
Learning Objectives
Overview of Federal and state firearm
and gun laws
Specific knowledge on hunting rules
Why do we have game laws:
To ensure a fair share of game for everyone.
To protect the game.
To ensure the safety and welfare of people and
Federal Laws
Federal Firearm Statutes Gun Control Act 1968
(several major points of the law)
Age: You cannot purchase a firearm or ammunition under
the age of 18, nor handguns or handgun ammunition
under the age of 21.
The following persons cannot send, sell, buy, or get firearms
or ammunition under any circumstances:
A fugitive from justice.
An unlawful user of marijuana or narcotics.
Anyone who has been adjudicated a mental deficient or
committed to a mental institution.
Any person who is a convicted felon.
Any person who has been discharged from the armed
services under dishonorable conditions.
Anyone having their citizenship revoked or having
renounced their citizenship.
An alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States.
Persons subject to a court order that restrains such
persons from harassing, stalking, or threatening an
intimate partner.
Any person who has been convicted in any court of a
misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
Florida Laws and Regulations on Firearms and the Taking
of Wildlife:
The term gun means a shotgun, rifle, pistol, revolver, air
gun, gas gun, blowgun, or any device mechanically
propelling an arrow, spear, or other projectile. Crossbow or
bow and arrow shall be included in the meaning of the term
gun. (FAC 68A-1.004)
The term firearm means any weapon, including a starter
gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be
converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.
(FS 790.001(6)
The term muzzleloading gun means a firearm
using black powder as the propellant or a
nonnitrocellulose substitute and fired by
wheellock, flintlock, or percussion cap
ignition and which is not adaptable to the use
of any self contained cartridge ammunition.
(FAC 68A-1.004)
Prohibited Shooting:
(FS 790.11): Carrying firearms in national
forests is prohibited. Except during the
hunting season as established by law, no
person shall carry on or about his person, or
any vehicle in which such a person may be
riding, or on any animal which such a person
may be using within the limits of the national
forest area within the State, any gun or firearm
of any description whatever.
(FS 790.15): Any person who discharges
firearms in any public place or on any paved
public road, highway or street, or whosoever
knowingly discharges any firearms over any
paved public road, highway or street or
occupied premises, shall be guilty of a
Voluntary authorized hunter identification program:
 Under this program, landowners wanting to
participate notify the local Sheriff's Office and the
FWC, and provide written authorization to hunters
who may utilize their property. Anyone found on
property enrolled in this program without written
authorization from the landowner may be charged
with trespass. Additionally, this law expands criminal
trespass to include the propelling of potentially lethal
projectiles over or across private property without
authorization. This is intended to protect wildlife and
livestock on private property.
FWC Rule 68A-4.008 Taking Wildlife on
Roads and Rights-of-Way Prohibited:
It is unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife
on, upon, or from the right-of-way of any
federal, state, or county- maintained road whether paved or otherwise. Taking or
attempting to take wildlife under these
conditions is prohibited by law (except for the
collection of amphibians or reptiles without the
use of a gun).
(FS 810.09): Trespass on property other than a
structure or conveyance. Whoever, without being
authorized, licensed, or invited, willfully enters upon
or remains on any property... to which notice against
entering or remaining is given either by actual
communication to the offender or by posting, fencing,
or cultivation ... commits the offense of trespass on
property other than a structure or conveyance. This
trespass is a misdemeanor. If the offender is armed
with a firearm or gun during the commission of this
offense, he/she is guilty of a felony.
Any person who in taking or attempting to take, kill,
or endanger any animal, and knowingly propels or
causes to be propelled any potentially lethal projectile
over or across private land without authorization,
commits trespass, which is a felony. For purposes of
this paragraph, the term" potentially lethal projectile”
includes any projectile launched from any firearm,
bow, crossbow, or similar tensile device. This section
shall not apply to any governmental agent or
employee acting within the scope of his or her official
(FS 403.413) Florida Litter Law: It shall be unlawful for
any person to throw, discard, place, or deposit litter in any
manner or amount whatsoever in or on any Public
highway, road, street, alley, thoroughfare, or any other
public lands, except in containers or areas lawfully
provided therefore. It shall be unlawful for any person to
throw, discard, place, or deposit any garbage, cans, bottles,
or containers, in or on any fresh water lakes, rivers,
streams, or tidal or coastal waters of the state. In addition,
it shall be unlawful for any person to throw, discard, place,
or deposit litter in any manner or amount whatsoever on
any private property, unless prior consent of the owner has
been given. This statute carries the punishment of a
(Florida Statute 790.17): Whoever sells or
gives any minor under eighteen years of age
any pistol or firearm, (other than an ordinary
pocket knife), without permission of the parent
of such minor shall be guilty of a
(Florida Statute 790 22): (1) The use for any purpose
whatsoever of BB guns, air or gas operated guns or a
firearm (as defined by this act), by any child under the
age of sixteen years is prohibited unless such use is
under the supervision and in the presence of an adult regardless of the child’s experience or knowledge of
safe gun handling techniques. (2) Any adult
responsible for a child who knowingly permits such
child to use or have a firearm as described herein shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Florida Statute 372.99): The displaying or use
of a light in a place where deer might be
found, and in a manner capable of disclosing
the presence of deer, together with the
possession of firearms or other weapons
customarily used for the taking of deer
between one (1) hour after sunset and one (1)
hour before sunrise, shall be prima facie
evidence of an intent to violate the provisions
of this sub-section one which carries the
punishment of a misdemeanor.
Additional Information:
Additional wildlife laws and rules in the
hunting handbook will be discussed at this
point. It is important that you have a basic
understanding of what is expected of you
while hunting in Florida, and where to find
the information that follows:
Resident game birds and migratory game
birds – US Fish & Wildlife Service Jurisdiction.
Daily bag limit and possession limit defined.
Florida’s three management zones.
Hunting license, stamps and permits:
a. When are they required
b. Exemptions
Hunter Safety requirements.
Legal methods for taking game:
a. Native species
b. Upland game birds
c. Migratory game birds and three
shell law
Prohibited methods – center fire, semiautomatic rifle magazine capacity.
Wild hogs as legal game.
Shooting hours:
a. Native species
b Upland game birds
c. Game birds
Hunter Orange requirement.
a Hunting dogs
b. Bird dogs
c. Deer dogs
d. Chasing fox
Hunting over bait – Established and
maintained feeder
Sex evidence of turkey and deer.
Regular quota hunt permits and exemptions.
Special quota hunt permits and exemptions.
What is a “legal deer”?
a. Define
b. License requirement
c. Use of Steel leg hold traps
Wildlife Alert program.
Tagging and transporting of game.
What firearms you may hunt with during the
General Gun Season in Florida.
Regional-specific areas of concern.
Any questions that pertain to this class
of instruction. I will be available during
the break to answer any other questions.