issues are identified during
weekly or termly checks these
are brought to the attention of
the Headteacher and SBM
and action taken. Also
discussed at SEC meetings.
Health and Safety policy in place and
reviewed in the last three years.
 Dated and signed
 Statement of intent
 Organisation section
 Roles and responsibilities
 Arrangements
 Evidence of implementation
 Evidence of safety procedures
 Safe systems of work
 Previous audit recommendations
carried out
Is there a management system in place to
support, review & develop H&S
H&S policy dated 11/03/2014
and this is reviewed annually.
Whilst the policy is not based
on the WBC model structure it
is robust and contains a
statement of intent (although
not named as such) and an
alphabetical breakdown of
each item we would expect to
find addressed i.e. working at
height, accident reporting, first
aid, fire, manual handling and
so on.
Teaching staff meetings are
held weekly. H&S is a regular
agenda item at staff meetings.
 H&S committee in place
 Evidence through examples
 Are governors and staff involved in
There is a communications
book held in the school office
which staff can use to record
issues within the school which
they have noticed. This is then
reviewed daily by the
Headteacher and SBM and
items dealt with. Results are
reported at staff meetings and
the communications book is
taken to staff meetings in
order to discuss items
There is a H&S notice board in N/a
staff room. It displays the H&S
poster and can be used to
display relevant items.
H&S issues, inspections etc.
 Evidence of effective planning for
H&S management including diary
of key dates / issues etc.
Is there a system to ensure that staff,
volunteers and visitors are provided with
relevant H&S information?
 Standard agenda item at staff
 Use of a H&S notice board
 Evidence of provision of
 H&S poster displayed with correct
 Relevant information explained to
visitors etc.
 Any relevant policy, procedures or
rules are communicated
Safety Training, Planning and
Visitors are provided with a
visitor badge which
documents emergency
procedures and evacuation in
addition to a laminated plan of
the school showing all exits.
There is no formal training
plan or record in place in
1. We recommend that a
formal training plan be devised
Are training needs, including
safety, indentified.
Is there a training plan.
Induction for new staff
Are training records available
Is refresher training considered,
where required
Are certificates for relevant
courses available e.g. First
Aiders etc.
Have relevant staff received
specialist training such as:
DSE Assessors,
Manual Handling,
Personal safety,
Accident reporting/investigation
Child protection,
Work at height
Asbestos awareness
Physical restraint
Fire wardens
Evac-chair etc.
Permit to work
respect of H&S training.
Therefore it was not possible
to determine when training
was last undertaken and when
it was due for renewal.
We verbally confirmed that the
following training has been
completed by the following
Headteacher & SBM:
Legionella, asbestos, fire
training (no designated fire
wardens, no current DSE
Assessor, Risk Assessment,
EVC training re educational
visits, permits to work,
COSHH (these are not up to
date), safeguarding and child
protection, physical restraint,
epipen, (this is up to date).
The following training has not
been completed: Working at
Height, Manual Handling,
accident reporting and
investigation, stress
In respect of induction, staff
are provided with the
handbook which records key
items such as emergency
to ensure staff have had all
appropriate training and that
refreshers are completed
where necessary. The plan
should consider all training
options and include a full suite
of courses to include: Risk
Assessment, DSE
Assessment, Accident
investigation, use of Webrisk,
working at height, fire warden
and fire awareness and so on.
NOTE: we can provide the
school with a full list of
recommended training upon
Timescale: 1 month
procedures, fire procedures,
accident reporting/recording,
first aid etc. There is also a
key policies file. Policies are
read by new staff and a
document signed to evidence
this. Additionally there is
verbal discussion and a tour of
the school site.
Housekeeping, Welfare, Access and Egress
Are housekeeping and welfare
The staff room is well
arrangements well managed including:
equipped with suitable
facilities for heating and
 Adequate welfare facilities
cooling food.
 Adequate facilities for staff to
heat up food and water
Sanitary facilities we hygienic
 Adequate facilities to eat meals
and adequate.
