Conflict Resolution. - South Bristol GP trainers workshop

Conflict Resolution
Post Rodney King riots
Conflict is a disagreement between
interdependent people; it is the perception of
incompatible or mutually exclusive goals.
Things we care about most deeply are likely to engage
us in the greatest conflict
Conflict is natural
We can’t avoid it but we have a choice as to how we
respond to it
Think of the last time you had some conflict. How
did you deal with it and how did it feel for you?
Three important elements in any conflict
Three important elements in any conflict
1) People
Three important elements in any conflict
1) People
2) Problems
Three important elements in any conflict
1) People
2) Problems
3) Process
1) what are they feeling and thinking
2) what their needs and perceptions are
3) what they believe and value
1) what the issues between people are
2) what concrete concerns and differences will
need to be resolved
3) what issues are primary and which tangential
1) what has been occurring and how have decisions been
made to date
2) who is making the decisions and who is left out
3) how have things been communicated or not
4) how can the process best proceed to ensure safe
participation of all
Conflict transformation requires more than the
commitment of individuals to seek peace with
each other. It requires groups who respect other
groups and are willing to adjust their rules,
patterns and organisations to make space for
Speaking – Clear and truthful speech reflects respect for
both oneself and the other. Dialogical communication is
neither giving in to nor dominating the other. Dialogical
communication is bearing witness to the truth as I
understand it, listening to the truth as the other
understands it and together seeking a common truth.
Just because you have silenced me does not mean
you have changed my mind.
The mediator should not be responsible for the outcome.
People take responsibility for agreeing or not.
Tension and how we handle it
• Low tension - In each situation
ask yourself if the issue or
relationship is important to you.
If the answer is No then ignore it
e.g. road rage
• Medium tension –
communication may be difficult
(winning, proven correct,
preserving face and reputation)
– may need informal mediation.
Couple counselling – focus on
communication not content.
• High tension – formal mediation
The toughest part of conflict
transformation is transforming myself.
People in a
• Rigid, inflexible, insistent
• Protect self and hurt the
• Increased fear, anxiety and
• Fight or flight pattern
• Demeaning verbal and non
verbal communication
• Competitive and
destructive marked by
domination and
subordination patterns
People in
• Change, adjust and
• Intent to learn instead of
• Presence of empathy
• Primarily co-operative
• Increased motivation for a
positive connection with
How can you change people from a destructive
process to a constructive one?
• Collaboration
Problem Solving • Compromise
There is more than
• Forcing accommodation
one way to do it
• Avoidance
How we decide can be more
important than what we decide.
Steps to conflict
problem solving
• Make time
• Allow each person to talk and
make sure everyone is
• Identify the issues creating
• Work together one issue at a
• Identify options and choose
the best
• Be committed to work
together and have respect for
each other and yourself.
What about conflict
between GP trainers
and deanery or
trainers and their
Who can help
facilitate conflict
resolution locally?
Community Health?
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.