Design and material culture Capita Selecta 500

Blended learning
Marjan Groot
Universiteit Leiden
Chair BA Art History and MA Arts and Culture
Pilot: for four courses in BA1
A Introduction to Architecture, basic lecture course
level 100 (has priority until December 2012)
B Design and material culture Capita Selecta 500present, basic lecture course level 100
C Introduction to World Art Studies, lecture course
with theory component, level 200
D Representation: culture and meaning, course with a
mixture of lectures and assignments, level 200
A Introduction to Architecture: bad course results, circa 75% of
the students fail to pass the exam
B Design and material culture Capita Selecta 500-present: has
no problems and had a small pool of questions available to tryout several types of questions in Blackboard
A+B: are similar in structure and exams always had image-questions and essay-questions
C Introduction to World Art Studies: bad course results
(although not as bad as A and end results were significantly
better after the second exam three months later).
D Representation: culture and meaning: joint course with
literary studies, evaluations are not so good. Has been reorganized with a new coursebook and we expect it to be better
evaluated this year. Yet some blended learning may support
the course.
NB: two years ago all courses were re-organized around a minimum of two exams instead of one
final exam at the end of the course.
• Question pool: number of questions for the
exam x 5-8 (better even: x 10, more choice).
• In this pool: different types of questions with
varying grade points. A student assistent
‘translates’ the questions into the BB format
• handout 1 Question types
• handout 2 Question matrix for course B
• handout 3 Question in BB format
• NB: once there is a Q-pool, blackboard can
make new exams from it with various types and
numbers of questions
Pilot in BA1 Art History program
• not yet blended enough
• we decided to first develop digital exams via BB of
modest blend and for more courses at the same time;
we believe we can work out the blended element easy
enough once we get to know the principle and
possibilities (NB: staff must be interested and not
many teachers want to invest time in new things)
• From a large mid-term exam in BB with a variation of
types of questions we can extract shorter exams or
assignments of two or three questions after one or two
lectures (= a better blend)
Exam for practicing
Design and material culture capita selecta 500-present
BA1, see the handouts
This example represents part 1 of the exam.
The exam has 10 questions and makes up 50% of the final grade.
Total of points = 100, number of points are given with each question.
The exam covers the following course material:
1) John Heskett, Design. A Very Short Introduction, Chapters 1 and 2
2) Summaries of Lectures 1-7 in the course reader
3) Images of Lectures 1-7 as powerpoint files
4) Texts and illustrations in the reader on
- techniques of crafts
- ornament and design
Q 1 (15 points)
John Heskett gives the following definition of
Design (p. 5)
‘the human capacity to shape and make our
environment in ways without precedent in nature,
to serve our needs and give meaning to our lives.’
Q: Discuss three elements of design from lectures
1 t/m 7 which support and illustrate this definition.
Q 2 (5 points):
The most important
technique used in this
artefact is called:
a) Niëllo
b) Email champlevé
c) Email cloisonné
d) Glyptic
Q 3 (10 points): Explain the concept narrativity with regard to this series of tapestries.
Include in your answer a definition of ‘narrativity’.
NB: course aims are important
- Which facts, things, do I want the students to learn and know after this course?
- which principles do I want the students to understand after this course?
- which theoretical concepts do I want the students to be able to apply themselves
after this course?
- Etc.
BA1 course: students need to get basic visual understanding of and historical insight
in design history
But: questions that BB makes possible also give feedback upon the way you (as the
teacher) structure your course and help you to rethink your course to increase the
effect of learning
Q 4 (10 points): a) Which ornament is depicted?
b) Where does the term of the ornament come from?
Nikolaus Pfaff, Chalice with lid of rhinoceros horn
and on the lid the tusk of a tiger-swine,
Guilded silver mounting with maskeron-head,
Prague, 1611, h. 49.7 cm.
Q 5 (10 points)
This object symbolizes and represents:
a) A combination of nature and art
b) A succesful hunting party
c) A long and happy marriage
d) A religious ritual
Q 6 (10 points)
This image is:
a) a painting
b) a fresco
c) a cartoon for a tapestry
d) a design drawing
Q 7 (15 points)
Explain who Paulus van Vianen was and
what his profession was.
Q 8 (5 points): This Cabinet from Hôtel Colbert de Villacerf must be dated:
a) circa 1450; b) circa 1800; c) circa 1650; d) 1700
Q 9 (5 points): In art historical literature, this anatomical theatre
(1600) is sees as source of inspiration for:
a) The Auricular style in silver and gold; b) the Baroque in interior design
Q 10 (15 points)
• Explain the difference between primary
sources and literature when you want to do
research after Design and material culture
• Mention three different sources that have
been discussed in lectures 1-7
Blended learning
• mix of various types of assignments and questions in 1 course
in order to keep students actively engaged during the course
and to stimulate them to work
• works with the course via blackboard
• many options for types of questions and assignments
• Teacher works with types of questions (s)he finds most suitable
• Blackboard can correct an exam with closed questions and for
a course that is taught each year → less work for the teacher
• Closed questions give course statistics; these show whether
questions are well formulated and give the teacher feedback on
the exam
• Etcetera…
A number of short assignments before the final exam, e.g. two
or three questions that students prepare or make before or after
the lecture, with feedback during the lectures
Practices in BB without feedback in the lectures to see if
students understand the lectures
Step for step assignments: students make small assignments
and can only go to the next assignment after they have
succesfully made the first
can be made online, also with an online lecture
It is hard to crib or copy answers because questions are given
at random and in a different order for each student
BB can give feedback on the answers
a discussion board option for answers
short films can be uploaded for an assignment
• Is the course that has priority now; other
three will follow this one