 Is lighting, heating and
ventilation adequate
The school is set well back
 Is there safe access and egress
from the road up a lane and
to and from the site
parents are not permitted to
 Are pedestrians and traffic
drive up to the school. They
adequately separated
park at the WI and walk their
 Are sanitary facilities adequate
children through.
and clean
Accidents and Incidents
Are there effective systems for
General teaching staff do not
2. We recommend that
recording, reporting, investigating and
complete the accident book.
Universal Services are chased
analyzing accidents and incidents.
All accidents and incidents are to ensure that the annual
dealt with and reported by
inspection timetable in respect
 Staff understand the need and
of play equipment is reinstated
how to report accidents
informed of the process and
and completed on time in
 Accident/incident reporting is
book should they need to
 Incidents of verbal or physical
abuse are reported and dealt
with appropriately
Reporting procedures in place
and used (Webrisk)
Evidence of accident
investigation and actions arising
Accident statistics and
information reviewed
Staff understand the procedures
for reporting accidents/incidents
report however this is unlikely
as there are 5 first aiders in
school with only 105 pupils.
The Headteacher uses
Webrisk to report serious
incidents. Near misses are not
reported. There is a page in
the accident book to report
these however this has not
had to be used in recent
There was a serious incident
July 2014 and this was
discussed with H&S governor.
The play equipment where the
accident occurred and the
surrounding safety surface
checked straight away. No
defects were noted. This was
raised at the next SEC
meeting and documented in
minutes. We do note however
that the equipment was
overdue for its annual
inspection by Universal at this
time as the prior inspection
was completed 14/03/2013.
The school have contacted
Universal to chase the
SBM does review the accident
Timescale: 1 month
3. We recommend that the
accident book and Webrisk
information are regularly
reviewed by the SEC to
ensure that any common
issues are identified and dealt
with appropriately.
Timescale: 1 month
book however this has not
been undertaken for some
time. The H&S governor also
reviews the book. No trends
have been identified thus far.
First Aid
Has a First Aid risk assessment been
completed detailing the number of
appropriately trained first aiders
(including paediatric) required.
 First aiders appointed and
training/certification in date
 Name and location of first aiders
 First aiders aware of
accident/incident reporting
 First aid kits adequately stocked
and checked regularly
Via discussion with the SBM
we found there is currently no
First Aid risk assessment in
4. We recommend that the
school has in place a suitable
and sufficient first aid risk
There are currently 5 trained
first aiders of which 2 are
paediatric trained. All training
is up to date with one
exception. The SBM verbally
confirmed that a refresher has
been booked for this staff
Timescale: 1 month
First aiders have not had
accident reporting training.
See also recommendation 1
under section 6 above.
There is an accident book on
site with forms to be
completed and provided to
parents. If the information is
required to go on Webrisk
then the Headteacher inputs
6. We recommend that a tick
sheet be introduced to ensure
that checks completed of the
first aid kit are recorded.
The main first aid area is in
the school office with a bed.
There is a box that can go out
5. We recommend that first
aiders complete accident
reporting and investigation
Timescale: 3 months
Timescale: 1 month
on the playground but
normally the pupil is brought to
the office to be treated. The
first aiders keep a check on
the contents of the first aid
kits. There is no tick sheet in
place to confirm kit checks.
Is there a suitable and sufficient fire
safety management in place including:
 Suitable and sufficient fire risk
 Evidence it is being used
 Fire action plan
 Evidence of review e.g. review
of drills etc.
 Site plans near fire alarm
including isolation points for
gas, electric, water, hazardous
substances and gas cylinders
marked clearly along with
means of escape etc.
 Emergency contact details and
system in place
 PEEPs in place if required
 Means to assist persons
requiring a PEEP in place e.g.
Evac-Chairs etc.
 Regular drills completed and
 Fire alarm testing &
We were provided with the fire
log book which is the WBC
There are plans of the site
included which show all fire
exits, call points, detectors,
isolation switches etc as
The last fire risk assessment
was completed by NIFES
20/11/2007. A note is attached
to the results stating that a
new risk assessment will be
requested after remedial
works summer 2014. The
SBM verbally confirmed that
NIFES completed a new fire
risk assessment summer
2014, however no report has
been provided to the school.
The school have requested
this from WBC property
services and this is currently
on going.
