Helpful Links - Purdue University

Helpful Links
MLA Style Guide
APA Documentation Guidelines
Cornell University Style Guidelines for Annotated Bibliographies
Washington College “Nuts and Bolts of Grammar and Writing”
Purdue University Online Writing Lab -- Oldest online writing help site in the country
“Grammar Slammer” -- Online review of common grammar mistakes and some style guidelines.
Comprehensive Grammar Review -- Includes exercises arranged by problem area.
Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” -- The oldest style manual still in circulation.
The American Heritage Book of English Usage -- Grammar and usage manual.
Roget’s Thesaurus Online
American Heritage Dictionary Online
Daily Grammar Lesson -- With the “Word of the Day” feature. The most useful part is the archive, which will answer any
grammar question.
The Writing Center -- A technical writing site, including information on how to write letters, memos, etc.
Silva Rhetoricae -- A beautifully done Web site devoted to the study of rhetoric.
Dartmouth College Composition Center -- Lots of good handouts and explanations.
The Literature Network -- Lots and lots and lots of literature online.
David Appleyard’s English Library -- Great nonfiction site, including some classics and some more modern stuff.