Math Student Contract- 6th Grade - Mater Academy Lakes High School

6th Grade Mathematics
Learning Contract
Mrs. Lyons
The following information is provided to you in order to ensure your success in your mathematics class. Please
read carefully. You will be held accountable for this information. You must maintain your Math Accordion as
directed below and you must bring your Math Accordion to class every day you have math class.
Supplies Required
Each student must have the following supplies. These supplies
must be brought to class every day you have math class.
1. Accordion folder with 3 dividers/sections labeled:
a. VIP (very important papers)
b. Classwork/Homework
c. Notes/POD (problem of the day)
2. Mechanical pencils (with good erasers)
3. Red pens (2)
4. Lined Paper
5. Index cards
6. 2 composition notebooks
7. Scissors
8. Colored pencils/crayons/markers
9. Glue stick
10. Highlighters (at least two different colors)
***Pencil pouch to keep all of these supplies***
Interactive Notebook Format (composition notebook #1)
Students will maintain an interactive notebook that will be checked periodically for a grade. The
students will be given the option to leave their notebooks in the classroom, and will be taken home only if
needed for homework or when a test is approaching and I have given the students permission to take their
notebooks home. Notebooks must be returned into their respective location the day of a test; which will also be
the day for notebook checks. Interactive Notebooks should be organized in the format described below.
 The cover of the Interactive Notebook should have the student’s name and class period on
the center of the cover.
Page Numbering
 All pages should be numbered from 1-100 (back and front) on the bottom outside corner in
black pen.
Table of Contents
 Pages 2-3 of the Interactive Notebook should be titled “Table of Contents”. Students will be
responsible for writing the notes title, notes number and page number in the table of contents
at the beginning of every class period.
Page Set-up
 Date:
- Top, right corner of the page.
 Title of Notes:
- First line of the page, centered.
 Notes number:
- Top, left corner of the page.
- Word is highlighted or underlined
- Word and definition are to be included.
- Begins after vocabulary.
Foldables/Additional Resources:
- Foldables will be glued/stapled on page to the left.
- Vocabulary and notes will be written on the page to the right
- They must remain attached to the notebook.
POD Format (composition notebook #2)
 The cover of the POD Notebook should have the student’s name and class period on the
center of the cover.
- As you enter the classroom you are to immediately work on the P.O.D. The P.O.D.
(problem of the day) is to be worked out in your P.O.D. composition notebook
(beginning with the first page). The top of each page is to have the date then the
P.O.D.'s important information listed, and the answer (worked out or explained).
P.O.D.'s will be randomly collected and checked for a grade. POD’s MUST be
Homework/Math XL
All Homework needs to be completed on the MathXL website, You will
need to register and sign up for the course using the following access code ____________________ based on
your class period. It is your responsibility to keep up
with all due dates. No extensions will be given once the deadline date has passed. Homework will be posted on
the website.
All classwork is to be done on a separate sheet of paper showing all of your work/explanation or on the
class work handout provided showing all of your work (answers with no work/explanation will not be given
credit). A proper heading is required which includes
 Name
 Date
 Period
 Class/Assignment (page number and problem numbers)
Points will be deducted if the heading is not correct or missing. Any work without a name will not be given
credit. To receive full credit for your class work, all problems must be attempted and work must be shown. Any
class work assignment you received a 69/D or lower in, you may redo and resubmit for a higher grade. To redo
an assignment you must work out each problem you got wrong on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to the
front of the original assignment. The redos need to be titled redo and then turned in again in order to receive
credit (highest grade is 80%). Redos can be turned in up until the TEST day, when the material is being
Grading Assignments
Grades will be posted on the electronic grade book as given. Any classwork that received a 69%(D) or
lower may be re-done for a higher grade. The re-done assignment should contain a proper heading and “Re-do”
at the top of the page. It should also be stapled to the original assignment.
 Grade Calculation
- Tests: 30%
- Quizzes: 20%
- Classwork: 20%
- Homework: 20%
- Notebook/P.O.D. Check: 10%
- Projects will count as either a test or quiz grade.
Grading Scale
- 100………….A+
- 99-90………..A
- 89-80………..B
- 79-70………..C
- 69-60………..D
- 59-0…………F
All absences are unexcused until a note is brought to the office. If a student is absent, he/she has two
days for every missed day to turn in all missing homework and classwork, and catch up on notes ONLY after an
excused absence pass is brought from the office. It is the responsibility of the student to ask for the missing
assignment and to complete all missing assignments.
For participation and great behavior tickets are given (1 extra credit point is given per ticket on
any homework or classwork); if 15 tickets are collected your lowest homework or classwork
grade will be bumped up to a 100.
Adding on to the class Word Wall Web creatively using vocabulary words or real world
examples (2 tickets are given for index cards (word, definition, example, color and 3-4 tickets are
given for foldables)
For receiving an “A” on a test a certificate will be posted in the classroom and a homework pass
will be given; for the second half of the school year advanced students will have to receive a
100/A+ to receive the homework pass.
Four hall passes will be given at the beginning of each grading period. At the end of the grading
period, if none of the passes are used, 60 points will be added to the lowest classwork or
homework grade. If only one pass is used, 30 points will be added to the lowest classwork or
homework grade. No points will be added for three or four passes used and there will be
consequences if a student needs to leave the classroom and has used all of his/her hall passes.
Behavior and Consequences
Students must always show respect to their teacher, their peers, and themselves at all times. A warning
will be given if classroom rules (respect, responsibility, honesty) are broken. If the problem persists a Respect,
Responsibly or Honesty Paper will be assignment for the student to complete, get signed by their parents, and
return to teacher by 8:30 am the following day. If the assignment is not completed or the problem continues to
be an issue a detention will be issued.
 Chewing gum, the use of an electronic device, and excessive discipline problems will result in a
 If there is any form of cheating, a “0” will be given for the assignment. This includes looking at
another student’s paper, copying answers from another student, and in the case of allowing
another student to copy homework; both students will receive a “0”.
 Discipline Procedures
1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Warning
3. Detention
4. Phone Call Home/Conference
5. Referral
Extra Help
Students seeking extra help may attend tutoring provided by the Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society.
Please see Mr. Lorenzo in Room 224 to verify dates and times. Student may also come see me in the morning
from 7:30 -8:00 or after school from 3:30-3:45; it is imperative that you let me know if you are coming in the
morning so that I may give you a pass to enter the portables.
 Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns at I will
respond to all emails within 24 hours.
 All homework, announcements and helpful material will be posted on the school website at
I have read and understand all of the information in this packet. I understand the requirements for the
Interactive Notebook, and that it must be maintained according to the standards described above. I
understand that all assigned work is required and that respect must be demonstrated to maintain a
healthy learning environment for my peers, my teacher, and myself. I will try my best and adhere to
these requirements so that I may have a successful year in mathematics.
Student Signature: ___________________________________
Date: _______________
Period: _____________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ______________