7. We recommend that the
school ensure the contractor
undertaking checks of
emergency lighting provides
evidence of the annual full
discharged test.
Timescale: immediately
(contractor should have this
information to hand)
See also recommendation 1
under section 6 above
8. We recommend that the fire
drill record is kept up to date
with no gaps.
Timescale: immediately
9. We recommend that the
contractor is contacted to
complete the annual fire
extinguisher checks as soon
as possible. A record should
be maintained in the fire log to
Emergency light testing
Fire fighting equipment testing
Fire signage is clear
Fire doors and exits lead to
place of reasonable or total
No smoking policy implemented
Emergency exit routes are clear
Doors can be operated easily by
the building occupants.
The school do not have an
arson policy although a
section on arson control is
incorporated into the H&S
Looking at the fire log it would
suggest that fire awareness
training was last completed in
April 2008. Furthermore we
established there are no fire
Although the fire drill record
table is not completed, the
Headteacher writes a
summary report regarding fire
drills. Reports were held for
June 2014, April 2014 but then
there is a gap dating back to
March 2013.
The recent reports record how
long the drill took and any
notes for improvement. Fire
drill results are reported to the
Means of escape general site
walk through records had
been consistently completed.
Call point checks are
completed by the SBM and
evidence that checks have
been completed.
Timescale: 1 week
this is recorded in the fire log.
Last checked 01/12/2014.
Fire alarm last tested by the
SBM 20/11/14.
Westronics complete the
annual fire alarm
maintenance. Last checked
The fire extinguisher record
has not been completed. A
note is attached stating that
extinguisher checks were due
to be booked for June 2014.
SBM confirmed this was
completed Sep 2014.
The emergency lighting record
has not been completed since
The last job sheet held on file
states checks were completed
01/10/2012. From review of
this and prior job sheets we
could not establish whether a
full discharge had been
completed. Works
commenced July 2014 to
upgrade fire alarm and
therefore new lighting
installed. A new contract has
been taken up with Westronics
who will complete checks
moving forward.
Via discussion with the SBM
we established that the alarm
system was upgraded to L2 in
2013. During our site
inspection we found that site
plans were displayed by the
alarm panels.
Are there effective procedures in place
to manage asbestos containing
materials (ACM), if required.
 Suitable and sufficient asbestos
survey completed
 ACM labelled where practical
 Asbestos register of known
presumed ACM used
 Asbestos register brought to the
attention of relevant person e.g.
contractors, staff etc.
 ACM condition checks carried
out and recorded to ensure they
remain in good condition
 Evidence of information being
reviewed and communicated
 Procedures in place for dealing
with incidents/emergencies
 Staff aware, where relevant
The school have an asbestos
10. We recommend that the
register which is provided to
H&S governor completes
contractors to review and sign. checks of the condition of
ACM within the school as part
The last refurbishment and
of the site inspections
demolition survey was
completed July 2014 for
specific works to the roof by
Timescale: at next site
Oasis. Prior to that a
management survey was
completed 17/09/2013
11. We recommend that the
covering the whole site by
school ensure there is a plan
in place which documents the
actions to be taken should
WBC have yet to label ACM
ACM be disturbed.
on site.
Timescale: 3 months
Staff are not aware of the
location of asbestos.
12. We recommend the school
chase WBC Property team to
No routine checks are made of visit site and label ACM.
the condition of ACM on site.
Timescale: 1 month
Work at height is appropriately planned
and managed.
 Policy / procedures in place
 Understood by all staff
 Risk assessments completed
before work at height
 Appropriate equipment available
 Ladders inspections completed
 Controls in place to ensure work
at height is controlled
Work at Height
There is currently no working
at height (WAH) risk
assessment in place.
No staff on site have
undertaken WAH training.
Although WAH is not routinely
carried the H&S policy does
incorporate a section on WAH
and states that ladders are
provided for specific activities.
The policy states instructions
for safe use of ladders is
attached to the ladder itself.
No formal periodic checks are
completed of ladders but prior
to each use the staff member
will check ladder and report if
not to the SBM if it not found
to be in good order.
