The Origin of Red

Super Powered
By: Blake Ochoa & Judah Clark
The Origin of Hyperstrike
I always knew I was different. Of course, I never thought it was a bad
thing. All I knew was that no one ever touched me. They never patted
me on the back or high fived me in the hallway. They avoided me like I
was the Black Plague and they were an innocent group of European
villagers, and that’s not the kind of thing you can get used to.
I wasn’t alone all the time. There was another kid who was everything
the popular ones weren’t. He was always going on about superheroes
and card games, and to top it all off, he only responded to the name Red.
Given our circumstances, Red and I became good friends. Still, no
matter what, even Red didn’t touch me. Then, high school rolled around.
In the tenth grade, a new student named John joined the district. By
the end of his first day, he had pegged me as the subject of his brutality.
He started with the usual stuff. He’d call me names and spread rumors.
Then he tried to get more physical.
After school, he ran up to me in the hallway and knocked the books out
of my hands. He and his brainless goons chuckled like obese hyenas.
Then John swung back his massive fist in the most obvious fashion and
rocketed it into my stomach. I prepared to go crashing onto the ground,
but I didn’t feel anything. I looked down to see what had happened. His
fist had hit me, but it went through me. His fist wasn’t even touching me.
His fist was in my stomach. I was intangible.
Thoughts were flying through my head. That was why they all avoided
me! Why didn’t I know this?
“Freak! FREAK!” John yelled as they turned to sprint away.
“Stop!” I yelled. I ran after them. In less than a second, I slammed into
him. He flew a few yards before falling to the ground.
So not only was I intangible, but I could run at super speed? Maybe I
was a freak!
I didn’t think I just ran. I ran so fast I was a mile away in a few seconds,
and I never turned back.
The Origin of Red
I was different. I was cut from a different fabric than all of them. I
didn’t go lift like every other thick skull within a quarter mile radius.
The only exception to that rule was a kid you may know as Hyperstrike.
He was a social outcast. He made little effort to make a name for
himself. Even though he had almost nothing in common with any other
teenager besides me, we hung out all the time. But still, he had an aura
about him that kept me from ever touching him. I had heard a lot of
rumors about him, and I had common sense, so I stayed away.
One day he was gone. He disappeared without a trace. No one really
liked him. No one except me.
Without him, I was targeted by every bully and Neanderthal on the
block. One day they surrounded me. They trapped me like a cage. I knew
I had no choice, so I put my hand on the ground and waited.
The ground rippled and shook with the force of an earthquake. They
fell to the ground as rocks rained down like hail. I hadn’t unleashed a
sheer force like that in a while. I almost felt bad for them. Almost…
Breaking Point
I ran across the track, passing Red every second or two. I could see the
stopwatch in his hand through the darkness.
After the bully incident, it was by some miracle that Red found me. I
was so far from home, even I was lost. It must have been by chance that
we, the two outcasts, both had powers beyond our imaginations.
My feet slid to a sudden stop. Smoke was rising off the rubber track. I
whipped my head around and stared at Red, waiting.
“That’s a record. Eleven second mile!” He said after a while.
I smiled at him, surprised with myself. Then there was a slow clap
echoing from the other end of the field.
“Wow. That really is impressive.” said the hidden man.
It would have been bad enough that someone saw us, but I knew that
voice. The voice I ran from. The voice of John.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
He stepped out of the shadows with a smug grin on his face. As soon as
his face was lit by the track lights, Red shot to his feet ready to fight.
“I’m here to show the world that super powers are real. I’ll just take
you to the police, call the news teams, and soon, you’ll be locked up like
zoo animals. Meanwhile, I’m a hero, and no one will know my secret.”
John answered.
“What secret? You’re just some teenage punk! You’re trash John”
“That’s Havoc to you.”
John’s smile grew brighter. He dug his hand into the track and tore up
a large chunk, dirt and all. He hurled it at me as Red jumped from the
I dove to the ground as the giant lump slammed into the stands. Dirt
and rubber flew everywhere, revealing several rows of broken seats,
smashed to oblivion.
Red’s hand darted out and Havoc began getting pushed away. He
ignored the great amounts of force and ran at my friend.
I flew across the ground and slammed a hyper speed punch into his
chest. The force should’ve at least cracked a few ribs, but he barely
stumbled enough to fall to the ground.
Havoc began to rise as Red ran at him, his hands teeming with power.
His hands slammed against John’s chest. His clothes were rippling like
crazy as he tried to push back Red’s force.
The brute’s hands reached Red’s wrists and tossed him onto the
Havoc turned towards me with a menacing smile on his face. He
hunched over so his shoulder was facing me and charged.
When he should’ve hit me, he passed right through. His head turned.
He looked furious.
“Why won’t you just take it like a man!” Havoc bellowed.
Red stumbled to his feet. I turned to him and gave him a look I knew
He’d understand. He put his hands on the ground and closed his eyes.
When I turned back, Havoc’s fists were flying upwards in a mighty
His fist went right through my head, and I grabbed his wrist.
“ I thought you had learned last time.” I mumbled.
I released his wrist and launched 30 strikes into his stomach, then
whipped around a roundhouse kick. He launched up, heading toward
Red’s hand sent a blast into the ground and the rubber track shot up
into a wall. Havoc slammed against and tumbled down.
He tried to stand but crumpled to the ground, defeated.
“Go get the cops. I’ll keep him here” I told Red.
Havoc now spends his days in a maximum security cell in a science lab
somewhere in Nevada. He said he didn’t reveal his powers because he
didn’t want to be an outcast. He didn’t want to be weird. Well he was
dead wrong, because it’s the weird ones that change the world.