Trigonometry in Physics

Trigonometry in Physics
Mini Cast, Dallas/Ft-Worth
Room D216, Session 4, 1:00-2:00
Trigonometry in Physics
Kevin Roberts, Physics, Argyle High School
Clay Stanfield, Physics, Richardson High School
Trigonometry in Physics
In physics we use trigonometry for a variety of tasks:
Measuring and estimating distances
Vector problems where X and Y components are separated
Projectiles at angles, forces at angles, hanging objects,
inclined planes and free-body diagrams, collisions in 2 D
Trigonometry in Physics
Students learn about Sine, Cosecant (Sin-1), Cosine, Secant (Cos-1),
Tangent and Cotangent (Tan-1) in math class. It is briefly
introduced in geometry class, and is then extensively worked with
in pre-calculus class usually midway through the year.
There are many students that simply cannot relate the
mathematical functions to the real world applications that present
themselves in physics class.
Trigonometry in Physics
We can minimize the “trauma” on the students by pre-teaching the
implementation of these functions, before we need them in physics class.
We suggest 3 activities from (NSF National Science Digital Library)
Trig River grades 8-
Trigonometry via Handheld device grade 11
Trigonometry via Mobile Device grade 11
Trigonometry in Physics
Trigonometry lab in class:
Hands-on Activity: Trigonometry via Mobile Device
Students investigate the relationships between angles and side lengths in right triangles with
the help of materials found in the classroom and a mobile device. Using all or part of a meter
stick or dowel and text books or other supplies, students build right triangles and measure
the angles using a clinometer application on an Android® (phone or tablet) or iOS® device
(iPhone® or iPad®). Then they are challenged to create a triangle with a given side length
and one angle. The electronic device is used to measure the accuracy of their constructions.
Trigonometry in Physics
Follow Up Project:
Measure heights of objects around school or house:
Trigonometry in Physics
Trigonometry in Physics
Hands-on Activities
We have a few activities to help students practice measuring angles (some
struggle to use a protractor) and then finding vector components and vector
Spring Scales and a hanging mass
This activity comes from the Principles of Technology
curriculum. You can vary the angles and mass for a
variety of resultant vectors.
Collisions in 2D
This little apparatus is from Flinn Scientific.
One marble rolls of the ramp and collides at an angle with
the second marble.
Using carbon paper to track landing spots, and a
protractor and meter stick we can break some vectors
into components and get a resultant.
We Value Your
Trigonometry in Physics
Thank You!
Session ID: 78