13. We recommend that at
least one staff member
completes WAH training in
order that they can
disseminate information where
required to staff who need to
WAH occasionally.
Timescale: 1 month
14. We recommend that
regular ladder checks are
completed and documented.
These could be undertaken
once per term.
Timescale: by start of spring
term 2015
Is kitchen well managed and
 Contractor or staff appointed
 Staff competent
 Contract being managed, where
 Risk assessments and safe
system of work in place
The school buy back catering
15. We recommend that the
via the WBC contract with ISS. location of isolation switches
in the kitchen be established
During our site inspection we
and communicated to kitchen
found that the kitchen is clean staff.
and in good order with
cabinets earthed where
Timescale: 1 month
Gas/electric isolation points
clearly marked and accessible
Kitchen appears clean,
organised and tidy
Evidence of EHO inspection,
where relevant
Suitable emergency
arrangements in place
Suitable fire fighting equipment
in place and staff competent
Metal worktops are earthed
Kitchen equipment is suitably
The last environmental health
inspection was 10/06/2014
and the kitchen was rated 5.
We could not find the electric
isolation switch in the kitchen
and via discussion with the
cook she was not aware of its
Fire extinguishers were
nearby and Co2 as required.
The kitchen is also fitted with
fire shutters.
The COSHH & RA file had
been removed from site at the
time of our inspection and
therefore we could not review
Electrical, Mechanical, PUWER and Play Equipment
Are there effective arrangements in
The SBM has in place a PPM
place for maintenance and testing of
and Reactive Maintenance
installations and equipment including:
file. This is split into sections
for each item with a log sheet
 Gas safety inspection within last
which is completed to show
12 months
when checks have been
 Legionella risk assessments
undertaken and the results of
covers water system includes
these checks. Follow up
schematic drawings
actions are indentified where
 Recommendations from
appropriate and
legionella risk assessment
implementation of these
 System and procedure in place
16. We recommend that the
school obtain a report from
Greenheat produced from the
annual boiler service.
Timescale: 1 month
17. We recommend that the
school contact the WBC
Insurance Team to ensure
Allianz attend site to complete
checks on play equipment and
the boiler.
for flushing water system and
cleaning spray heads e.g.
Temperature checks carried out
and recorded
Staff appropriately trained and
know what to do in the event of
Inventory of portable electrical
Procedure to report defects and
take equipment out of service
Portable appliance testing
carried out in reasonable time
Fixed electrical testing
completed every 10yrs or on
Recommendations completed
Work equipment suitable
assessed prior to purchase e.g.
consider noise, vibration,
suitability, fit for purpose etc.
Inspection, maintenance and
testing in place for pressure
vessels (boilers), water tanks,
fuel storage tanks, fire detection
and warning, fire fighting and
means of escape etc.
Insurance engineering
inspections and
recommendations completed
Play equipment is inspected by
There is no gas on site.
Timescale: 1 month
There are no water storage
tanks on site.
The school use wood pellet
heating and therefore there is
also no oil on site. The boiler
is serviced as part of contract
with Greenheat but no report
is provided to school. The
SBM does record the dates of
services – last service
recorded as August 2014.
Allianz have never attended
site to inspect the boiler.
The last fixed wiring check
was completed by Nurse
Electrical 27/08/2013.
18. We recommend that
quarterly descaling of
recommended outlets is
undertaken in line with the
requirements of the legionella
risk assessment. Results
should be recorded on the log
to evidence completion.
Timescale: 1 month
19. We recommend that a
member of staff completes
daily playground equipment to
ensure the equipment and
surrounding area are safe and
free of debris.
Timescale: 1 week
PAT testing is completed
annually by Wyllie
Maintenance. Last checked
Playground and gym
equipment is inspected by
Universal Services and was
last checked 14/03/2013. The
school have contacted the
Universal to arrange the 2014
check. The school do not
20. We recommend that the
spray tap in the kitchen be
regularly descaled.
Timescale: 1 month
a competent person every 1-3
months and appropriate records
Appropriate plan in place to
ensure maintenance schedules
complied with.
complete daily checks of
playground equipment.
