Target Market Survey Rubric

Innovation Lab: Market Research Rubric
Expectation: Create a market research survey for your product or service idea.
Your survey should include at least 10 different questions. The information you collect should help you
understand what your target market audience (the type of person who will use your product/service) feel about
the problem and potential solution ideas you came up with. Is this actually a problem for other people? Your
questions should determine the need of your possible product or service. All of your questions must be easy to
understand and include appropriate and applicable answer options for the information you are collecting in that
question!! You must have at least 10 different people complete your survey.
You will need to gather the data from your survey, and present the information you gathered to the class. During
your presentation you must explain how the information you gathered has benefited you, and how you will use this
information going forward. You will turn in a PRINTED copy of your data and the questions included on your
survey to Ms. Gestner.
You must include the following information within survey questions:
Ask demographic information (age, gender, interest/use of the product or service you are researching.)
This will help you determine whether or not the person who took your survey is actually in your target
Knowledge or frequency of use with the product or service you are researching (How often do you
use ___________? What are some problems you experience with ________? How often do you experience (fill in
problem options)?) This will also help you determine whether or not the problem you experience is
something that other people experience as well.
Ask for suggestions or examples of how this person has tried to fix the problem (or feedback about other
products that solve the problem) This can help you think of more ideas for your design/innovation or
confirm the ideas you had.
Get feedback about cost (Find out how much someone would be willing to spend on a product that solved
the problem you are proposing) This will help you identify your budget for manufacturing and profit.
Get suggestions for materials, design styles, color options, etc. (What is your favorite color? What is the
most important thing you look for in the design of ________?) If you already have some ideas for what you
want your prototype to look like, asking your target market audience to help you choose materials or colors
for your design will save you some time and guessing. You could even get some feedback about what they
think about existing competitor designs (and what they would like to see instead!)
- Student created a survey that had
at least 10 thoughtful and applicable
- Questions addressed specific
product or service solution.
- Survey was taken by at least 10
different people in the product or
service’s target market.
- Questions addressed information
on outline (above)
- Survey questions and answers were
applicable and made sense.
- Student provided accurate, easy-toread data and a copy or link to
questions included on or before the
due date.
- Student explained how he/she
reflected on and will use the data to
create a relevant product/service.
- Student created a survey that had 69 questions.
- Questions addressed specific
product or service solution.
- Survey was taken by 5-9 different
people in the product or service’s
target market.
- Questions addressed most of the
information on outline (above)
- Most survey questions and answers
were applicable and made sense.
- Student created a survey that had
less than 6 questions.
- Questions did not address specific
product or service solution.
- Survey was taken by 1-4 different
- Few questions addressed
information on outline (above)
- Many survey questions and
answers were not applicable and/or
did not make sense.
- Student provided some data and a
copy or link to most questions
included on or before the due date.
- Student somewhat explained how
he/she will use the data to create a
relevant product/service.
- Student provided little or no data/
copy or link to questions included
on or before the due date.
- Student did not reflect upon how
he/she will use the data to create a
relevant product/service.