Response 1

Jenna Berrios
Foundations of HPFM
Response 1
In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey presents a principle
directed approach to becoming a more affianced and successful individual. This approach leads
to new ways to solve personal and professional issues people are faced with everyday. In the first
section of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Covey discusses and combines topics such as
personal ethic, maturity, and personal production balances which together, lead to insightful
personal and profession lifestyle changes.
The first topics discussed is the two types of ethic each individual encloses. In personality
ethic, success is seen more of a function of personality, public image, behavior and skills that
combine the processes that form human interaction. There are two paths to the personality ethic.
The two paths are human and public relation techniques and positive mental attitude.
According to Covey, personality growth, communication skill training, and education in
influence strategies and positive thinking are the main elements to the personality ethic. These
elements may be necessary in certain circumstances to reach success; however, these elements
are secondary, not primary qualities. Our human influence strategies will not solely gain success
for ourselves if our character is profoundly inconsistent. This leads to character ethic, which is
contrary to the principles and elements of the personality ethic.
Character ethic consists of things like integrity, courage, patience, temperance, justice,
modesty, simplicity, and so on. Through character ethic, it is evident that there are basic
principles of effective living. Once people integrate the basic principles behind character ethic,
they will then be able to experience true success and happiness.
The personality ethic acknowledges character as a component to success; however, it
tends to classify it as a minor component rather than find it as foundational. Since Covey
believes that the basic principles in character ethic are foundational for true happiness and
success, Covey values the character ethic above personality ethic. Covey makes a valid point that
I agree with, which is that having personality ethic will most likely work in most short-term
situations, but these secondary traits will not have permanent effect when dealing with long term
relationships. I agree with his point because I believe that what we are and how we present
ourselves is much more powerful than anything we can say or do. I believe that character is far
more important than our human relation techniques and social recognition.
Another topic discussed in Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People which
comes from the combination of character and personality ethic is the Maturity Continuum. The
Maturity Continuum discusses the internalized principles and patterns of behavior. The
continuum begins at the first stage of dependence, to independence, and lastly, interdependence.
Dependent, the first stage of the Maturity Continuum, begins during infancy when we are
completely dependable on others. During the dependent stage, we do not think or act as
individuals. We are directed and nurtured by the people we are surrounded with. The next stage
of the continuum is the independent stage. The independent stage consists of being considered
physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially independent. In the independent stage, we can
effectively take care of ourselves and become more inner-directed and self-sufficient. Lastly, the
final stage of the Maturity Continuum is becoming interdependent. In the interdependent stage,
we realize that life’s natural course and surroundings associate with our relationships with others
and human life in general.
In the Maturity Continuum, I believe that I fall in the independence category. However, I
do tend to fluctuate between independence and dependence. For example, I am physically and
mentally independent. I take time out of each day to exercise, eat nutritious meals, and take
whatever medicines I am prescribed to. My health is important to me; therefore, I make sure to
take care of myself to maintain a healthy and physically independent status.
I feel that I fluctuate in and out of the dependent stage because I depend on the strong
relationships with my family and friends to keep me emotionally stable. Without their love and
support, I am not sure I would be as physically and mentally independent as I am today. Also, I
fall in the dependent category because I am not financially stable. Although I have three jobs, I
am not financially stable enough to live on my own and pay my dues. I am dependent on my
parents to help me learn and become financially stable.
Assessing my position on the Maturity Continuum leads to the final topic of having a
P/PC balance. In the P/CP balance, P stands for the production of our most wanted results. PC
stands for our production capability, or the ability or asset that is produced. The P/PC balance
represents an organizational effectiveness in three kinds of assets. The first asset is the physical
asset. Keeping the balance makes a difference in the efficient use of our physical assets. Next,
our financial assets affect our P/PC balance. The most important financial asset to humans is our
own capacity to earn. The last asset to the P/PC balance is the human asset which is similarly
important to the other two assets; however, it is seen as more significant because people are in
control of the other two assets. At this point in my life, I would assess my P/PC balance having a
strong physical and human asset in my life because I take care of myself and those around me. I
am not completely balanced; however, because although I like to work hard and earn what I
believe I deserve, I lack a strong financial asset of my own.
In conclusion, Covey covers a wide variety of various topics in the first section of The 7
Habits of Highly Effective People which begins to develop a deeper sense of an personal
relationship a person can have with themselves in order to become more efficient and successful.