Allianz have never attended
site to check play and gym
Fire shutter in kitchen are
serviced by Oliver Door
Systems. Last checked
There is no work equipment
on site. If anything requires
doing where tools will be used
a contractor will be bought in
to complete.
For fire escapes, means of
escape etc see fire section
above. Westronics complete
the annual fire alarm
maintenance. Last checked
Intruder alarms are checked
by Network Security & Alarms
Ltd. Last check 11/11/2014.
The SBM maintains a
Legionella file which contains
a schematic drawing of the
The school have a water
quality policy which was last
reviewed and approved
Envex completed the
legionella risk assessment
03/04/2008. No serious issues
were identified but some
recommendations were made.
Via discussion with the SBM
we found that the
recommendations are being
implemented as follows:
Weekly flushing of little used
outlets is completed by the
SBM and recorded on the log
sheet. Last completed
24/11/2014. Monthly
temperature checks are also
completed by the SBM and
recorded on the log sheet.
Last check November 2014.
Quarterly descaling had been
completed in line with the
recommendations of the risk
assessment to the required
outlets. This is recorded on
the log. Last completed March
– May 2014 and therefore
overdue for completion. The
SBM does not descale and
disinfect the spray tap in the
kitchen and this has not been
raised on the risk assessment.
Procedures in place for selection and
management of contractors
 Competence of contractors
checked prior to work
 Hazards on site brought to the
attention of contractors
 Contractors required to submit
risk assessments and method
statements prior to work
 Risk assessments and method
statements checked for
suitability prior to work
 Supervision of contractors whilst
on site e.g. permit to work
Contractor Management
Most contractors are
appointed on the basis of
recommendations from other
schools within the link group.
Where British Standards are
required this would be
checked and the membership
of the contractor to official
The SBM has completed
managing contractors training.
The majority of work is booked
for outside of school hours.
CRB is checked where
applicable. Or if urgent and in
a vulnerable area during
school time the contractor
would be supervised.
Is security appropriately managed.
 Security procedures in place
 Segregation of clients/pupils
from staff areas
 Segregation of clients/pupils
from hazardous areas/items
 Emergency arrangements
Security procedures in place.
And a lock down procedure is
included in the critical incident
plan. Now that the school
have the new fire alarm in
place a practice will be
completed in the new year to
ensure pupils recognise the
21. We recommend that the
school have in place a suitable
and sufficient lone working risk
Timescale: 3 months
See also recommendation 1
developed and understood
Staff aware of security
Lone worker procedures in
Security discussed and
Emergency contacts and
Security drills practiced if
alarm and what to do.
Staff and pupil areas are
clearly segregated with the
staff room being on the first
floor and pupil areas on the
ground floor.
Keys are held by all teaching
staff and the SBM and
Headteacher. Teaching staff
only have door keys and an
alarm code whereas the
Headteacher and SBM have a
complete set of site keys.
WBC have a list of emergency
contacts for the school. This
consists of the HT, Deputy
Headteacher and SBM. A list
is not provided to the police.
Via discussion we found that
lone working does regularly
occur. There is a policy in
place but no risk assessment.
The policy states that the staff
member should contact a
trusted friend/family member
when they arrive at site and
when they have returned
home and also that doors are
locked when lone working is
under section 6 above.
Suitable and sufficient arrangements in
place to ensure risk assessments are
completed, implemented effectively
and regularly reviewed.
 Suitable and sufficient risk
assessments in place for
relevant tasks / activities
 Risk assessments
communicated and understood
 Effectively implemented
 Reviewed to remain valid and
 Risk assessments completed for
off site activities, non routine
activities e.g. maintenance,
repairs, events etc. EVOLVE
 DSE assessment completed
 Manual handling assessments,
where relevant
 New and expectant mothers
 Young persons
 Traffic management
 Play equipment and areas
 Vulnerable persons
 List of risk assessments to
ensure reviews are completed
 Have safe systems of work
The security policy is one of
the key policies which must be
signed for when new staff start
at the school.
Risk Assessment
The SBM did complete risk
assessment training but this
was some time ago. No
refresher has been
undertaken however from
review of risk assessments on
file we found that they are of
good quality.
