
Week 10 – 10/20 to 10/27/2014
Monday – Discussed Emerson’s “Nature” piece - connect his transparent eyeball to the essence of
transcendentalism, defined with examples antecedent and syllogism. Took a multiple choice practice on
“Nature” and discussed the answers. H.W. Read Joyce Carol Oates “Against Nature” in your NORTON
reader and bring your NORTON reader to class tomorrow.
Tuesday – Introduction to the Argument essay – see my powerpoint presentation link. Introduction to
They Say/I Say format – practice using this format with Oates “Against Nature”. H.W. Take a deeper
look at Oates “Against Nature” by responding to these questions –
1.What is the purpose of the list that begins the essay? What rhetorical strategy is used here?
2.What is ironic about the lengthy first sentence on pg. 622? What is the effect of the "usual" at the
end of that sentence?
3.What is the purpose and likely effect of the three childhood memories Oates shares on pg. 623 (para
18-20)? How do her memories compare with yours?
4.In paragraph 22 - top of pg. 624 - Look at the sentence that begins "Nature has no instructions . . . "
What is her tone here? Do you agree with what she says?
5.What does Oates imply about Nature in her references to Nietzsche, William Butler Yeats, and Wallace
Stevens (pg.626)?
6.Oates concludes with a reference to "harbingers . . .of spring" pg. 627 paragraph 45 what is the likely
effect of her conclusion on the reader?
7.The sources Oates quotes are primarily other creative writers. What is her purpose on relying mostly
on this type of source? Would her argument have been more effective if she had used a wider variety of
Wednesday - Continue practice with the argument essay – Conformity prompt – break down the
prompt, brainstorm evidence, complete they say/I say etc. Discuss Oates as needed. H.W. Read Mary
Oliver’s “Owls” – treat this like an in class essay – create your thesis basis on the prompt given, discuss
the rhetorical strategies she uses, connect all the strategies/evidence back to the prompt. Minimum
one page
Thursday – In class essay on the Drabble Prompt – you may use your notes from Wednesday to help
you. H.W. Imagine yourself at the table with Emerson, Oates, and Oliver discussing nature. Create a
conversation that reflects what each one would say – be creative here you don’t need to quote them
but stay true to their ideas – have them interact by having the conversation go back and forth between
speakers. Set this up as dialogue – like you would see in a play for example. 1 page minimum
Friday – Peer edit/grade Conformity essays. Discuss the current events assignment due on Mondays for
the rest of the quarter (assignment requirements will be posted on my webpage)