acsif - IATA

Air Cargo Security Industry Forum
Member Organisations
Facts & Figures
• ACSIF was founded by its members in May 2007 in Brussels.
• The group currently has 23 members worldwide, all of them
organisations which represent a significant part of their resepective
field of activity.
• ACSIF acts globally and is actively encouraging important
organisations to participate.
• ACSIF is co-chaired by IATA and FIATA.
• The Executive Comittee (EC), which is elected by the all members,
consists of six representatives and the two chairmen. Its role is to
bring forward new ideas and concepts and make them known.
Key statements
• ACSIF supports the system of complete supply
chain security.
We think that Supply Chain Security provides adequate security
needed for air transportation and is an efficient method of deterrence.
• Required security controls should be determined by
threat and risk assessment.
All security regulations should be reasonable and well balanced
against the costs of ineffective, unnecessary rules.
• ACSIF is putting forward the One-Stop-Security Idea
Cargo that has been properly secured once should be free from any
further security screening.
Key statements
• Required Measures to secure Air Cargo should be
consistent and mutually recognised .
ACSIF‘s goal is to have harmonisation between states in regards of
processes and practices.
• The principle of mutual recognition should always be
a core objective when a new regulatory requirement
is considered.
Mutual recognition would facilitate the work of all internationally
operating Air Cargo Companies.
Key statements
• ACSIF is opposed to 100% inspection of cargo,
where "inspection" requires physical or technical
examination of each and every consignment.
Implementing 100% inspection would lead to drastic consequences for
the Air Cargo Industry and increase costs for this sector of
• Whenever possible the "storage period" should not
be used as a security control.
Storage has no detection capability and provides minimal deterrent.
• ACSIF is pushing for one set of globally accepted
Depending on the country, a single term may have different
definitions. (e.g. “screening”)
• ACSIF will promote the integrity of the secure air cargo supply chain.
Where relevant, ACSIF will identify weakness and develop and
propose solutions accordingly.
• To safeguard the system of supply chain security ACSIF members
will work with their partners to raise awareness of the security
controls applied.
• ACSIF will establish and raise awareness of the security
responsibilities of each party in the supply chain.
• ACSIF wants to add value to regulatory thinking and development
by identifying issues of importance on which it can achieve
consensus, develop such consensus and communicate these
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