22. We recommend that the
school ensure risk
assessments are in place for
the following: WAH, manual
handling, DSE, Lone working
and First aid.
Timescale: 3 months
We reviewed the risk
See also recommendation 1
assessment file and found that under section 6 above.
assessments had last been
completed July 2013 and were
therefore due for review. Via
discussion with the SBM we
established this is due to be
undertaken by the SBM and
H&S governor in the new year.
The school will be allowing
teachers to complete
classroom risk assessments
based on a pro-forma
provided by the school which
is robust. Risk assessments
are filed by location and
activity. There were also some
individual assessments for
special circumstances i.e. a
been developed from risk
assessments where required
Has safety equipment been
supplied to complete tasks as
Has PPE been supplied where
Is PPE fit for purpose
pupil temporarily in a
There have been no recent
new and expectant mothers or
young persons on site.
Traffic management is not an
issue as parents park away
from site and walk their
children up the lane to school.
In respect of offsite activities
the school uses EVOLVE.
There are no risk
assessments in place in
respect of DSE and manual
Are procedures in place to manage
hazardous substances etc.
 List of any hazards substances
on site
 Manufacturers safety data
sheets (MSDS) available
 COSHH assessments match
MSDS but specific to task
 COSHH assessments suitable
and sufficient
 Communicated to relevant
The school buy back into the
WBC cleaning contract.
During our site inspection we
looked in the cleaner’s
cupboard but could not locate
the COSHH or Risk
Assessment files.
23. We recommend that the
school ensure the cleaner has
an appropriate COSHH and
Risk Assessment file. This
should be retained on site by
the cleaner and be available
for inspection by the school.
The SBM maintains the
COSHH register for the
school. There is a summary
sheet created by the SBM
Timescale: 1 month
Hazardous substances
appropriately secured and
Spill kits available
Methods for safe disposal in
showing all identified items,
their hazards and
precautionary measures.
Each chemical then has a
section within the file with the
SBM reviews the register
annually. Last dated
The school also buy back into
Evidence that stress is considered and
 Awareness of stress
 Open to discussion
 Understanding of warning signs
/ symptoms
 Stress risk assessments used
where appropriate
 Appear to understand the issue
and have an appropriate
The Headteacher has
completed stress
management training.
There is no stress
management policy however
this is incorporated into the
well being appendix of the
H&S policy (appendix 3).
The school is close knit and
therefore all staff have
someone they can talk to and
if the issue was serious this
would be passed up the line to
be dealt with. The
Headteacher is very
approachable and has an
open door policy.
Driving mini-buses or other school
owned/leased vehicles is well
managed including:
 List of persons competent to
drive vehicle
 MOT, Tax and appropriate
 Driver license checks to ensure
valid/clean license held.
 Vehicle serviced and
 Vehicle checks completed.
Has a tree survey been carried out?
 Have recommendations been
 Have the trees been inspected
regularly, where necessary?
Swimming pools well managed and
maintained, if relevant
Does the pool have a Pool Safety
Operating Procedure that consists of:
 Normal Operating Plan
There has never been a need
to complete a risk assessment
for a member of staff as
issues have been well
managed in house and have
not been of a serious nature.
Other issues
The school do not have a
There is no swimming pool on
The school buy back into the
WBC Tree Management
contract. The last tree survey
was completed July 2013 and
is undertaken biannually. The
school did request a visit to
attend to some overhanging
branches indentified by staff
and this work was completed
August 2014.
Emergency Action Plan
Changing facilities
Associated plant and
Are the chemicals used liquid or
Has the Site Manager (or
person responsible) had
adequate training
Does the school follow/have a
copy of HSG179
Unusual equipment or facilities well
managed and maintained, if relevant
Advisers to add any other issues:
Notes / Comments
Overall Health and Safety is well managed by the SBM and Headteacher. All aspects are taken seriously and good robust records and
policies are maintained.
Documentation is well organised and maintenance schedules are in place and being adhered to with only minor exceptions.
It was a pleasure to visit the school and I would like to thank the SBM and Headteacher for their time and assistance during my visit.
Total Score Possible
Total Score Achieved
82.5% Good